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Everything posted by D_prOdigy

  1. I wrote an Advance Wars: Dark Conflict one and sent it into Gamecentral (teletext), knowing of course that it will never get published considering the guys are Advance Wars whores. Excuse the unusual layout - I tried to make it as convineint as possible to stick on a teletext page.
  2. Duel (Vs.) Mode has just been demoed. Interestingly, instead of piping my interest for the game, any hope I DID have has just been diminished looking at this video: http://www.g4tv.com/xplay/videos/21570/XPlay_Exclusive_Star_Wars_The_Force_Unleashed_for_Wii.html
  3. "I... I'm sat on him. Is that legal?" Without doubtm this show is showing no signs of running out of creative juice. As hillarious as any other episode at least, hands down.
  4. I was worried that this series would fail to live upto the magic that the revamp originally set in place. I was even more worried when I found out that tonights second part was actually handled by a different writer than the first part (I think). However, Poison Sky quelled all my fears, and viewers have finally been given a reason to believe that BBC can still produce quality Dr Who episodes.
  5. Funny. We did joke yesterday in school how all Britain needs right now is to be ruled by the radicalist policies of the BNP (ironically, of course). Now I feel we may have jinxed the votes, especially if those pig-headed twatfaces have actually gained a seat. On the subject of the London Mayoral, I think you need to look at it from an average Joe's point of view. Regardless of whether you think Livingstone was good at his job or not (evidentally, there is a split), the mere association with Labour is enough nowadays to turn people away. The victory for Boris was probably a simple protest from voters.
  6. I have seen it before. If I watch is hoping for a compentent storyline and believable acting, then I would have to agree with you. I'm a sucker for big-ass robots and fight scenes though. Some people don't mature :p
  7. Had a pretty piss-about end of school, because my science teacher (who happens to be the least PC person in the world) "couldn't be bothered". We just stuck Youtube up on the big board and watched Britain's Got Talent clips for the remaining half-an-hour.
  8. Matrix Reloaded First time I saw it years ago, I was bombarded with all the negativity beforehand. Watching it last night though, looking past the cynacism, it isn't half bad. Looking forward to Revolutions tomorrow night. 7.5/10
  9. Ahh, my old maths teacher used to frenquently go on skydives.... He had a lisp. Never quite knew what happened to him...
  10. MRSA needed not to be a timebomb. Cleaner hospitals is all it would have taken to prevent it from materializing. And yes, overcrowded prisons have always been a problem, so where was the will to solve it?
  11. The thing is, I would trust Brown to the grave with my wallet, but as for running the country? Right here and now, I can honestly say "Bring Blair back". That, or a serious shift in constitution.
  12. Well Labour "held on to" Manchester, but Lib Dems are always a close second, so I can't win either way. Interestingly, the Tories got into office just next door with Oldham. I would never be a big enough cock to actually vote Conservative, but sometimes I think it might make a change to sweaty, obese bores.
  13. So who won in your area? Are you happy? Did you vote? Do you care?
  14. Imagine this chap's name: On a ticket.
  15. Today, had to give a 30 minute presentation to my class about Physical Theatre. Didn't too that much prep for it, but my drama class is unique in the way that there are no dicks on the register, so it ran pretty smoothly. Must have done anyway: got a distinction! Not in the same boat as passing a driving test, but still good stuff
  16. Your absolutely right - it is subjective, but I'm still not gonna pretend that I liked it just because others would burn me for speaking my realy opinions. Besides, it's more of an aquired taste than something like, say Zelda. Yes, I probably did miss the bigger picture concerning the game, but I know I'm right in saying I'm totally not alone in that. As for kickass gaming in 2004 (in rough chronological order): - Ninja Gaiden - Far Cry - Tales of Symphonia - Astro Boy: Omega Factor - Pimkin 2 - Katamari Damacy - Paper Mario 2 - GTA: SA (apparently, some people liked it...) - Half-Life 2 - Halo 2 - Metroid Prime 2 (most underrated sequel ever) On top of that, Zelda: Twilight Princess was announced at E3, which was probably the most excited Nintendo fans ever got since perhaps Space Wrold 2000.
  17. I can't stand five minutes of any GTA. San Andreas being particularly hang-yourself-inducingly bad. I don't think it's racist to say that I felt like Rockstar stole me from my own bed, gagged me, tied me up and dropped me with no parachute into the most cliched of ghettos with that one.
  18. Oh come on. I like my big bosses as much as the next guy, but I also want a little thing called SUBSTANCE with my videogames. Seriously though, yeah, I can see why many people like SotC, I just personally would have picked a better counterargument
  19. I don't see why 2005 is so high. If you ask me, I would have replaced that with 2004. Looking from a wider perspective, I guess you could say that the new hardware made it remarkable, but I also remember there being very little in terms of quality games - RE4 being the only stand out. 2004 on the other hand, was a golden age for last gen.
  20. I completely agree with Twozzock. Borris '"Ever slept with another man?" "...Not...yet"' Johnson ftw.
  21. Service station accomodation is always cheap. Actually no, scrap that. The only ones who stay in those shitholes are people into illicit sex and topping themselves.
  22. I contemplated taking a visit to my local Game on the midnight of Thursday 10th March 2005 to guarantee a certain little handheld, but it was a school night, and at the tender age of 12, I knew I needed my beddy-bye-bo's.
  23. Booked tickets for me and a friend to go and see the rather wee-yourself hillarious Dylan Moran at the Manchester Palace Theatre in October. Saw him on tv the other night and almost killed myself hearing his surrealy anarchic and disturbing anecdotes. Can't wait!
  24. Peep Show = Best comedy in recent years, hands down. I'd go so far as to say it edges out The Office. David Mitchell = Best comedy actor ever.
  25. My life just got a little bit happier.
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