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Everything posted by D_prOdigy

  1. Oh it was just one of the Treehouse team on Geoff Keighley's Youtube show actually. Shortly after the MS conference. Had a bit of Yoshi and Chibi Robo too
  2. They were being coy about it again on Treehouse. I saw someone have a theory about it being just one minigame in a Nintendo Land-like collection for 3DS, what with the Mii-like diminutive characters.
  3. E3 was great, see you all next year!
  4. oh my god this is better than any E3 conference ever
  5. This footage makes me so sad I have zero creativity when it comes to these build-it-yourself games ;_; If there's online sharing then I'll be all over it because it looks DOPE
  6. oh my god Please let me go to bed, Nintendo.
  7. They're releasing an AC amiibo line without Bob the cat? Breathtaking incompetence.
  8. Ryu seems tough to master. Sakurai was right when he said he's all about combos - he's not a 'brute force' fighter as you might presume on first sight. Rubbish in the air too.
  9. Our (and everyone's) friend Nintendaan has tweeted that he's spotted Retro Studios big cheeses at Starbucks in LA. I wonder...
  10. The attention to detail on Ryu's moveset and fighting style is outstanding.
  11. Thank you!
  12. Do we have one of those fancy 'ignore user' functions that hides posts, and am I just being dim by not finding it?
  13. I felt that way quite a lot through Prime. Maybe it was because I was younger though. It pulls of horror elements really well. But I think the reason why I found those moments so memorable is because they were [bullshit klaxon] a distinctive part of a bigger thing. Metroid - Prime particularly - is better than just one genre. It was so great because it weaved several of them together; adventure, FPS, puzzle, horror. Setting out to just make a survival horror Metroid seems, I dunno, kinda reductive? I think we need more pure survival horror games, but if a talented studio like Retro was to set out to make one, I think I'd just as rather it be a new IP.
  14. I don't recall it being discussed anywhere here, but Platinum are due to show off a new game and the current popular school of thought is that it's a Transformers brawler tie-in. I never played the Legend of Korra tie-in they did for Activision, but it got some pretty bad reviews. Did anyone else check it out?
  15. I would make a jovial witticism like "Roy isn't even the best Roy in Smash Bros." but I actually really loved Roy in Melee - he was my favourite.
  16. I would do things for Nintendo vs Capcom. Dark things. Give it to the team that made Tatsunoko vs Capcom.
  18. I'm still interested in the online multiplayer - that seemed to get pretty positive impressions last E3. I imagine the game will appeal more to fans of Itagaki who know what they're getting, rather than the more casual action fan whose first and only reaction is "well that doesn't look very pretty". But yeah. It's yet another weird announcement/video to put out right before E3. But it would be such a Nintendo thing to do to spend half the E3 Direct announcing stuff they've announced a week previously.
  19. and maybe a special "1 day after" one
  20. I do not accept this canon theory into my life. Good day, sir.
  21. Out of over 50 playable characters in Smash, all but three - ROB, Duck Hunt Duo, Bowser Jr - are essentially bipedal fighters. I'd like to see another radically different newcomer. I had this idea earlier about how Balloon Fighter could work. His gimmick could be that he is essentially an airborne fighter - he's uselessly slow on his feet so you'd have to tap the jump button to fly him around the stage. The physics would be like in the original game, so you'd have to master the skill to control him effectively. But meh, it'll be Ryu.
  22. I Can't Believe It's Not The Baby
  23. Generate your own leaked Nintendo E3 I think 'Third Party Reel' is the best one I've seen
  24. I believe that's what they call Nintendo Magic.
  25. it was actually a rhetorical question because you're already dead to me
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