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Everything posted by dan-likes-trees

  1. Alien Hominid is a great one, as is metal slug. And i plan on downloading Omega 5 later, which looks pretty good...
  2. Repetitive Sounds, repetitive sounds, and a ladder climb that lasts 30 seconds!!!
  3. Well i went to our 'sixth form social' last night, which i thought was gunna be crap, as practically the only people going were the 'cool kids' But in fact it was faantastic. Though i feel abit crud now...
  4. Yea, the 'oceanic 6' bit was most intriguing. Id go Sayid, Claire, and yeh Sawyer for the last 3... locke's bound to stay on the island. And is it just me or does Hurley not quite work as a serious character? I mean, he's good comic relief but i wasn't sure about him being so central to th plot... And thankya Neutral mlk hotel are a great band Oohh and id probably go with locke... he's the only one who has any idea whats going on on the island id say...
  5. Sooo... season 4 premier, thoughts? Not perhaps as good as i was anticipating, and i think the other season openers have been better, but there was some interesting stuff, and for the first time in ages watching lost i found myself really quite confused... Set up this season nicely anyways, which hopefully won't start off crap as the first few eps of season 3...
  6. Superbad Didn't think i'd like this much as it usually wouldnt be my kind of thing. But it was brilliant and lived up to the hype surroudning it. It's rare for me to want to go out and rewatch a film immediately... but im getting the dvd tomorrow 10 / 10 Cloverfield Again, lived up to the hype... the whole blaire witch camera actually worked really well (though Hud (sp?) was at times annoying) and let the movie function as more of a disaster movie than a dumb action / monster film. I agree with Happenstance though, a sequel would probably suck... 9/10
  7. Damn right!! The last missing piece... I was like... WHAT THE FUU--- Christ i can't wait till thursday!!
  8. heh, these are awesome I remember doing the 5 year olds one a while ago, think i could get 17 :P And as for other stuff, 45% chance surviving a zombie apocalypse 27 countries (sucks!) 26 Colours 62% Geek 2,157,120 germs on me keyboard right now 58% addicted to apple and i 'barely passed' the 2007 internet test
  9. Saw the latest shippuden... Why has Sakura gone back to being lame again?? Sucks. And has anyone seen Noein? Started watching the other day, god it's good.
  10. I Am Legend Muchos better than i thought it would be, having gone to see it only cause my shitty local cinema (luton) wasn't showing No Country for old men. Anyways it was good, though the mutant things looked pretty lame. Like a cross between zombies and those rubbish monsters from the descent. shoulda just stuck to zombies. 7.5 / 10 Jackie Brown Not quite as good as Pulp fiction, but pretty damn awesome all the same. Clever plot, good characters, and all in the slick Tarantino style. Only resevoir dogs left to watch now... (in terms of Tarantino films) 9 / 10 May do a double of Cloverfield and NCfOM next weekend, they both seem to be getting the thumbs up from people
  11. Resi 4 Finished it for the first time earlier (what, nearly 3 years after release? I only bought it a couple months back you see) Anyway, absolutely brilliant game, almost faultless. But i spose everyone on this forum has played it so i'll move on to... 10 / 10 Dead Rising Well you can't go far wrong with the dawn of the dead zombies-in-a-mall premise. But jesus, it's all so fucking frustrating!! Shooting sucks, weapons break too easily, frank is the least agile thing i've ever controlled, and the save system is a pile of wank. Still killer fun nonetheless 8 / 10
  12. I also had biology AS module 1 today. It were alright, but not as easy as all everyone were saying after it... think i did alright though. Nout on pressures in the heart, which i completely never understood. And then i have 2 sodding general studies on monday and friday. Urg what a pointless AS.
  13. Lol, noones heard of it, no idea how i managed to find it. Anyways, it's set in the 30's, with the mafia and stuff, and immortal people, Tis very cool. And if you seen pulp fiction, it's kinda cut like that. And i think i shall try Monster... though 70 episodes... that's a hellof a lot... Need to finish Wolf's rain first aswell :/ Too much to watch...
  14. Soo... anyone seen it yet? I'm currently halfway through, it's fantastic! 'I thought you were happy. Your tail is wagging.' Heh... yeh.
  15. Heh, agreed. Well i'm currently downlaoding the special (can we talk about downloading? Or is it taboo? I'm new here :P) Should be good... Only problem is, since i finished watching the series, i havn't been able to find anything that comes close to being as good as it... Btw, did anyone see Baccano! last year? It was a great little anime, but no one seems to have seen it...
  16. Princess Mononoke WOW this was stunning. Having seen Spirited away, which was brilliant, and kiki's, which was slightly meh, i was glad to see this remind me more of the former. Bit long, but brilliant throughout. 9.5/10 Kill Bill Volume Two More plot that the first volume, and Bill was good, but the action wasn't quite as stunning - nothing matched the silouted fight, or that awesome anime-ish sequence of the first. Oh and there was less gore, why was this? Still good though. 8 / 10
  17. I shall be getting Brawl and No More Heroes... but then that's it, for ages. I have such a ton of games i need to play through... Just realized i have ToS to beat aswell...
  18. Hang on, its not 60 is it? 16; Look at the site... 'The crew is working on 16 new episodes of Futurama, which will be done in widescreen.'
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