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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Creepy! Before entering I was like Yay! Retro Discussion I'mma talk about Yoshi's Island. And I've already been beaten. I played that game to death. On GBA though since I'm still one of the young ones. It was the game my mum and dad got me for my GBA on birthday, in New York. Fond memories!
  2. I don't know, I've never actually made Pancakes. :p It isn't actually needed. I am currently on a PANCAKE HIGH! Savoury then sweet and then sweeter still! (and then sickeningly sweet) Each bite provided a new state of ecstasy. I feel like a king at a banquet and I've just had the last swig of the finest wine and the last leg of the most succulent pig! I'm ready to collapse into heaven. TAKE ME PANCAKE GODS! *holds out his arms*
  3. We are doing it without butter. We are that hardcoreness Bears. According to my friend I do not have the strength to flip her over. I just about have the strength to lift and pour a bag of sugar on her though. :p OH MARY JANE! new rule: You have to play this while flipping yo' pancakes. and repeat! Or remixed:
  4. It's okay people. I HAVE TOILET PAPER. I ran out, fortunately no urinating on jesus moments arised. Last night I was at my fattest eating Chinese! I pretty much have no working time devices and thus I tell the time through the sun now. :p Woke up at 9:10 this morning like... JANEDAMMIT I'M TEN MINUTES LATE. wait it is still kinda dark outside oh my phone clock isn't working... *checks watch* 9:20? Oh great my watch has stopped. *checks Ipod* out of Battery. Turns out I wasn't late so I had time to prepare for the day. The main thing from today is that I got Semester One Results back... I'm doing okay, averagely at best BUT they have lost one of my exams or something! :p I saw my tutor and was like no no I DEFINATELY TOOK IT! *One of Coolness' heart pounds slightly* So I've got an F3 that at the moment so I've got the attached letter telling me to PULL MY SOCKS UP! (but in a more professional way.) My tutor is on the case so hopefully this is sorted out. That one exam brought me down. That was the one I was looking forward to getting back the most as well. anyway, PANCAKES! (because I've not talked about them enough)
  5. I'm on episode 16 thus far. My friend says it gets quite epic. I remember you suggesting it to me ages ago!
  6. Haha! That made me laugh,stupidly! I will ask my friend if she wants to be flipped over. (she'll be cool with it. ) I'm so ridiculously hungry for pancakes. EMERGANCY WE ARE OUT OF BUTTER I REPEAT OUT OF BUTTER!
  7. I've never thought about a relationship. I constantly think about pancakes though. I barely get how friendships work. :p I do know however that friends make you pancakes for dinner! Which is what is going down this evening. Both Savoury and Sweet. OM NOM NOM!
  8. Once I'm caught up with my Weekly Anime, I'mma continue watching HunterxHunter.
  9. OOh I'm late! Anywho Razzingtons! Much love to you on this day! (well yesterday) Actually I wish you love on all the days that have been thus far!
  10. I love the new signature and Avatar. Resident Evil 5, Naice! :D

  11. I literally jumped up from my bed and knocked my sprite cans off myself when my friend said... "Isn't pancake day tomorrow?" I then rapidly looked at my calendar to see if it was true and upon revelation that it is indeed tomorrow began jumping up and down excitedly! Getting even more excited that she is gonna be cooking some. yum yum yum. :D:D
  12. I view them as Dogs of the Military. or Chief Wiggum
  13. UP! Brilliant. It all feets so perfectly together. 9/10
  14. UP ON DVD! I have been waiting for this day ever since I left the Cinema in October.
  15. Desperate Housewives Season 2 Bree going mental at the funeral. Bree with a shot gun. Bree drinking. Bree Slapping. Bree Losing it. Bree with Dishevelled hair. Bree escaping Bree staring down the barrel of a loaded gun. The rest was also good. :p The main mystery was weak but Gabrielle's storyline stepped up this season. Plus I love how it slowly places plot points for the next season such as Orson and how everything isn't really wrapped up at the end. The Simpsons Boy Meets Curl Fun. There were some great jokes thrown in. Lisa's subplot was okay but we've seen here get addicted before on many different things but at least it was resolved in the bizarre russian pin badge way! Characters were well developed and it didn't go down the usual route or a homer/marge break up thing. Only thing is that Agnes was pregnant with Seymour which contradicts a Season 9 episode but then they don't usually go for continuity! Also I was half asleep watching it. 8/10
  16. I'm never ever ever ever ever ever ever evereverevereverevereverevereverever gunna unglue my lips from being together. HI I'M KATE NASH. New Song. My Songs of the Day: Nerina Pallot - When Did I become such a bitch? Audio Sunn o))) - Big Church Audio Jem - They Audio The Coup - My Favourite Mutiny Audio Albums I've been listening to: The Beatles - The Magical Myster Tour like my favourite album, ever. Ke$ha - Tik Tok Lots of fun. Jem - Finally Awaken Good. Nerina Pallot - The Graduate I love this a lot.
  17. On that note:
  18. Community - Communication Studies Delicious Genius Pears. They know how to do Holiday episodes. The whole thing is great!
  20. I went to the Cinema by myself today (which is underated) because my friend didn't want to see these: Warning: Possible spoilers ahead for both movies. The Princess and the Frog. The Princess and the Frog was disappointing for me. I had HIGH expectations for this. The story was fairly weak, I thought the initial premise was quite good but it didn't go anywhere. The characters were not that likeable. They were okay but they lacked depth which means I wasn't bothered about what they were doing. Although the whole evening star aspect I enjoyed. Prince Naveen was meant to be charming but was just annoying but not in the loveable way. The animation was lush and very colourful and the songs were whimsical enough. =] It was still pretty good but lacked that old disney shine. There wasn't really any sense of adventure in the whole thing. I have to say the main villian was the best part of the movie but I felt his motives needed to be...DARKER or different. okay so he wanted to dominate/rule the town but his plan was a bit meh. He was more evil than that and he never got to do anything interesting. :p There wasn't any real sense of threat or danger. I loved his connection to the other side which was nicely explored but it all ended suddenly. Children's movies have gotten weak these days bring back the Hunchback of Notre Dame! FIRE HELL FIRE! 6.5/10 Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Lightening Thief. I went in expecting full on Lulz. I was pleasantly surprised. Percy and the lightening Boys, was pretty good actually. Cheesy in places and still laughable. Also I predicted the ending before within the first 20 minutes BUT if I was younger I probably wouldn't have guessed the twist so easily. It still has the usual high school/teenager/school for "magic" people aspect to it but they didn't focus on that. It was all very tight and compact. I liked the ending in terms of the last scene. (nothing special) The end was a bit lame and at least it didn't get lamer. I felt it was all wrapped up too quickly after the adventure i'd been taken on. Film needed more Sean Bean, for serious. Plus Steve Coogan as Hades who thought that up? XD That was funny but he looked slightly out of place, I think that was the point though. mix things up a bit and not have a menacing evil. Half Goat Blackman was cool, I approve. Throw in some basics of Greek Mythology which I enjoyed and you have yourself some brainless fun for 2 hours. Didn't realise it was a book first. Apparently it changed it completely so people are UP IN ARMS! 6/10
  21. ReZ you are my God Father. You have no say in this by the way or at least my crazy sidekick in my detective show. The Bear and the Beast, you are the beast for reasons that are to x rated for these forums. (big penis) Or it could be the Bear and his Beast and you could play my... ANYWAY! I WANT TO MAKE LOVE TO YOU SIDEWAYS or something not bizarre. This has gotten a little of course the original message I was going to send. I feel a simple Happy Birthday would have sufficed. Breaking it down for you I think you are awesome! Even though I Mamoswine'd yo ass. Also, : peace: Hasn't been used enough recently. so... : peace:: peace:: peace:: peace:
  22. Thanks! I fear my dad will reclaim it. Well ain't that just swell. No idea why I thanked you like that. :p I've grown up Physically I guess, mentally I'm still an excited child. Some one actually thought I was 19 Years Old the other day. So I guess I FINALLY look my age. I am advertising danger! It's warning you that contained within that bathroom at that very moment are... EXTREMELY DANGEROUS LEVELS OF COOLNESS! (that may cause you to fall over. ) Also My facial hair I don't normally have. I shave before it gets wispy!
  23. DO EEET! You know you want to give those naughty little angels a good spanking! :p
  24. *sniffs* DID SOMEONE SAY PANCAKES? After the usual crying in my bathroom with the shower pouring over me as a form of pathetic fallacy, while eating chunky Monkey icecream for 4 hours.... I will be spending Valentines Day probably watching Desperate Housewives/Curb Your Enthuasism/Mobile Suit Gundam/Xena Warrior Princess. I don't get relationships. :p
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