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Everything posted by D_prOdigy

  1. It was an absolute pleasure to tune into this during your wee hours. Well done guys; I'm super proud to be vaguely associated everybody involved. That donation total is amazing
  2. Bloody hell You instantly associate the username with that avatar, that legendary Nintendo collection and that undying passion for games - that's how you knew he was a great forum member and a stand-up guy.
  3. The Japanese logo and the music are Ghibli af Really really beautiful
  4. Absolutely horrible. Same as Esequiel - I didn't even know and I just wish that I'd kept tabs on the forum more. But I remember very clearly that he was one of the good ones - really passionate about everything he enjoyed: games, Liverpool, etc. We should all try to live our lives in such a way. RIP.
  5. Thanks, it was driving me mad trying to remember why it sounded familiar
  6. Hello! It's been a while since we've had a writer recruitment drive, so now's your chance if you want in on all the free games and parties and stuff. Full info here. The short version: we're looking for staff writers, so that's (mainly) news stories, but also opportunity for features, reviews, etc. To apply, simply send me an email with a mock Nintendo-related news story. As clichéd as it sounds, the most important qualities are passion about writing about Nintendo and commitment. That said, we're hoping to take on a few writers, so you've got a great chance if you are interested. There are plenty of people here who have been intimate with our inner circles before, so hopefully they can testify what a great opportunity it is! Feel free to PM me if anyone has any questions
  7. I got excited that it was 'near to completion' until I realised it was a Miyamoto 'near to completion'. Bloody love Pikmin. I really think it's a series that has gotten stronger with each game. Will be thrilled to play the next one on whatever platform.
  8. Glad I didn't splurge all my Stars a few weeks ago like I almost did. Pleased the coin is 'only' 2000. Picked that up, and the endings CD. Spent my remaining 500 on the hanafuda 3DS theme. On top of the Captain Toad lamp, was it worth the last 7 years of religiously hoarding all my Club Nintendo slips waiting for this very situation? Yes. Yes it was.
  9. I'm sort of perversely enjoying the spectacle of amiibo as it evolves into one huge, morbid social experiment to discover just how far they can go with it. It's quite entertaining.
  10. I had literally no problems with match-making or connection. You North Pole players best be careful. All that salt could melt your ice caps.
  11. I'm really glad I can finally fight to defend my opinion on this topic.
  12. I'm here to drink my milk and splat some Pop noobs. And I've just finished my milk.
  13. Oh my god, tower control. It's like someone made a mode just for me. I got into an 8-match winning streak when I first tried it yesterday. I felt like how John Numbers must feel every day
  14. Check the eShop price. I don't think it's very very cheap on there (like ZombiU), but I'm sure it's below RRP.
  15. Whilst we're on the theme of third party Wii U ports, I would place Deus Ex Human Revolution DX absolutely at the top of the pile, presuming you've not already played it.
  16. The Carbon Roller seems really good on paper, but it was so frustrating when you realise it doesn't insta-kill like the other rollers. Guess it's very useful for covering ground though
  17. Metroid Other M is £3.99 at Argos Seeing as how the Metroid fanbase has been chest-beating lately about how Nintendo should take them seriously, there's really no excuse for any of them not to own this polarizing, fascinating game. And don't forget it's officially better than Hyrule Warriors
  18. A new Dual Squelcher could well be relevant to my interests. It's one of my favourite weapons. Very satisfying to calmly pick off fools who've gone for short-range weapons.
  19. I haven't felt the need to read past the OP because I think Rummy hit onto it quite eloquently - I think people have a tendency to take it all too seriously/personally and lose sight of the fact that it's just an internet message board about video games. If there are 'sides' to it then I think all sides are guilty of this. You've got people on the one hand getting very eager to be defensive about things when it's probably best to just step away from the computer and go outside, and accept that not everyone shares your way of thinking about stuff - even if you think they're being narrow-minded or whatever. But you've got people on the other side who seem to take an odd pleasure in targeting aforementioned defensive types like some unhealthy high school 'Mean Girls' mentality. Probably just down to what I like to call the 'Thanks-bait' mentality. Again, it's probably just reasonable to leave it be. But I dunno. It's just a gaming forum and the internet can be like that. I don't really dwell on any of it that much because I know that if everyone was in the same room, everyone would be perfectly civil. My advice to pretty much anyone: I used to post a lot more a few years ago and I got in to plenty of stupid fanboy squabbles. I decided that it wasn't very nice getting in to stupid fanboy squabbles so I decided not to post any more. There would even be long stretches of not visiting the boards. It was very liberating and when I started visiting again, it was just so much easier to BOTH not get into defensive arguments AND not post pointless provocative jabs. If you're worried that you tend to fall in to the same sort of negative spirals, I would recommend doing what I did.
  20. I don't think it is hard to say because the article only references the Prime games, Tanabe is just responsible for Prime, and he literally says in that interview that Sakamoto is in charge of the broader Metroid series and he doesn't know what Sakamoto is doing right now I'm being pedantic, but I think the thread might as well reflect what the story actually is
  21. The thread title should specify Prime, even though it's not wrong that we probably won't get any Metroid U title from here on in. Tanabe's purview is the Prime series only.
  22. actually I've articulated my real feelings about it over on NeoGAF dot com
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