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Everything posted by Kav

  1. You go and read the reports on Directs and compare them to the reports on conferences. The conference reports shed the info in a more positive light because they talk about the atmosphere, the buzz they feel whilst say waiting for it to start, the cheering and applause in the audience etc. The general public will read these reports and be influenced by them. It's this influence that is needed, how do you not understand that?!
  2. It's not just dev time, it's the costs of the port itself. If the hardware is bastly different from the other consoles then devs will have to fork out money for another team to do the porting as well as retooling etc... that's the bigger cost.
  3. If the console architechture is similar, I reckon 3rd Parties would port even if the NX didn't use discs. The problem is the cost of porting the games, not the format they use and the extra production costs there... especially if it's one cartridge works on home console and portable.
  4. I'd be happy, if prior to E3, we see the console and controller, we are told about what it is and what it will do. Why it is needed and what the OS is like. What it's capability is and why third parties will be making games for it. Show off one game to show it's relevance and then at E3 just hit us with a slew of games, release date and pricing.
  5. I couldn't agree more. The only thing that worries me is Nintendo themselves, this generation was very much a generation of missed opportunity... I just hope they don't repeat their mistakes.
  6. But as discussed, it IS different, because people do view them differently. That it's "in their heads" is proof alone. Mindset is a huge thing Serebii, it's one of the biggest reasons Nintendo home consoles don't sell anymore.
  7. I reckon they'll announce some details in March with a Direct of sorts... in time for a rise in share price for the end of the fiscal year meetings/reports etc. with the full blowout at E3.
  8. I think I'm the only person in the world that thinks FFVII is turd. ...only because I hate turn-based games though. I appreciate it's a brilliant game, but it's not for me.
  9. Comparisons to Destiny isn't a good thing in my mind. Also, I tend to find that Ubisoft games over-promise and under-deliver. I'm not sold on it as it stands.
  10. I've still not really started any of these (played about 30 mins on Bloodborne and couldn't be arsed carrying on)... I just can't be arsed playing a game that you'd get invested in. I'd rather just pick up and play in short bursts without having to think these days, which is why I've found myself playing CoD again. I was so hyped for The Witcher... so so hyped... and then all of a sudden, this time last year, I just couldn't be arsed gaming and I've not got back into it still. I can't even imagine wanting to start it at the moment. I absolutely cannot be arsed at all!
  11. Whereas I agree with this point completely, I would like to see Streetpassing on mobile because I don't taken 3DS anywhere anyway as I don't think it's portable enough (not a nice enough fit for the pocket, it's just a little too big).
  12. @lostmario having started the thread, have you any predictions on it at all? @Blade, @Zechs Merquise, @Serebii, @Ronnie, @Sheikah would you guys have any thoughts or predictions as to the above? I'd love to know what your thoughts were towards it all.
  13. As per the NX Prediction thread, I think they'll do the controller we saw on that patent in the NX Discussion Thread (with a couple minor adjustments)... http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1788842&postcount=1138 These aren't in scale with each other... The Pad: Clickable analogue sticks. The shoulder buttons are set up like the Pro Controller, so there's 4 buttons but no analogue triggers unfortunately. No + or - buttons, just the "home" button (labelled "Nintendo" here). It'll have gyro, NFC, a USB charge slot and microphone jack. The Portable: Similar size to the New 3DS XL, but not clamshell in design. Two Circle pads as opposed to analogue sticks but they will be clickable (they'll depress slightly). The shoulder buttons will be set up like they are on the New 3DS XL as opposed to the Home controller, so still 4 buttons. Touch interface like the Home controller. Card slot for the games on the top, headphone jack on the bottom, NFC and speakers. Will have gyro too of course. They will both be 3D, multi-touch touch-screen and both consoles will be compatible with each other in some respects (save data, profiles, cross-platform play on some games etc)... Portable can be used as Home console controller which is why I've included it here.
  14. Well I'll try refrain from moaning too much about voice-chat. Sorry that I do. Anyhoo, I've posted my prediction on the NX in the prediction thread. I'm actually now looking forward to seeing how it all pans out. It really does feel like make or break for Nintendo!
  15. I think the predictions for both home and handheld consoles with a bundle for both is a good shout. So based on this, I'll make a prediction. Name: Nintendo Home & Nintendo Portable Graphical capability: Home console - PS4 level, Portable - Vita/WiiU level Controller style: Home - I think they'll do the controller we saw on that patent in the NX Discussion Thread (with a couple minor adjustments)... http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1788842&postcount=1138 These aren't in scale with each other... The Pad: Clickable analogue sticks. The shoulder buttons are set up like the Pro Controller, so there's 4 buttons but no analogue triggers unfortunately. No + or - buttons, just the "home" button (labelled "Nintendo" here). It'll have gyro, NFC, speakers, a USB charge slot and microphone jack. The Portable: Similar size to the New 3DS XL, but not clamshell in design. Two Circle pads as opposed to analogue sticks but they will be clickable (they'll depress slightly). The shoulder buttons will be set up like they are on the New 3DS XL as opposed to the Home controller, so still 4 buttons. Touch interface like the Home controller. Card slot for the games on the top, headphone jack on the bottom, NFC and speakers. Will have gyro too of course. The gimmick: 3D, multi-touch touch-screen and both consoles will be compatible with each other in some respects (save data, profiles, cross-platform play on some games etc)... Portable can be used as Home console controller. The handheld games work on the home console, most console games work on handheld, but they scale. Some home console games will be only home console as they're too big, or certain features/game modes will be missing when playing on the portable. Hard drive size: 500gb Launch lineup: A 3D Mario (Galaxy successor), Retro's game, Pikmin 4, Zelda WiiU port, Amiibo game, a Nintendogs type game, a Brain Age type game, a F2P game and a decent Virtual Console. No. of Bundles available at launch: 3; Home & Portable bundle, Home console, Portable console. Price: Home - £249.99, Portable - £149.99, Both - £349.99 If they're not aggressive enough with the pricing it'll not do well. They'll sell at a loss and make their money on games. Release date: Nov 2016
  16. Gaming with friends has always been king!
  17. I can't comprehend how some people don't want to talk to their friends whilst gaming online.
  18. I'd honestly say Nintendo have either not moved forward an inch or actually gone backwards online this generation. Case in point is that in Mario Kart Wii you could form a party in the game and then search for games as a group. You can't do this in MK8.
  19. Sounds more like a nightmare, haha. I agree with this, although I still don't bother with Miiverse either. Not fussed about these options myself.
  20. I'd rather The WiiU have all the online feäures and be on par with the other systems like Reggie said it would prior to it's release. I'd not moan if he didn't blatantly bullshit us all.
  21. Sorry @Serebii, you can say until you're blue in the face that Nintendo are practically where they need to be regarding online but you're so beyond wrong it's actually hilarious!
  22. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Not even going to bother dissecting everything wrong with this... of which there is plenty!
  23. Not much of an explanation there. How is it an "additional" feature and not a feature that is a part of the infrastructure?
  24. Surely online features are a part of the infrastructure, seeing how it's the infrastructure that enables said features?! Forming a party and having party chat is inherently part of the infrastructure... no?
  25. I can't go doing the exact same thing with a different girl, that's wrong man! Also... one fucking video with ducklings in it and it fucking haunts me! Git! Hahaha Haha! Thankfully, yes.
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