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Everything posted by D_prOdigy
Wot? No £2?
VoLcoM, that's just... no.
Mario Kart 64 Vs. Crash Team Racing
D_prOdigy replied to Kirkatronics's topic in General Gaming Discussion
Well this is certainly the last thread I expected to turn bitter. This is supposed to be a light-hearted discussion about childhood memories! They were both very well-recieved games, and both have their own respected fan-bases. If anyone doesn't like one or the other, can't we just agree to disagree and not call eachother retards? -
What people don't realize is that a lot of websites that post April Fools do it to amuse people more than trick them. You rarely see effort like this put into a stunt so good on them, I say.
We all hate it, but it makes for some amusing internet "reports" from "sources". It always seems to start early, so I'll bet at least one person has already seen a fair share of complete BS somewhere. I lol'd as I read on Wii60 that "Nintendo Jumps on DLC Wagon" with "35 games to recieve content... including Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3 and 4 new characters for Brawl". Needless to say, that article was removed within mere hours. Anyone else seen a "fool" yet?
Why must my thread be sabotaged so?
Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature
D_prOdigy replied to Smalldude76's topic in General Chit Chat
Nice how the Avatar compliments the Sig. Yellow not my favourite colour though so 8/10 -
Cluedo and Don't Wake Dad are timeless, as well as the obvious Mouse Trap. I also happen to remember some weird Frankenstien moster tryp game that was similar to Don't Wake Dad (can anyone else remember?). Penguine Pile Up also springs to mind, mainly for having the random age rating of 8-99.
Well it doesn't look like I do anymore... Anyway, I thought that N-E and C3 were decent allies. Then again, two independent UK Nintendo sites... I can see where there's competition. For the record, I always prefered you guys.
I merely enquire because I happen to have been banned from Cubed3. And as I was always logged in, I can't get on the actual web page without being told I'm banned... and because the re-direct page is broken, I can't get on the site full-stop... I didn't do anything wrong (seriously, I posted about 4 comments), I think someone hacked my account... Anyway, has anyone else been banned by accident or... not by accident? How did it feel? Do you remember why? Are you sorry? Do you feel that society has completely disowned you as a heatless, trolling pig? Reply now on, THIS THREAD.
I thought the exact same thing at the end of LoM series 1. The "Pub?"... "Pub." ending was a bit of an anti-climax in that one, but at least it got viewers chomping at the bit for series 2.
To be honest, I can't think of a catchier gaming tune than Tetris on the good ol' GB, but the only other thing that comes to mind is the boss music that plays frequently on The Wind Waker.
Or the Daily Mail... I caught this on Ceefax, so I naturally wanted to check it out. You can't help but giggle yourself as you hear her desperately trying to hold it in. But she should have said she was crying at the death, not laughing at the recording: listen again and you'll see that that could actually pass as true.
^^ Yes, so cheesey but still quite spine tingling. I'm sort of glad they're doing a new series, but one of the best thing about Life on Mars was they didn't milk it, and ended it after two series. I just want to know why that Leyton shot 2008 Alex in the first place. And I'd also like to point out the theme tune absolutely reeks of 80s cheese. No bad thing, mind.
Lmao, I loved it when Raef and Alex were arguing, and Raef said "My hands were literally bleeding", then 10 seconds later said, "now this isn't a time for hyperbole". To top if off: Sir Alan: "I think I need a bloody degree to understand this".
Save the Retro games - do your bit
D_prOdigy replied to D_prOdigy's topic in General Gaming Discussion
If I didn't have ToS, but knew how good it was, I'd pay £100. -
The runner up from the 2nd series, Fat Ruth visited my school to give a "motivational speech" for GCSEs. Basically, she said she didn't get any qualifications, failed maths, and went on to become a millionaire accountant... cow.
I had a typical Easter Monday roast lunch, which was DE-LI-CIOS. Also been getting back into touch with XG3: Racing - the closing thing I'll ever get to F-Zero GX
- 41646 replies
- emo
- haden smells
- (and 5 more)
I didn't brush my teeth for 3 years...
1. Tales of Symphonia No, I am not citing this to try and look niche and cool: this game is abolutely my favourite home console game ever. I can't put my finger on what makes it so special to me, but then again, I could name so many awesome things about it. The battle system, the story, the characters, the awesome over-the-top combos, great art direction. My playing through this was some of the best 60 hours of my life. Period. 2. Super Smash Bros. Melee The game that made me want a Gamecube. Quite simply, I anticipated this game more than any other I've anticipated to this day - that includes Brawl. Some people say RPGs get the most play-time. Well my 120 hours clocked up on this begs to differ. 3. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker I wasn't arsed about this when my friend reccomended it. Let me put the situation into context: I'd never played a Zelda game before and I wasn't around the industry at the time of the graphics furore. But after playing a demo, I decided I needed something on my birthday list. As soon as I switched it on, I was engrossed untill I ended it. 4. Metroid Prime Some games you onlt appreciate months, sometimes years after you play it. To my shame, I was vastly underwhelmed when I first bought Metroid Prime. I had forty quid to get rid of in Toys R Us, and I remebered reading about this Metroid thingy in NOM. What an utter waste, I thought. I didn't "get it", and it wasn't untill two years and a sequel later untill I would. 5. Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader I remember this one fondly. This will probably always be the only game to ever make me physically duck and dodge whuile paying it. Factor 5 have that influence. I play it today, see that it was a GCN launch title, and then cry at the state of 3rd party Wii titiles... 6. Metroid Prime 2 It was a humid day - late afternoon I imagine. Peeling away the hours playing through some Prime 2; a game I recieved the Chirstmas it was out. I didn't ask for it, in fact, I seem to remember hinting to my dear sweet mother beforehand that I didn't want it. Anyway, I digress. I was just playing it when I stopped. I looked through Samus' visor and wondered what she would think, and I knew instantly. She would think "what a beautiful planet" and instantaneously, I simultaneously thought "what a beautiful game". It was a true epiphany. I actually understood the Prime games for the first time ever. When I looked at that flora gently swaying in the Aether breeze, I said to myself "The Prime games are... stunning". I still feel a deep anger when I read the words "weak" and "Metroid Prime 2" in the same sentence. 7. Resident Evil 4 I ain't afraid of saying that I think this game is over-rated. I just really don't think it deserves it's perfect reputation. Maybe I'm not really a fan of that type of action game, but right here, right now: I'm glad I bought it. I may not like the way people seem to worship its every moment, but when it comes to the techicalities, Resident Evil 4 IS the perfect game. It may lack charm, but when you disect it, every aspect excels over any other game on the shelved today. 8. Batallion Wars Ahhh Batallion Wars. I am disappointed in your short length, lack of multiplayer and infuriating AI, but I love you. Don't ever change... Oh. 9. Viewtiful Joe The industry needs more games like this. It has so much balls. The visual style is enough to make any ill-informed gamer sick, but Joe isn't aimed at those *****. This game is so slick, so fun, and most impotantly, SO BLOODY DIFFICULT! 10. Pikmin Among SSB:M as my first Gamecube game, I can now see how I could have done a lot worse when I had my games bought for me as gifts. As is the case with Rogue Leader, my jaw drops when I remember that this was a GCN launch game. Unfortunately, I never picked up Pikmin 3, but whenever I play this little gem now, I really do think "I hope Reggie is talking about Pikmin 3".
Mario Kart 64 Vs. Crash Team Racing
D_prOdigy replied to Kirkatronics's topic in General Gaming Discussion
Bah! Any gamer that appreciates the criminally under-rated gem that is Tales of Symphonia will know that it is Kratos, the greatest RPG character of them all! Makes me ever more untolerable towards God of War too... -
Mario Kart 64 Vs. Crash Team Racing
D_prOdigy replied to Kirkatronics's topic in General Gaming Discussion
Oh my God! I wasn't the only one that loved CTR!!!! I kind of know Mario will win, which sort of contributed to my decision, but I also think I genuinely prefered playing with rockets and bombs! Never forget the priceless memory of the last boss (I can't believe I forget his name, I'm such a noob! He was a dragon of some sort...) cheating by jumping the gun at the start. Why oh why did I give that game to my younger cousin??? He won't appreciate it! I DESERVE IT!!!!!! -
Save the Retro games - do your bit
D_prOdigy replied to D_prOdigy's topic in General Gaming Discussion
^^^ This is where you'd have to just hold some trust, or be utterly cynical. Any readers of C4's Teletext Gamecentral service would know numerous anonymous sources (ie Gamestation staff) are the only ones to actually know about the exodus; there hasn't been an official report. It absolutely brings into question the solidarity of this whole post, I know, but if you are fortunate enough to have a Gamestation near you, I implore that you ask (in confidence, really) a member of staff on the matter. I did hear recently that not all retro games will be destroyed, merely the "non-classics", but isn't the popularity of a game for the consumer to decide? Recent revalations have painted the picture considerably less morbid than I may have initially percieved it, that is something I'll admit now. Make me look like a fool? I'm not sorry: the important thing is that the situation is better than first expected (although far from rectified). -
These days, the journalism industry has changed big time. The invention of blogs means that anyone and everyone can share their ideas, knowledge or anything on their minds to the whole world in a matter of minutes. But sometimes it's tricky to really get your blog known to people outside a small group of freinds. So lets help eachother out! Do you have a blog, or even small website? It can be about absolutely anything, from random thoughts to broacastiong kinky murders, post your link here! Incidentally, mine is (well, will be) mainly about gaming, but considering I only created it yesterday, it's virtually empty. afwiiremote.blogspot.com So share away!
Fruits of the Game takeover, or did some executive take one too many happy pills? Either way, it seems that most Gamestations in the UK are planning to physically destroy every retro game and console they have in store. Reports from some staff suggest that only a few branches are planning to keep their supplies - and will become specialist retro stores. So what of the others? Well by the looks of it, the only possible way forward is to destroy the remaining stock. Any devoted gamer would see the monumental wasted opportunity here. If they cannot keep stocking the retro gear, then why is burning/burying/crushing the only available option. Care homes, hospitals, even schools must certainly be crying out for items like this? I urge anyone and everyone to let their concerns to Gamestation be heard. You can find the contact page to e-mail them at their website, but you would be surprised how much more further a well handwritten, polite letter would go. That address is: Gamestation PO Box 47 York Y030 4YF So even if it is a futile task to try and persuade all branches to carry on stocking all Retro goddies, then please try and ask them to consider the alternatives. Hospitals, care homes for children et al. As gamers, it is our duty to protect the legacy of the work that has inspired us today, and as consumers, we have a right to have our voices heard. Thank you for reading and please save the Retro games.