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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. The Lovely Bones. I've not read the book. I loved the movie though. I thought it was beautiful and ridiculously well made. This is my kind of movie + Peter Jackson. I now have 4 of his films in my Top 20. :p 9/10
  2. Day Two under the Dome. and I can't stop doing the monkey! PRAY FOR MOJO! So last night I went out Dressed up to the Nines. Before the night even began I was beeing groped by security, not checked, groped, serious amounts of groping was going on, I DO NOT LIKE GREEN EGGS AND HAM! Fair enough check the sides, no need to cup me. ANYWAY! it was a good evening, £7.99 all inclusive. Then you got a card with 8 boxes which get ticked each time you get a drink. I ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE CARD. I did it plus I got 3 glasses from their which I hid up my sleeve shhhh! I got caught with one though. Woops. :p I have no idea why blokes talk to me when drunk as if I'm some kind of mule that can take their load. (Oh god that sentence can be severely misintepretated) whatever, I got told I look like the guy from Eastenders? and had him and his friends looking at me in the toilet like OH YEAH HE DOES! you should be proud. After that I went to the toilet and Blaeeeeeeeeegagagh man ran in and was sick right next to me. It was a Pigs trough as well so it all floated down near me. SO UNNECESSARY. Learn to handle your drink you Swine! Cinema today. NOPANTSMONTHNOPANTSMONTH! Sewer eels are not sexy. Accept they are not Eels they are disguised mudkips.
  3. Probopass is hilarious. I cracked up for like ten minutes. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Epic Pokemon is epic.
  4. yeah to be honest it's the time galaxy! If that is the one with the rotating platforms for the purple coin challenge. I panic and die instantly. :p
  5. Goafrer that is awesome. Not as good as Hans Lander though because he is BEYOND pro.
  6. So basically this is Omegle with cameras. Though i don't want to see naked men.
  7. Naice! I've yet to get that star. I just can't do it! I've got like 108 stars. I'm so close but Purple Coin Challenges that are timed ruin me. :p
  8. My iPod nano continues to be missing! WAIT I hadn't told you it was missing yet. I LOST MY IPOD NANO! Poor little guy, he is probably confused. If someone picks it up they are very lucky they will get the best music from 2009, 500 Days of Summer and Flipadelphia. I hope they put it to good use. It must have fallen out of my pocket, normally I would check I had everything but I was trying to rush out before a new lecture started! It feels like something is missing with me, walking is not as magical as it should be. Apart from that my days have been wintastic of course. Turns out I got a B in my Psychology of Happiness exam so that is all great, my highest exam score! Not only that BUT I got Chrono Trigger on the DS yesterday preowned at a good price so I've been hammering through that non-stop, even walked and played to see whether that was possible (lasted about 5 minutes) I need something to replace my Ipod on my Journey. Equally been watching Desperate Housewives Season 3 which has significantly upped it's giant lulz factor because i've been laughing a fair bit. Also found Bitch Brigade have released their album and thus my day was made. I'm going out to a Club in an little while cue several hours of fat middle aged men hugging me. tasty. :p Tomorrow = No Pants Month. I'mma be going to see The Lovely Bones and the Cinemans. So a good weekend THUS far.
  9. Your friendly neighbourhood Coolness Bears does. Also I didn't know Bitch Brigade had an album out. It's been out for 3 days already. Fortunately it was on iTunes i was slightly surprised.
  10. no-one told me this was out. Instant Purchase. :p
  11. Gets better everytime. I currently love Grizzly Bear - Cheerleader Audio Helped keep me relaxed while playing Street Fighter 4.
  12. It should be called: I AM KING OF THE WORLD!! oh crap... A DINOSAUR!? ____ only mild twists? I WANT EPIC TWISTS!
  13. HE IS POWERED BY STEAM! true facts.
  14. I love your face in the second one.
  15. This looks extremely sexy. I'm tingling.
  16. Ah, I see. Thanks that helps. Blah, I've gone back to failing hard! I thought I'd beaten Arcade mode by beating my rival BUT then Seth appears in all his Naked Silver Glory and slaps me silly. Not the first form that is easy but his second one had me bashing my face on the controller.
  17. I didn't hate the filler as I didn't have the pain of having to watch it weekly. I just watched it all in one go.
  18. Right! I got Street Fighter IV for my birthday in October but sucked it so much that I decided to put it on my shelf. I got it out again today and had a proper go and learning how to play it properly! Now that I know how to pull off the moves the game is A LOT more enjoyable. Noob question time, If I want to pull off an ultra move and i'm on the right side of the screen (the one you don't start on) do I just reverse the stick to pull off the move? EDIT: Dhalsim is a giant whore.
  19. Thanks! :D


    I didn't put it in the rate your sig thread as I'm not wholly pleased with it. It lacks that shine and polish but the roughness is why I actually like my sig. It took me about 5 minutes to make but I like the idea behind it.


    Anyway! I was gonna say I wouldn't have gone with Tribal Sheva but with her in a her red hood and BAM! you changed it but now you've changed it again which is cool but Sheva in the hood. :heart:


    I want the alternative edition badly. I rented it first time round! :)

  20. Blah! My 3D glasses are at Home! Oldman slippers.
  21. ...and I'm caught up with my weekly anime! I finished Kuroshisuji yesterday and it is great! (apart from a few bits) very much reccomend it, I AM ONE HELL OF A BUTLER!
  22. I'm Coolness Bears. I like Non gelatinated gum based beverages.
  23. *dusts off and rolls out the red carpet* We are not actually as mental as this picture suggests!
  24. I envy you! you have so much excellence to go!
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