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Everything posted by D_prOdigy

  1. Got this yesterday, and it's led to a complete appreciation of my DS. I am loving this game. It's a crime it didn't do too great at the tills, but then again, I'm sort of glad that Squeenix won't milk this one to a bone. I heartily encourage all DS owners looking for something a bit different to pick this up. It has the soul of an epic, fully customizable RPG, with the body of a totally modern, contemporary Japanese action game. If the day comes that RPGs are like today's FPS - milked, cliched and dull - then I hope the world looks upon this game to see which direction to go. It breathes new life into the genre, while retaining some level of accessibility. Must-buy.
  2. Th-th-thank you you lovely people!!
  3. "The obvious question to ask is ARE doorbell-intercoms going out of fashion?"
  4. There's always a risk that a person who you admire turns out to be completely different from what you were expecting. I've never met anyone from round here, but if I did I know I'd be paranoid that I'd come across as a total douche.
  5. I definately think we can all releate to those... "FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!" ...moments.
  6. AQA, my friend. Although, I do wish I was on OCR for some...
  7. Happy Birthday! I hope no-one has a birthday tomorrow. Any douches that have the nerve to steal your thunder deserves their stupid face to be drilled in.
  8. Lordy, no. But I would acually sit all of my exams again just to get a chance to deface Enfield's face.
  9. Sudanese villagers were hasty to claim victory over the righteous slaughtering of the 8 year-old girl and her "Allah-bear".
  10. Now this just backs up many people's claims that this is the genuinely scariest video game series. This screens look awesomefied.
  11. Well had two very contrasting exams today. Realised I can't do chemistry. Totally failed at that. My mind when completely blank on an empirical formulas question, even though we'd covered it this morning. Just wrote down random numbers. Also pretty annoyed that our teacher spent about 3 months of lessons on the Haber Process and Ammonia saying it is "definately going to come up!"... And to top it off, we had a question on Silicone Dioxide - something that I only knew because a teacher that isn't even my own spent two seconds on it muntes before the exam. I fail. Aaaaanyway, had another English Language paper this afternoon, which went incredibly well. I actually still have my A from the November exam, but dare I say this one was even better. I described my Dream World in a way that would make Sakurai-san proud :'(
  12. Helene has thought she is better than everyone else from day one. It will be a nightmare for her confidence when she doesn't win. She probably deserves to fail, I hated how she constantly treated Lucinda like dirt. I was pro-Alex, but after last night I think it's Clair all the way. What really pissed me off as well was how they all whined in the boardroom about how "I NEED this job!". Bullshit. I bet they lowest earner there still rakes in more than the household income of 99% of people here. And I assume they all live alone too, people that enter that show are generally un-marriable.
  13. That's weird, I find geaography to be unnecessarily long. 105 minutes for an exam I finished in 65... The map skills section - which SHOULD have been a piece of piss - was strangely tough(retarded). Had a French Listening too. Tough as old boots. I phail. And yes, I had history yesterday. That was alright, could have been a lot worse. Still gave me blisters as fingers though.
  14. I'm pretty sure that all of English coursework counts for 25%. All I remember is that I wasn't great on the literature side of things on the coursework, but absolutely pwned all on the Media text - V fo Vendetta film review = A*
  15. D_prOdigy


    I think you should bash them with a stick.
  16. I take after my father, so I'm lanky as fuck but beyond the point of caring - even if I wanted to change, my body will just say NO!
  17. Did the Media and non-fiction paper in English today. Considering English is probably my forte, it was ok. Couple of stupid questions though (you know the type that are worded so dumbly that you don't know what to write?) And nicely topped up with the old hand-destroyer - a history test. Again, pretty easy, but it's IMPERATIVE that you write as fast as you can for 105 minutes straight to stand a chance of writing everything you want to write.
  18. It's clear now that the Capcom game is SpyBorgs.
  19. The CGi trailer has a certain flair of Team Fortress 2, so if they aim for that with in-game, then I don't see why i can't look the part come release. This is a 2009 game guys, screens are work in progress. Maikel was right about the Capcom game being a 3rd person action type game, whether it's the sort of thing people were hoping for or not. With the pedigree behind the game, there's no telling what the potential could be. I certainly think it's unjustified to rip it at this stage. I'm a little confused as to who Bionic are aiming this game towards. The concept seems like they're gearing it towards younger gamers, but the writing suggests maybe it holds a more universla appeal to it. Whether you're average Joe will see this when he looks at the game on the shelf is questionable. But hell, I don't care about that, I could have a million people screaming at my face telling me Zack and Wiki is a kids games, but I've played it and boy, it's kickass. I'll keep at least an eye peeled for this.
  20. Oh I wasn't paying any attention to that thread. It wasn't really Ubisoft responding, it was just some Admin kid being all over-defensive.
  21. Calza and Supercube mentioned the Perry Bible Fellowship the other day, so I had to check it out: An end To Gopher Trouble So sinister... so epic.
  22. Maybe Keith Richards was in the area?
  23. Stand out moment was probably the caravan wrecking scence. Then the "Jeremy explains the caravan wrecking" scence. I'm so glad that bloody skull got it though.
  24. I believe Gary Glitter now resides on a small, densely bushed lane called Fanci'a Drive.
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