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Everything posted by D_prOdigy

  1. Oh god, this thread reminds me of an assembly given to us in year 8 about different sleeping positions. Seriously - there were names like "foetus" abd "log". I think I'm a mixture of those two, actually.
  2. Oh my word Tom, that is epic. You should so write to Channel 4 - there's certainly an episode of Peep Show just waiting to made from that
  3. That Wii Zapper game - I would jump for joy if it was Sin and Punishment, but only if it was compatible without the Zapper. Actually... what am I saying? Most Zapper games are BETTER without the Zapper.
  4. Hehe. No, it was actually about diabetes research and using dog's pancreas' to experiment with insulin extraction.
  5. Argh. All so witty and observent. Right. I've decided the winner to be: MOOGLE WITH: For the record, I was torn between this and Rez's and Echo's. Anyway - It's Moogleviper's turn.
  6. Did my Biology exam today. Not as bad as I dreaded, but there was one question where I basically had to waffle on about experiments on dogs... Oh, and we had a fire drill too today. Bit weird as is was the first one since we moved into the new school. No-one knew what to do
  7. Best. Episode. Ever.
  8. If any official is reading this, the people in those photos sent to me recently are all over 18.
  9. Am I right in thinking they take things like recent pet deaths into account when it comes to a final grade after an exam? Or have I been reading the Daily Mail again?
  10. Mmm. I'm apprehensive. If it means Moffat will get the acclaim he deserves, then fantastic. If it means the BBC will wring him bone dry of awesome ideas in just one series, then it may be a bad move. But Russell will certainly be missed. The Sound of Drums (the penultimate one of series 3) was dangerously close to overthrowing Blink as the highlight.
  11. You're better off not knowing, trust me. Think of them as an awesome new developer.
  12. Tales of Symphonia was the best frickin impulse purchase I've made in my short life. The problem now is that I spend so much of my time keeping up to date on what's worth buying and not, that I'm afraid I may never have a surprise like it again.
  13. Just got in from my Literature GCSE. Went quite smoothly. I can sort of see why my teacher thought it would be a good idea to do To Kill a Mockingbird for it - I found it pretty easy to write lots about it once I've got a thread going. Played a bit of LostWinds just now too. Awesomeage.
  14. Precisley my vision.
  15. Well I was thinking a FPS game that focused on a stealth aspect - something we don't see enough of. That way, the Board can sense how gently you're standing on it to incorpoate how you move in the game. And as far as I know, the Balnce Board does have the technology capable of processing when a player is crouching/ducking.
  16. Grrr, Emasher beat me to the FPS idea. It's fine throwing ingenious ideas about, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. Developers wouldn't make games that revolutionize the genre with the Balance Board, because Board support wasn't standard - it was the offspring of a game, not a console. I think the only Board games we will see in this generation will be similar to Wii Fit and aimed at that crowd. Admitedly, part of that is wishful thinking on my behalf, as I have no plans whatsoever to buy Wii Fit But who knows? Maybe next generation, Nintendo will capitalize on a balance idea.
  17. I keep having this reccuring dream about Jamie Lee Curtis thrusting from the film Perfect. Weird, how I don't find it attractive, just strangely enticing.
  18. Pepsi is the peak of everything awesome. If awesome was a hill, Pepsi would be Ranulph Fiennes.
  19. Why can I not get the image of Boris Johnson saying this out of my head?!
  20. I heard that the Star Ocean series was similar in vein to Tales of Symphonia, so I'd give my family for those games.
  21. Mark should so have danced with Jez at the end; it would have been such a nice ending!
  22. Haha! But please tell me that on the simultaneous equation question (providing it was the same paper) that x=3 and y=-2. I'm quite confident that I got it right, but the answers that some other people got ranged quite quite a bit.
  23. Sorry for the lateness, I was trying to find one that had some sort of potential: Go!
  24. Black I WOULD pay for.
  25. Just finished my maths GCSE paper 1. Pleasently easy, to be honest, although ashamedly my mind went blank for about 20 minutes on "Factorize x^2 - 36". But after some considerable mental self-harm, my brain finally comprended that the answer was obviously (x+6)(x-6). Silly me.
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