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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. It's never really affected me. *needs to get out more*
  2. I almost drowned in the delightful chocolates of Belgium.
  3. May your birthday rain down upon you like a unicorn caught in an updraft.
  4. Half the time I don't even know what I'm saying. Just roll with it!
  5. You eating Polystyrene amuses me. 7 minutes of that please next time.
  6. On Friday I ended up in a club with some fat guy with his arm round me calling me a hippy and singing the black eyed Peas song TONIGHT'S GONNA BE A GOOD NIGHT with him because he looked like one of those drunks that could switch at any moment and if I didn't sing he would crush my tiny Coolness bones. My day was like a swirling dream. Firstly There's a cake on my boot. What that means I don't know it's like a sign from the Gods that my life is to sweet or I needed to buy cakes or something! Equally in the bizarre foods department I went out to get some Rocking cereal today and ended up with curiously cinnamon things. Not as nice as they sound. I thought they might have a cinnamon graham thing going on but they did not! Having a bit of a munch on a couple as a snack is fine but when you add milk the cinnamon dust comes off way to readily leaving you with a disappointing taste and extremely dusty bowl. :p In other news taking us into a sideways scenario I've been watching One Piece as well which was most Joyous and rekindled belief in myself that I have good Ideas so I wrote about 200 more words of my story is 1700+ words now. slowly but surely. Coming to a bookstore near you 2037! As I type this my penguin is in a sideways position. He is probably hungry I'll have to feed him in a minute. and myself need to finish them cinnamon things. Vampire Weekend continues to sex me up like an oldman or whatever the appropraite phrase is. that is all.
  7. Ooh! Birthdays all over the place. I hope your birthday is like a firework display at Easter. ...full of the remains of accidently exploded bunnies? well that wasn't particularly jolly. I hope your birthday is much more pleasant than this message which has taken the turn for the weird.
  8. What? I actually posted in this yesterday but my post is not here! I really thought... I'm sure.. AH WELL! it's not as if the post was long or interesting but I still wanted to wish my birthday wishes to El Flinky cos he is a cool guy with multiple angled fish attached to him. Happy Birthday.
  9. I've never really had a problem with Grace and Glory. Ooh I love the way the enemies are introduced.
  10. Community Episode 13: Investigative Journalism I'm loving this show. It keeps getting things right and this episode takes it even higher even with the guest appearance of Jack Black who is used well.
  11. I CAN FEEL IT COMING! :grin:

    Song is addictive.

  12. "The japanse people laugh at their hilarious purchase unaware that an Uruk Hai is about to burst out of the manniquins malformed penis"
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