On Friday I ended up in a club with some fat guy with his arm round me calling me a hippy and singing the black eyed Peas song TONIGHT'S GONNA BE A GOOD NIGHT with him because he looked like one of those drunks that could switch at any moment and if I didn't sing he would crush my tiny Coolness bones.
My day was like a swirling dream. Firstly There's a cake on my boot. What that means I don't know it's like a sign from the Gods that my life is to sweet or I needed to buy cakes or something!
Equally in the bizarre foods department I went out to get some Rocking cereal today and ended up with curiously cinnamon things. Not as nice as they sound. I thought they might have a cinnamon graham thing going on but they did not!
Having a bit of a munch on a couple as a snack is fine but when you add milk the cinnamon dust comes off way to readily leaving you with a disappointing taste and extremely dusty bowl. :p
In other news taking us into a sideways scenario I've been watching One Piece as well which was most Joyous and rekindled belief in myself that I have good Ideas so I wrote about 200 more words of my story is 1700+ words now. slowly but surely. Coming to a bookstore near you 2037!
As I type this my penguin is in a sideways position. He is probably hungry I'll have to feed him in a minute. and myself need to finish them cinnamon things.
Vampire Weekend continues to sex me up like an oldman or whatever the appropraite phrase is. that is all.