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Everything posted by dan-likes-trees

  1. 167 million. Still not as good as your mate but there we go. Took like seconds to get from 100 to 167... Oh and Mike1988, Stefkoz & Gizmo, i added you all for leaderboard fun, im dan woah
  2. Fucking GET IN!!!!! Dyson, check out my pacifism score
  3. Ahh pacifism is WAY too addictive. Spent a good while getting my score from 41 mill to 43, then to 45, then 55 or summat. Ahhh.... The multiplayer is great funs aswell, though i've had a little too much practice for it to be fair....
  4. Hmmph, I thought I had enough but, went to download Braid, only had 1100 points:blank: gah...
  5. Well well, first time i've posted a picture of me on here, ahh im losing my anonymity. Here we go, first up, camera at a stupid angle PLUS mirror useage And an ultimate, black and white, high contrast, mirror shot with slight lens flare, AND im looking the wrong way for bonus myspace points. 'I think it looks really artistic and original'. Yeaah, coming atcha!!
  6. Done and done. I remember being well chuffed a couple days after it came out, i got number 3 on the leaderboards for some random level. Suffice to say i dropped down a good few places after a couple weeks...
  7. Heh yeah, sounds like it. Just came on here after getting 41 millionish on pacifist and see dan dare's mate got 225 million. Jeeeesus. Dan Dare, think someone mighta said a couple pages back but your friends list is full so i cant add... And christ, i absolutely suck at King for some reason. Can barely get over a million...
  8. Nu-uh, i got em all aswell kthx What a fantasmically brilliant game. I particularly liked the one you get for dieing like a gazillion times Still, you can have the title of regular posting n-europe king of platformers EDIT: Do the easy levels pack have high scores tables? I seem to remember that the hard levels you unlock after you beat all the regular ones didn't have em, which made me not bothered to beat them...
  9. Ahh, got back from holiday yesterday, downloading Geometry wars 2 was practically the first thing i did. Holy cack it's awesome!! Whoever thought up King and Pacifism deserves some kind of a medal. 19,500,000ish on evolved within a couple gos... arhh, i need to convince me friends to get it, i have no leaderboard rivalries...
  10. Ha, my mate was telling me about having the same problem the other day. First he was 'Crap, fly's in me monitor' Then a couple days after, 'Crap, there's two there now' Then last night 'Crap, I think they're breeding, there's like 5 buzzing around there now, they must be loving it' Sucker
  11. Heh, sounds like I was the only one who disliked Dent's look then. And yeh, I can acknowledge why he had to use that voice and all, just i guess i thought it could have been done a little better... Elsewhere, I got The Machinist to play Really liked it ^.^ Bale was brilliant throughout, his appearance was brilliantly shocking, and worked really well when compared to his regular un-skinny self in some of the scenes. I thought it would suck a little since the plot was half spoiled by a friend but in the end that didn't matter too much. Great film, i'll make it a hatrick of 9 / 10, as with the last 2 films i rated EDIT: If you haven't seen it, i think its on film4 tomorrow. Worth watching.
  12. So I saw it, had to go early to make sure tickets were bought but yeh was worth it Dark Knight Was really good. Ledger was supurb as the Joker. Applause for Nolan, I tend to dislike superhero films but this was by far the best of the genre that I've seen. Couple of gripes: - I would have liked moar Bale action, as im having abit of a Bale lovefest atm. - Bale's Batman voice annoyed the hell out of me - Without giving anything away, i thought Dent looked ridiculous in the second half of the film... 9 / 10 Before the Devil Knows You're Dead Also very good. They almost overdid the emotion at points but it was brilliantly done nonetheless. Great acting and im always a fan of that sort of pulpfictionesque storytelling 9 / 10
  13. SWEET!! Actually, that said I never watched the second series... ah well...
  14. Ah, darn you. I've been trying to watch it after my friend downloaded it for me as he has a rapidshare account Sadly its .rar, password protected. Bums. & Thats why you shouldn't download things, kids. Apparently it's on channel 4 on friday but im off on holiday and our recorder doesn't record off freeview. Urgh. I'll buy it one day... And I should also be seeing Dar Knight tomorrow, assuming the screen isn't sold out...
  15. That cat video was cool... though I can't work out if there was suammt wrong with it or if it was like asleep as you were saying. Completely unrelated, Funs physics puzzler
  16. And not just at the top spot; it is by quite a margin. 9.4 - while 2nd is Godfather at 9.1 It'll probably drop down once the dust settles mind. It was 9.5 when i looked yesterday. Wall•E seems to be doing alright for itself an all, up there at 24th. And i'm pretty interested in The Machinist since i saw someone give it the thuumbs up a couple pages back here. Spanish film, with Christian Bale, that's similar to Memento? Sold.
  17. I loled. 'You won't regret it!' I also broke up from school today. Well technically it's tomorrow, but as I have no lessons in the morning and it's a half day... Anyway, huzah!! Also, I had my first driving lesson yesterday, which was alright i guess. I pretty much sucked but it's hard to tell how bad everyone is to start off so maybe I was alright.
  18. Yesss! I quite need to vent about quiet people aswell. I went round this girls house after sixth form the other week 'cause id forgotten my keys and we watched a film. Now, cause she speaks quiet she seems to have everything else quiet, her TV included. I asked to turn the volume up and she did, but still, i have my tv like double that loudness. So i spent the entire film struggling to hear what was going on - i couldn't ask to crank it up again, that would've been rude. Gah. In other news, i've been trying to get with this girl for a while and was making progress but then drink at a party at the weekend resulted in me getting a lovebite on the neck from another girl. Proved to be quite the annoyance when everyone at school could see it, quiet girl included... bummer. I've since vowed to stop drinking and being such a prick at parties.
  19. Sweet, sounds tempting to say the least. Id been thinking it would be a meh spin off... It's pretty much a Death Note encyclopedia. Character profiles, interviews, how its made and such like. Its pretty cool. Also it has the original pilot chaptery thing which is interesting for seeing the beginnings of death note...
  20. All in one day? That would be absolutely mental. Post your thoughts on Another Note when your done, i'm vaguely considering getting it... In fact, anyone else here read it?
  21. Hmm I have double English, which is meh, followed by double art, which last week the teacher practically admitted was a dos. 'You can sort of use your art lessosn to relax...' :P Then it's a double free in the afternoon to go home and waste time there instead
  22. Ahh, I never knew what I wanted to do and I still don't really, meh. I had some idea that I wanted to be a vet when I started AS, which meant that I chose subjects I was wank at, and am now paying the price. Ah well.
  23. ... Wha?? Imo the start of sunshine was absolutely suburb, and continued to be so until toward the end... where it all got a bit wank. But you seem to see it the other way round so ya might like the end Thats better. *agrees* Meanwhile, I posted in the thread but i watched The Girl Who Leapt Through Time with a friend the other day. I really rate it highly; cute romance with a hint of sci-fi. Even for people who arn't fans of anime... it's definitely worth a watch. Oh and it looks visually pretty amazing. 9 / 10
  24. Had a girl round the other day to watch The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. It was so goood ^.^ One of the best anime films I've seen. Very amusing, cute, and it looked amazing. Well worth a watch.
  25. A Sequel to Darker than Black??? ^.^ Sweeet. If they manage to cut out the crap episodes this time... The first series had some really special eps in there...
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