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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Eenuh that looks Funky! *immediately regrets saying that* I just bought snacks. LET THE NIGHT BEGIN.
  2. If I had the internet on my Wii right now I'd so be buying this, even though I have Tetris Party and already play Tetris non stop at Tetris Friends. I LOVE TETRIS.
  3. I wouldn't say it's the worst movie ever. At least is fun to watch. even in german. Bought one for mon nephew.
  4. That's fine. It's just when I was reading some of your reviews I was suddenly surprised at the end to find you had given it this score or that. Like Lesbian Vampire Killers wasn't a glowing review and then suddenly 6/10 and then apart from the one thing that urked you in Hannah Montana it was a more positive review then 5/10 and it left me confused regardless of enjoyment rating or whatever. I hope that makes sense. That's just an example I don't keep meaning to focus in on those two movies. LVP for me wasn't that, I don't think it knew how bad it was. Ninja Cheerleaders now there is a film that knows how bad it is. (and is genius and the greatest movie all time bar none) I forgive, it's just I'm a big fan of Miley Cyrus. :p oh and it is ridiculous but think of it like superman and Clark kent that is ridiculous. Ultimately it's a children's show and so they are not gonna be to focused on that aspect on whether it is believable she is just sticking on a wig or not but in the words of my sister... "I THOUGHT SHE HAD BLONDE HAIR? NO SHE HAS BROWN?, I DON'T GET THIS" *confused face* Cue me laughing. She probably didn't shout it out like that.
  5. You gave Lesbian Vampire Killers 6/10? and Hannah Montana: The Movie 5/10. For that I cannot forgive you. :p Seriously though how does your scoring work? I feel they need to be a bit more in tune with the review as a whole.
  6. I'm glad to see you have reformed your ways. :p I Love You, Beth Cooper Blah, not very good. Almost made me Cringe. Towel whipping fights are always good. Needed more Cows. Hayden wasn't that annoying and the main character looked like an Ugly younger version of Sean Penn when the camera was directly pointing from his chin upwards. 4/10
  7. Wow! seriously that long? Well then it is about time.
  8. Don't worry I was very calm, careful and resisted the urge to lick it. :p It was weeeeird though. It's a horrible grey thing, it's odd to think that used to be working in someone and now we are poking it. Some people felt a bit sick looking at it. It was just one brain. There was the whole brain then different segments of it. All very serious buisness. It's illegal to take one of the pieces. more rubbery than anything, they have preserved it in this stuff though so a fresher one would be squidgy-er. It is part of my Brain and Mind Module. It helped to show what we've been learning about from the past few weeks but MAN was it hard to differentiate the different areas. The professor was a bit smug because he knew where everything was and kept quizzing us, we stared at him blankly like we have been learning about the brain for 3 weeks!
  9. I have officially poked a human brain. That's how my day has been!
  10. Only shiny I have is Carvanha, it is sweeeet. These new Pokemon look ace! Particularly the evovled form. I've been waiting for new Pokemon for so long I can't believe this is happening. /emotional. :p
  11. Same. :p I love weddings. Traditional/Non Traditional I think they are great. ^____^ I'm more of a romantic than I have people care to think. Go Soag!
  12. That's nothing! I've worn mismatching shoes all the way to Belgium before and didn't notice. :p My evening involves fruit pastilles and desperate housewives. Oh and Cherry Tango which is odd then nice then odd then nice etc.
  13. I'll agree with this.
  14. Looking at your signature I can't help but feel that you somehow fall short of that. :p
  15. Am I the only one who likes the theme tune? I got it stuck in my head to day. I am dying to scream it at someone. I'm disappointed when it gets cut off!
  16. Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg.
  17. I missed a Lecture! Rawr, annoyed. I never miss lectures. Plus it is one that I actually like, stupid oversleeping machine! Ah well it can't be helped, on with the day. At least I haven't missed my weekly test and then OH MARY JANE, I was meant to come up with questions for Popps. *thinks*
  18. "He was one of God's own prototypes: a high-powered mutant never even considered for mass-production. Too weird to live, too rare to die." ____ Crazy, Weird, Sexy! My posts often make no sense because I get one idea and roll with it. I don't even know what I'm on about half the time. I'm not this mental in real life... ... ... Okay I am and I get at least 3 odd looks a day. :p In real life I am very very shy though so not many people know how far my sanity has deteriorated. (wow I spelt that right first time, NAICE!) I contain the madness within my room. When it is unleashed outside I will talk to you for ages about the Argentinian Duck that has a corkscrew penis and if the female tries to escape it will lure them in with said penis acting as a lasso! Also, Excitable and Happy. Basically the crazy guy on the corner. Give him a dime and he'll give you a lil' dance BUT IF YOU DON'T GIVE HIM THE COIN... Well just try and you'll find out.
  19. Desperate Housewives Season 2 episodes 3-8 or something I Love Bree. magic magic magic. I hate george.
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