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Everything posted by dan-likes-trees

  1. Dunno, bit too good to be true really. Still, the story seems somewhat convincing. Unrelated, Quite cool biology-physics quiz thing. I got 9 / 12
  2. City of God Lived up to the hype. More or less perfect. 10 / 10
  3. I also read Kotaku, tis good. Then N-E Myspace (im old hat) Lifehacker Gamesradar sometimes The daily Film4 listings http://www.guardian.co.uk/profile/charliebrooker in case i missed it in the paper NME (yeh i know...) Oh yah and Cracked is pretty lols And some cool blogs: http://www.vouspensez.com/ http://culturepopped.blogspot.com/ http://psgels.blogsome.com/
  4. Aww but i like postmen... Anyways, quite nice, though the spaceship thing looks meh and its a little cluttered 7/10
  5. Heh, 'controlling your fertility via a remote control' http://digg.com/gadgets/Controlling_your_fertility_via_remote
  6. I just watched, thought it was brilliant. However...
  7. What do you mean? Charlies Angels got rave reviews!: (Skip forward to 1.30 and watch, most amusing) In all seriousness though, I can't think of any GC games i bought which id call awful... thats what you get for reading reviews i suppose. There were disappointments though, Starfox Assault springing to mind, or Starfox Adventures.
  8. Whats with all the hate? Didn't they already say it wouldn't be coming out for wii? Am I the only one whose just pleased its been officially announced? EDIT: Oh and they should really put the original out for Xbox originals on Live... ramp up a bit of interest...
  9. Heh, I posted this on the funny videos thread the other day. All your pork and beans are belong to us.....
  10. 49 for me. Which is abit poor... I recon i can do better, might try it again in the morning when i feel more awake. Kangahskahn... kangaskan... blah annoying spellings. And warturtle... lol
  11. I think some of them are the actual people - Numa kid, that Britney speares guy / girl / weirdo, but most are impersonations. Lol, ALL YOUR PORK AND BEANS ARE BELONG TO US!! Also, Cats on treadmill
  12. Can't say I'm a huge Weezer fan but this video is amazing ^ stuffed with internet memes. Star Wars kid to Daft Hands, it's all there Also cool:
  13. Yeaah must be the same then, and nope, I go to Sir John Lawes... you? Now if you go to SJL that would be ultra weird... would mean i know you!
  14. GTA IV = Unoverrated N+ = WIN Halo 3 = Meh No More Heroes = Disappointing Mario Kart = Understocked Bloom Blox = FUN
  15. Heh, my mate picked this up today instead of mario kart as it was sold out all over. Went round his and played it, its great fun I can see it getting abit dull though, in single player. Still, the multi is great
  16. 26 filler of Naruto... that would suck majorly. I didn't bother with it last week... 10 episodes thorugh Beck ^.^ So so good. The whole bullying subplot was getting a bit depressing but it would seem that has ended when Chiba pwned and raped that guitar smash guy... yay!
  17. 'But all these complaints are quashed when I remember that there's a gun that shoots shurikens and lightning'
  18. Same with me. One of the many downsides of being a geek. I'd love to say summat like BGaE or Metal Arms, but even though i bought them at launch id already read read reviews praising them so their awesomeness was no real surprise... Only recent one i can remember is Lost in Blue (original) which i bought pretty much cause i was Lost obsessed at the time and it seemed like lost: the game. Was good fun too ^.^ And I remember buying a shite game called Pet Soccer for the pc, 99p from a game bargin bin. So bad it was brilliant, played it for far too long with friends. And it had a parrot commentating the game, muchos lols
  19. Ahh just had my English AS. 3 essays in a row... urgh Modern Novel (spies): Alright i think, remembered more quotes than i thought i would Poems (Larkin): Better than i was hoping, mainly cause our teacher made us do an essay last week that had the same title as one of the questions ^.^ Drama (Woman of No Importance): Alright, question was abit meh, to do with the ending which I hadn't looked at as much as the first half. So generally not too bad. Ahh i want an A though, it's very touch and go :/ Yey i have 2 weeks till my next exam Unforunately thats 2 biologys, followed by 2 chemistrys the day after. Jeez...
  20. Yeh that episode was lame. Also it was annoying because they'd cut it down from 16 episodes to 14 this season, so you'd have thought that would mean no filler, but alas...
  21. Well a friend lent me so I watched the entire first series of peep show today... 2 days before my english AS... This was definitely a good idea There is no way this wasn't was a good idea
  22. I also vote for the wii in general And no more heroes... maan i so wanted to love that game...
  23. I'm quite liking MGMT's album so far ^.^ Not so keen on Hadouken! so far though, doesn't seem to be as good as their mixtape-usb stick-thing from last year Anyways i rediscovered the joys (and not so joys) of mashups today Muse vs Britney (wow she was hot once ) Strokes vs 50 Cent ?rel=0&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> There's also a quite good bloc party gwen stefani one knocking around, though i can't seem to find it on youtube...
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