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Everything posted by dan-likes-trees

  1. I finally got convinced into watching 2g1c yesterday; me and four friends gathered around and watched, and filmed us watching it. Quite lols. One of the girls who was watching seemed like she was about to throw up. That video is gross. In other news I thought my dad's birthday was tomorrow but alas it's today, ahh!!
  2. Ahh Bird and the Bee are so good, discovered them after this video a while back And also, Dan's Awesome Cover of the Week TV On the Radio - Mr Grieves (Originally Pixies)
  3. I had a randomly awesomes day - Went in and our form tutor had checked our UCAS personal statements (well actually her boyfriend had, she said she'd no time, lazy) And said mine was brilliant, he wrote 'sounds like a very bright and inspired kid'. So that was good. - Got my art grade prediction secured at a B after they were threatening to put it down to a C... - Went home early due to lack of lessons ad stayed in a cafe with friends for a while - Went to see Tropic Thunder which was quite amusing - Came back for to help with the school's open evening, but decided at the minute not to go, and ended up walking around town with a friend, talking for about 3 hours. Fun times
  4. Jeeees-us! I just finished watching Magnolia, fucking long film (3 hours and a half with adverts). Also a fucking good film, worth the time. 'But it did happen' 9 / 10 What else did I see lately Super Troopers Amusing enough 6.5 / 10 Forgetting Sarah Marshall Liked it much more than I thought I would Brand is rather funny and all. And it reminded me of Lost in Translation for some reason. Except nowhere near as good. Still, i'd give 7.5 / 10
  5. Judging by the ones of those that I have, good list. And on a side note I saw Tahita of NYPC at the Tate a few months ago To add a couple, The Con - Tegan and Sara Dear Science & Return to Cookie Mountain - TV on the Radio Keasbey Nights - Streetlight Manifesto Neon Bible - Arcade Fire All Hour Cylable - Yeasayer In other news: Dirty Pretty Things have split up!! Didn't know that. They weren't bad... though appalling at Reading & ahhh I really want to get tickets for Bloc Party in April but alas I cannot afford...
  6. Yeaahh!! That program was goood. At first when I heard about this Taen film I thought it was related, but alas no...
  7. Yeh, but I didn't say 'cause apparently your meant to go in not knowing he's in it. He ain't on any of the promo stuff, posters and whatnot - he isn't even on the imdb page. So I thought it would be slightly spoilerish to name him lol That said, Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt were rather good as well...
  8. American Psycho Perhaps not as good as I was anticipating, but enjoyable nonetheless. Couple of wtf scenes... 7 / 10 Se7en Hot damn that actor steals the show in EVERYTHING he's in. Great film though, good ending 9 / 10
  9. Don't worry, I listened to a couple songs after your posts, then downloaded LP3. They be damn good. Anyone got TV On the Radio's new one yet? VERY good. And this past week I've been getting back into Pixies, and Modest Mouse (Mr. Grieves and Traler Trash are two of my favorite songs evaar) And on the topic of DIOYY, the album is great, and they are awesomes live ^.^ My favourite:
  10. Lols, I love the drunken posts in this thread. Anyway I did the lazy thing of turning up as Arthur Dent at a fancy dress party last night (Read: Wore a dressing gown and drank my drinks out of a mug) Andthe party was distinctly average. The end. Oh and before that I went to the Royal Holloway open day. Which was also distinctly average.
  11. I cleverly slept in late untill 10.30, and as my only lesson of the day was biology at 10.50, which I hadn't done the homework for, I figured I'd take the day off. Spent the day reading Murakami, making a tasty egg fried noodle dish, then went driving where I made a surprising lack of cock ups. Then I went round a friend's for a poker night. I made a grand total profit of 50p And I'm gunna check out the Royal Holloway uni tomorrow, which I suspect may be abit wank...
  12. And as I said, but you chose to ignore, my friend who played them at the same thought OOT was better. So thats 1 - 1 for zelda noobs. To be honest, aside from better skills and probably better bosses, those are debateable. I can't remember any of the tp dungeons being particularly memorable, and neither was the story, really. And actually, aside from the colossus rip offs, i preffered OOT's bosses. Hell, if you want to judge it on the final boss, OOT wipes the floor...
  13. Yeah!! I downloaded the album after loving the op for xam'd. Good stuffs. My day involved me going ape shit that id been predicted a C in art A2 after getting a healthy B at AS. Eventually it was sorted out and I was predicted B, my teacher told me I wasn't as good as I used to be... Then me and my friend planned a rough intter-railing trip accross Europe after exams next summer. It's going to be so great!! (If anyone knows of any cities that shouldn't be missed then shout) But I really need to get some more money together. Gunna look around for a temp christmas one in town at the weekend... And then we got round to booking a weekend to Paris with a couple of friends in November More costs...
  14. I dunno, I just asked my friend, who played the two games at around the same time which he preferred and he went for ocarina *shrug*. It's an interesting debate in anycase. I'm going Ocarina aswell...
  15. 'Eat on that burn sauce, fatboy! Also, I think Hitler was right.' Haha that was a good'un. Makes me wonder if Twighlight Princess actually was better than Ocarina...
  16. It was st albands, although in that lesson we mox=zyed around wheathampsted aswell, which was quite random. Do you go to luton? I think I woudl hate that, busy place. Anyway I just arrived home ealry from a party since the polica kicked us out . I am definatly goig to regret rthis in the mornign as usually i think people who type whilst drunk are idiots. oh well.... EDIT: Wow what an idiot post! Translation It was St Albans, although in that lesson we mozyed around wheathampsted as well, which was quite random. Do you go to luton? Bit of a busy place for driving, Id imagine. Went to a party last night which ended early when the police mysteriously arrived and closed it down. Im still not sure why. Good times anyway.
  17. *High fives* Well I've had a very dull night in. Oh well, tomorrow I'm going to a party that's in the same place as one I went to last week. I seem to remember leaving a couple of beers in the bushes so if im lucky they'll still be there... huzah! And yesterday I met up with this girl who'd tried to help me find said beers at last week's party. She had a great many cuts all over her from the bushes, I felt somewhat guilty... In other news i massively suck at driving lessons when they're first thing in the morning Can't concentrate!
  18. It's hard to tell / remember, but it seems to vary massively for me. Can be almost instantaneous or can take me over an hour. A while ago I got into the habit of listening to podcasts before I went to bed, and Id fall asleep whilst listening. Worked quite well, but it destroyed my headphones, had to keep buying new ones cause id been sleeping on em and crushing em.
  19. Haha awesomes. Well I haven't actually had it yet, I accidentally booked a driving lesson for the first lesson last week so skipped it. But yeh, general studies lessons are on the whole a massive waste of time so I can't blame her. If it's anything like the AS classes people will stop going to the lessons after a few weeks...
  20. *Agrees*. It was especially annoying as about 10 minutes before the disable I'd shown a bunch of people how to revert to old facebook, and they were all thanking me. So ten minutes later they were all like wha... Oh and congrats Dom In other news your mum is now my general studies teacher :P
  21. I don't know what to make of Chuck Palahniuk. On the one hand I thought Fight Club was excellent, but then I thought Survivor was overrated, and Diary generally poor. Eh, I might try another of his one day - my friend's been reading Choke and she tells me it's good. I've had a fun weekend. And a weird party last night. Things that stuck in my memory - Some guy being sick 30 minutes in after literally 2 beers - Managing to spill a tiny bit of boiled water over some girl when I was making some tea, randomly. She went ape shit. - Discovering the Reading wristband is a genius conversation starter - Drunken texting that nearly had bad repercussion - Deciding it would be a great idea to sleep in some shopping trolleys that we found in the park with a couple of friends. Cold, uncomfortable, impossible to sleep in. Then I went home, got some sleep, watched Pineapple Express, and here I am
  22. Oh god... American Beauty Now, I've seen a lot of great films recently (I've been trying to get all the classics watched) But this may well be the best film I've ever seen. Beautiful and flawless. 10 / 10
  23. Mines been generally ok. I have a pretty good bunch of friends, never been bullied or picked on really. School is ok, messed up gcses but im back on track after AS. On the bad side, I'm also part of the lost a mum club, as mine died from cancer three years ago, when I was 14. Sort of messed things up for me and my dad but we'd known it was coming for years so yeh. On the girls front things have been pretty uneventful, and I've yet to have a proper relationship that's lasted more than a week or so. Still, it's still early days so I'm not too worried. A few times it's been shit along the way, but as they say, 'You just gotta get through high school'. Almost there :P
  24. Memento I love this film. I called the ending though, or half of it anyway, but still, very clever, very good film. 10 / 10 And I watched half of Bourne Ultimatum with a friend today, shall watch the second half on friday. Looking good.
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