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Everything posted by dan-likes-trees

  1. I will be, can't wait If it's anywhere near as good as his guardian columns it'll be a treat
  2. Party pictures YAY! This was last week, at about 4am, when people were running around waking everyone up with camera flash. Bastards. Me and some dude Me and a male-dominated party last night
  3. Well I for one am intrigued as to what this text said...
  4. Haahaha, I've got this problem as well. I found myself listening to Pixies and Test Icicles just to knock Panic off the top spot recently <.< And having looked at your lastfm, woop for Postal Service great band. Try Styrofoam; similar sorta thing if you're into that. After Sunset
  5. Before I got a good music taste I went to see Snow Patrol live. It was the most boring gig of my life. Luckily, Elbow were supporting so it wasn't a total waste of time. That said, I do actually like quite alot of Snow Patrol tunes - Final Straw wasn't bad and as someone said, Set Fir to the Third Bar is a great song
  6. Is that number 8 space still open? I nominate After Sunset - Styrofoam EDIT: Ah bums, i see raining again already suggested. Oh wells
  7. Seriously, the DVD for season 4 just came out, and it's really worth it. 'The season lost got good again'. Give it a try, there's some great stuff. That said, that s5 trailer looks very meh to be honest... hopefully it will surprise me and maintain it's goodness...
  8. Desperate Housewives - Season 4 Major wtfs / 10 Heroes - Season 3 thus far Major wtfs / 10 My theory is that the producers are all trying to outshock each other with their random twists these days
  9. Hells yeh, Beer is like the best fun song ever. Very good live Check out Sell out and their cover of Take On Me aswell And I'm having abit of an MGMT revival atm, probably because I just finished rewatching Skins. Check out Cage the Elephant's cover of Kids btw, it's awesome
  10. Reel Big Fish Streetlight Manifesto! Yay for replying to page old posts! And I can't believe the Astoria's getting demolished! That venue was brilliant On a completely unrelated note, I'm currently completely obsessed with Pixies. So so good.
  11. Meh, Id say 21 Grams and Babel were on about the same level (But yeah, the Japan story was fantastic, and probably the best part of Babel) Though Amores Perros is in an entirely different league. One of my favourite films of all time 12 Monkeys Was pretty good, though not amaazing. Pretty interesting plot, and Brad Pitt secures a place in my 'surprisingly good actors' list. Can't say I'm a Bruce Willis fan though... 7.5 / 10
  12. This is why I will never buy willingly glasses
  13. Yeah agreed, if they were into anime it would be ideal. You'd think that they'd at least do a couple of anime films for MYSS (Maybe Spirited Away, Girl who Leapt through Time, Akira) but alas no. I haven't listened to Games you should Play spare a couple of episodes, though I thought they were ok, for a couple of 17 year olds. Meh, if they outsourced an anime podcast like that, or like they do in Books you should Read it would be better than nothing *shrug*
  14. Wait, what? Now I don't usually randomly insult on forums but, you are clearly an idiot
  15. I was wondering the same thing. There's good ones for pretty much everything else - Films (Movies you should see), games (loads), TV (various Lost, heroes ones) general luls (Gervais, Definitive word, Brand), but I've yet to find a good anime one. The problem seems to be that most of them is that they all seem to be done via skype rather than a group sitting around a table and discussing. And they're usually American, which never seem to be quite as good as Brit podcasts
  16. I did that a while back. I was livid, especially because I used to do it all the time and then one day, out of the blue, it just randomly snapped off. I swore pretty loudly. My weekend involved a whole load of pretty much absolutely nothing whatsoever. Yawn.
  17. Wow, weird coincidence, I literally just watched that and came on here to write this, to find you'd just done seen it as well. Withnail and I Weirdly good, laugh out loud funny at times. The two main blokes were great actors. Im amazingly tired though so nearly fell asleep... 8 / 10 40 Year Old Virgin Quite good, as Apatow's always are. I still find Steve Carrell intensely annoying though... 7 / 10
  18. I had a such as stupid night. Went over to a local village with a friend to go to a party, watched a film (40 year old virgin, amusing enough) beforehand, then went off to the party, only to find that it was cancelled. We decided to try and make something of the night so then paid for a taxi back to the town I came from, where my friend assured me there was a party we could get into. Got halfway to the town before our money for the taxi ran out. So then we trekked all the way to the other side of town for this party. Stayed about 10 minutes and then got kicked out. So then we walked to the park, where a few friends were, but they'd left by the time we reached there. Got a call from another friend and walked way back to where we'd gotten dropped off in the taxi, getting stopped and our names taken down by police for drinking in a public place on the way. Grr, forgot about that rule. So then we finally arrived at the party, everyone was drunk or high, I had too many drinks, spliff, miraculously didn't throw up. Got about 10 minutes of sleep on a sofa with a girl, only to be woken up about 10 minutes later when someone smashed a mirror. And then I talked to randomers for the rest of the night, and just walked home, so here I am, feeling sick and exhausted. The end.
  19. I SO bought that cardigan last week And I'm also having a matching t-shirt trouble. Seems to go well enough with a white t-shirt. But I was wearing it with a stripy bauge t-shirt the other day and, looking at a couple of photos of me, it didn't work :P
  20. Woop! Yeh I think I will be recommending it to many. And I think I'll check out the Man From Earth, sounds interesting. Then possibly Scanner Darkly for the rotoscoping, and I think it's based on a Philip Dick novel, hmm
  21. I think I didn't quite 'get' Fargo when I watched - I enjoyed it it but didn't see it as the 10 / 10 that I'd heard it was. Id give 7 - 8 myself. Waking life Really curiously interesting film I randomly recorded late on Saturday night. Nice style (filmed and then each frame hand drawn over the top), though I can see others not liking it so much (There is no real plot, more a collection of meetings and conversations with people about life, dreams and philosophy). Interestingly surreal watch. 8 / 10
  22. Requiem for a Dream Don't do drugs kids. Very good film, great soundtrack. Even if it's now used in every video, ever. And in Top Gear. 9 / 10
  23. Dunno if I found it on here in the first place but anyways, http://foodporndaily.com/ Ahhhh
  24. Well I've had a hectic week. And I got the day of my dad's birthday wrong, thought it was today but it was yesterday :S Woops. I would link to the upload onto facebook but I think you have to be a friend to see it, unless anyone knows how to make a video public? Or if fb videos can be embedded? I havn't got a youtube account so im too lazy for that :P The general idea is And then, having watched,
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