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Everything posted by D_prOdigy

  1. If we did find tiny microbes on Mars, the obvious action to take would be to declare nuclear war.
  2. The problem here is that most people don't buy TERRIBLE games, so can't really list anything other than the weakest games we have in our collection. So for me, I'd have to say Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly, but I'd never put it in a list of "WORST" games.
  3. D_prOdigy


    This is out on the day before my birthday, but I'll have to wait untill at least June 12th if I want to focus fully on my exams Okami + Boom Blox + Smash = 3 months of bliss.
  4. Went to a party somewhere in Oldham last night. It was okay, but I fear I was definately the dullest person there
  5. "You're laughing now, but as soon as I'm free, we both know I'm gonna rip out your testicles." (Moogle nabbed the obvious one )
  6. Hehe. Yeah that sounds about right - Brits worrying more about nationality than sexuality.
  7. No-one knows me :'(
  8. Well Wogan has said he may not do another. I'd be equally pissed off to see it go to the shit after 30 years too, although for British viewers, he IS Eurovision. His commentary makes it worth watching. The best plan of action would be for all the founding nations to just pull out completely, that'll show those Soviet c**ts when they have no MONEY TO HOST THE EVENT!! mwaha
  9. I'd certainly want a refund from my surgeon if he'd stuck a big, yellow spoon on my face. Happy B'day!
  10. LostWinds: Beautiful Super Mario Galaxy: Jaw-dropping Metal Gear Solid (series): Longwinded Golden Sun: Refined Tales of Symphonia: Perfection GTA (Post 2): zzzzzzz
  11. Oh, God, I'm not sure if my base opinion of you has plummeted or shot through the roof, Iun. Of course, it's the latter : peace:
  12. Hehe. Mark got raped... Not bum-raped, but definately raped.
  13. I think if it goets a bit full on, it would almost be an insult to one's intelligence. That's what I think anyway. All that should happen is that adults tell their kids that sex is a serious thing that shouldn't be taken lightly.
  14. Hmm. I'm approaching 16 and actually cannot imagine my parents giving The Talk. If it does happen, I think I'd have to pretend to listen without actually taking any of it in.
  15. Happy 17th to you, sir. Have a good'un!
  16. I'm inclined to agree with Moogleviper, Tom. I'm not sure if I could have the balls to do anything other than pretend he didn't exist, but I'd know the right thing would be to tell him straight. Just be sure to have an escape plan, yeah?
  17. Think I'll tag along with my parents on Saturday to see this. If I go in there with an open, non-cynical state of mind, I'll probably enjoy it as much as any other adventure romp.
  18. Never really know what to say in these types of situation. So so sorry Letty *Uber hug*
  19. Well my day was swimming along unremarkably as ever, that was until I received a text from a (very) old flame (who is, might I add, engaged at 16) declaring her love for me and asking me to sleep with her. I did the safe bet and assumed it wasn't a joke. Told her it was unthinkable as she has a fiancée. *insert Mark Corrigan voice* Man, I am EXCELLENT under sensitive situations.
  20. Just imagine the interviewer in his/her underwear... Seriously though, I've never had a proper interview, but my advice anyway would just to remember that it's not an interrogation. Shake their hand when you gon in. Sit on your hands if you find yourself to be fidgetting or going OTT with gestures. Just think that they would have been in your position several times in their life. Make conversation if you can, but not small-talk, and don't waffle. Laugh it their jokes, and if all else fails, there's always falatio.
  21. If it's a service that some people feel obliged to use, then it has every right to exist. However, if you're one of those people, then you'd probably be best using your free time on building up self-esteem and actually getting out.
  22. I <3 U Raef! :'(
  23. It's not too unnatural to feel most comfortable spooning your quilt is it?
  24. EDIT! (I changed my mind) "Right fellow IGN editors: the real challenge is deciding WHY we gave GTAIV a 10"
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