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Everything posted by D_prOdigy

  1. If you have relatively easy access to your town-centre, then I would suggest shopping for a temp place in one of the smaller, more niche (careful) shops. Just strikes me that that sort of thing would be really laid-back and a pretty comfortable place to work. Of course, I'm just guessing. Never had a job, and I'm sort of in the same boat as you, only... I don't really... want one.
  2. Christ. Found that Budd Dwyer vid, obviously wanting to see it after creating so much controvesy. Luckily I sort of saw sense and paused it when he took the gun out of the envelope, before quitting it. Controversial videos always attract great curiosity, but I really don't want to see a geniune human being commiting suicide for real. Guess I'll have to live with not seeing it, but that should be easy. Now: to see someone axe their own dick off...
  3. Hehe. Jeremy's Boudicas had me in stitches.
  4. What is it with all the "bees" references in this series. Will it be explained or will I had to have watched very single old Who episode, and all of the spin-offs and all the Confidentials?
  5. I saw the official video after I heard one of my friends talking about it. One of them insisted that I really didn't want to see it. Which obviously made me want to see it more. I thought it couldn't be THAT bad and she eventually showed it me. Turned out I was as wrong as Chamberlain.
  6. Funny reaction to the completely unfunny, life-ruining internet "meme", 2 girls one cup.
  7. - Wit - Having one of those "No-one really loves me" moments, then have one, or a group of, my freinds doing something really really nice and thoughtful. Admittedly, the latter only really happens on like... my birthday, but it's worth waiting a year for it.
  8. If I'm forced to update to 3.3 the day before this gets announced as not coming to Europe, well... The Daily Mail is gonna have a teenage suicide field-day on their hands.
  9. I've been playing through it again, abd noticed that you're common moblin enemy can be dispatced in just a couple of sword swipes. This disappointed me, considering Link can withstand several beatings, but other enemies were killed so easily. The big knights that you faced later in the game were amongst the best ever Zelda villians, but there were only a few in the game. Bosses were spectacular in TP, but then again, they always are in Zelda titles. I would have liked to see some more sword v. sword with Gannondorf. I'm sure it's been said before in this thread, but I felt the overword, while big, felt incredibly stale. Enemies are always in the same place, and while it's fun fighting the leagion of boars on Epona near the ruined bridge, that is the ONLY place in the game that ever happens. Why can't I come across a random enemy campsite in the middle of the night? Or happen upon an NPC carridge being harrased by a band of looters?
  10. But then you started carrying the nunchukas, right?
  11. Hang on a minute. "Kyle" backwards is "ElyK". Elyk, or as it could be pronounced "Ell-eck" half-rhymes with "Celtic" which is of a Scottish-Irish origin. Coincidence?
  12. Awww. GROSS, man!
  13. Eugh. I'm wired. Slept at a friend's house last night, and was shown the "internet phenomenom" 2 girls 1 cup, against my will. Actually, to be honest, they were going on about this video that I hadn't seen but that I "really didn't want to see". Naturally, I wanted to see, but then when I was shown some of the reaction videos beforehand, turns out I didn't want to see. I had the laptop almost shoved to my vomit-moistened face. A true, foolish case of "how bad can it be?". Then didn't actually sleep during the night. Stayed up watching Scuzz, and by the time I caught some zzzs it was during the 5am Corrie omnibus on ITV2. So now I'm home having just made myself a black coffee, which is a pretty extreme resort considering I don't drink coffee. 3 months of having jack-shit to do can be pretty self-destructive. I need a mild week.
  14. It's something totally new and original, that can't really be compared with anything else out there, so I'd say take the dive.
  15. My eyes... zee goggles do nothing!
  16. Many people from Clover have now regrouped and gone back to making games they enjoy making, proving just how much the enjoyment of doing what you want can influence your career decisions, even if the financial outcome may not be to your benefit. I guess any game designers in this new division who really care for making quality titles know and dread the fact that Ubisoft would essentially force them to rush out cheap cash-ins. As you say, the promise of a steady income is probably the obly thing keeping them there because they can't afford to group off and create an independent super team. So really, they are being forced to do a job they don't enjoy, thus I feel sorry for them.
  17. Now that I think about it, probably longevity and replay value are the biggest factors for me. I would much prefer a good game that I can sink 50 hours into than one with excellent gameplay that you drain everything out of within 10.
  18. This division will be making solely Wii games (and perhaps DS), but it doesn't mean there won't be any other divisions making Wii titles. Red Steel 2, for instance, is coming from a totally different team (and different from those who did the first one, I'm sure). I feel most sorry for the Ubi employees who have been shoed into this new division; doomed to a career of mediocrity and general inferiority.
  19. It ALL comes down to hype and anticipation at the end of the day. TP was the most anticipated ganme ever from day 1. Ineviatble it was, that when it came out, we noticed all the ridiculous perfections we wished for to be absent. Thus, we are having this discussion now. In contrast, when WW was unveiled, it posed the question whether Nintendo had lost it. Which is why we remember its unexpected qualites.
  20. No... I didn't find that incarnation difficult at all...
  21. A 15 page factsheet has been released to the press detailing characters, enemies, weapons and locations. In no particular order:
  22. There's only so many Dave re-runs you can watch before wishing for new epidodes. Must Watch.
  23. D_prOdigy


    Welcome to Forumland, Ganepark I'll get this when I next go into town/Trafford Centre. Sick of it being reccomended to me.
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