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Everything posted by dan-likes-trees

  1. Probably already been posted, alas Im far too tired to go check if it has. Best advert I've seen in a long while.
  2. Jeesus. Going on holiday to paris on friday so I need to finish an Essay and a pages-long coursework plan for english by tomorrow ¬_¬ Grrraah!!
  3. I've been trying to work out aswell, as I have the physique of a 14 year old with skinny arms. Which isn't good for a nearly-18 year old. Anyway, it's goina alright. In other news, I always find it amusing when facebook gives me a notification like this one In the past day you were compared 2 times. Your friends didn't think that you are a winner comparing to their other friends Honestly, not something to cheer you up. Why would I want to be told this! Keep it to yourself you crappy application.
  4. Weirdness, second time this week I've come on to post a review to find someone's just posted one of the exact same thing. But yease. Wire Season One Not easy to get into, especially for a simpleton like myself, and I got lost and confused on a couple of occasions. Well worth sticking with though, character development and the politics of it all were epic and masterfully written. Put this next to other shows on air and it's head and shoulders above anything out there. 9.5 / 10
  5. Sounds epic. I have the afternoon off tomorrow which will likely be spent downloading / playing the demo. Question: Is it 4 player coop offline splitscreen? Best be, I never got why games never do that anymore these days...
  6. Magnolia is fucking amazing. I'm listning to the OST now, One is the Loneliest number <3
  7. Woop, same here Sent off my UCAS today And yeh you can only do one personal statement, so try and incorporate elements of both corses into the one. Not easy if you're applying for completely different courses.
  8. Ahh damn you! Roll on tuesday then, I assume the demo has coop? Hopefully but the 22nd I shall have enough for money to buy its.
  9. Dead Set Very good stuffs, especially for a British show. Alot less comic than I thought it would be and curiously more generic than it perhaps should have been, especially given the setting (The BB house mayaswell have been any old house, spare a few moments, after the opening episode) Also, at 30 minutes some of the episodes felt over before they'd begun. Nonetheless, good gorefest 8 / 10 Battlestar Galactica Miniseries I started watching Season 4 a while ago, and whilst I loved it, I soon fell behind and then gave up, as leaping into the middle of a series just doesn't really work. So I got the miniseries, and frak me it was good! Some great dogfights and a great premise. Will be buying the DVD of Season One as soon as I get some money together... 9 / 10
  10. I just had a good old bath Was feeling tired and I have a day off so I thought why not. Anyways, it has to depend on what kind of shower you have. When I go on holiday and they have a super power shower then they are majorly preferable. Our old shower was horrible, about 5 beams of water coming out at random angles, so it was baths all the way. Nowadays, it's gotta be a bath only for special occasions. The joys of having a bath having come back from a festival / long trip / muddy walk just can't be beaten.
  11. Sounds like fun *Browses itunes* Hey - Pixies Dancing Choose - TV On The Radio Call It Off - Tegan and Sara
  12. New Young Pony club eh? Met the lead singer, I did (Actually, that's a massive lie. What actually happened was she was eating at the table next to me at the Tate, I just sat there staring for ages, never being brave enough to say anything. Fail.) Aaanyway A = Architecture in Helsinki B = Bloc Party C = CSS D = Death From Above 1979 E = Eels F = Flaming Lips G = Guillemots H = Holy Fuck I = Interpol J = Jimi Hendrix K = Kinks L = Lightspeed Champion M = Modest Mouse N = New Pornographers O = Of Montreal P = Pixies Q = Quasi (Literally the only Q I have on itunes. I don't even know who they are) R = Ratatat S = Santogold T = Test Icicles U = Underworld V = Various Artists W = Wu-Tang Clan X = XX Teens Y = Yeasayer Z = Zutons # = 65 Days of Static
  13. Modest Mouse, Moldy Peaches, and M. Craft for me Go go go!
  14. Yeah, thought as much. Was the plot unchanged or did they dumb it down, Hollywood style? In other news I had a horror marathon with some friends last night. [●REC] Quite good stuffs, the documentary style worked very well. Not particularly scary though, just quite jumpy toward the end. 8 / 10 Dog Soldiers Not in the slightest bit scary, which made our horror films night by this point look very tame, but it was entertaining enough. 7 / 10 The Exorcist I only have the first half to judge on as the file stopped playing halfway through for some reason. Until that point though, it wasn't at all frighting, but I guess it was building up so nyeah. Blaire Witch Project Second time I've watched and I love it. Films where you don't see the monster / whatever always do the best. Good stuffs. 9 / 10
  15. Ok right thread this time SoTC (Huge spoilarz) I could have picked a dozen moments from that game. But that one has to be the saddest thing I've come across in a game
  16. Lol nope that was meant to be in the favorite game moments thread, dunno how I managed that. Anyway, what I meant to say here is that the facebook Tetris app is amazing. I got knocked off the top of my friends list yesterday, I was livid
  17. I believe the episode has been cancelled and next weeks shifted forward. Which Is a shame, I was actually quite looking forward to seeing Brand as a captain
  18. Aaaha, that 200 impressions guy was amazing. I waste dthelast 15 minutes watching it all. Anyhoo,
  19. I see what you did there. Anyway, on the topic of Biffy, I agree, Mountains is far from their best, yet it's the only one everyone knows ¬.¬ Their piano version of it is epic though. And the are amazing live. And, on a completely unrelated note, today I discovered what must be one of the best websites ever. http://www.blogotheque.net/spip.php?page=cae_all〈=en Sessions across Paris, in the streets, cafés, back of pick up trucks, on the metro... it's fantastic. I highly recommend the Yeasayer & Arcade Fire ones in particular
  20. Original o'course. Going on the majority of US remakes I thought that would be the wisest choice.
  21. Funny Games Fucking disturbing!! Fantastically made - the remote control moment was like WTF!! NOO!! Quite unlike anything I've seen before 9/10 And can anyone recommend any good horror films? I've barely seen any so no need to worry about recomending ones Ive seen.
  22. Heh, I do agree here. She is definitely going clockwise! Unless you cover the body and just look waist down, in which case it seems to work either way... EDIT: Haha wow I got it!! Madness... that showed me
  23. I haven't but I feel the need to having just watched ten minutes on youtube. And screenwipe is genius
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