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Everything posted by D_prOdigy

  1. I rather adore the style. My only gripe is that those Matrix-style slow-mo impacts seem to become quite intrusive after a while. For a Wii game that's also on PS2 though, I think it looks great.
  2. My school was closed due to the NUT strike. Bit of a bummer really: I could have preferably done with the study time.
  3. On the flip side, I played Golden Sun earlier for the first time in years, and considering it is a 2001, early Game Boy Advance title, I was amazed at how beautiful it looks compared to handheld games of today. It puts most DS games to shame, that's for sure.
  5. Amazing Story: The Journey of the Who 12/10 Best. Band. With. A. Man. Called. Roger. In. It. Ever.
  6. Come quietly to the camp. You'd look nice as a drawstring lamp.
  7. Korn - Freak on a Leash sticks in my mind for uniquness at least. There's loads more better ones in my head though, just locked away somewhere until I remember them.
  8. I think I can safely speak for everyone hear when I say that someone from High Voltage has read my mind and made a game for me.
  9. I think Sir Alan made a big mistake. When he "bollocked" at Claire and told her to go back to the house, she had reason only to be smug, when I bet Mr Sugar thought he'd punished her. She definately should have been fired, merely for lack of effort in the task. Oh, and as with Syed and Tre in previous series, I've changed my mind about Raef now: He pwns serious ass. Raef ftw.
  10. Guns are a dirty business. People just aren't chivilrous with them. If I had my way, we'd all have swords. Seriously.
  11. I had a rather memorable one a few years ago, I was in my living room with Saturos and Menardi from Golden Sun, so decided it would be cool to try and defeat them, but in a telekinesis match. The set up was: one of them would stand at one end of the room, me at the other. The mini air-freshener was in the centre and we had to try and pull it towards us. I think Saturos won the first easily, but I really tried my best against Menardi ajnd eventually triumphed. Of, course I knew it couldn't possibly be real, so I decided to make the most out of my imagination... and it was mega kickass while it lasted.
  12. Memento - takes a little patience, but it's so innovative. A true triumph in storytelling. 9.5/10
  13. Wind Waker, GRID, Crysis and Galxy all spring to mind for their own, seperate reasons. But without doubt, just for no-frills and sheer boldness on the developers part: DEFCON deserves a mention.
  14. Pedro, why post a new thread about a game just to be cynical about it? Show a little faith! :P
  15. I'll admit that I was incredibly skeptical of this game when it was first announced, even cynical, and moreso when it was confirmed there would be a PS2 version. But flicking through the latest ONM, I saw that those beautiful screenshots that were first leaked seem to actually be from the Wii game. Now, as long as ONM weren't just getting overexcited (God knows they have done in the past) and providing SEGA aren't doing an EA and artificially sprucing up their stills, I can safely say that Unleased looks like a kickass game. For the time being though, I'm not stressing myself out about Sonic untill more is elaborated.
  16. I was just about to say, Mundi, I thought Capcom confirmed long ago that it was in fact Haiti.
  17. I find it interesting to hear people whine (and I doubt this applies to many here) about NoE, but those people never actually owned a GCN or even N64. Is it any wonder Nintendo hate Europe? They don't owe the consumer anything. I'd be pissed off too if only 1 million people bought my console and 19 million jumped ship to a competitor.
  18. You do realize Nathan can destroy your forum account?
  19. I have evil french speaking exam on friday :'( Too much to learn!!!! I sort of got "distracted" though by numerous Sam and Max related hijinks.
  20. What exactly can this offer (apart from an offensively cheesey name) that Ace Combat can't?
  21. Is it okay that I don't get most of the references on this thread? Happy Birthday. Now officially one whole year closer to impending death than your last one.
  22. I've got a subscription to ONM, mainly due to the reviews and likelyhood of exclusives. But since the last major exclusive was all the way back with a big preview of BWii, and many of the reviews have been a big joke (Mario Kart Wii - 94%? "Best MK ever"? Wtf?) I have seriously been considering cancelling it. I probably wouldn't jump ship to another mag either - waste of more money and I'm not fond of Edge's style since I got one issue free in HMV. I get most of my reviews now from Gamecentral and IGN.
  23. Absolutely, the potential is there, but unlike a dual-analogue set-up, to make it work would take an amazing little thing called effort, which I find sincerely lacking in the current state-of-affairs.
  24. Just think for a minute why the first game was so well recieved - was it not the sublime analogue controls that revolutionized the skating genre? Could they really manipulate to success with a Wii-mote set up? The DS game is a different story. Tony Hawk may have gone to the dogs on home consoles, but Sk8land and Downhill Jam worked an absolute treat on handheld.
  25. It has to be Galaxy. The graphics are far superior and the soundtrack is rivaled only by Brawl. Seriously, everything about it screams game of the century. I think I was one of the few who picked up Cadbury when it came out a few months ago, and all it did was make my disc drive all sticky and brown.
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