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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Oh no! :o


    Not too long to wait now anyway. :) wait it's the 5th April, I need to make a cake.


    I saw the Scott Pilgrim trailer the other day, I thought at first of Michael Cera doing the same thing again but at least there is a bit of a comic book twist. :D I also thought it was Lazy town the movie for some reason. :heh:


    Iron Man 2 looks badass. Although is it just me or does Mickey Rourke as the whiplash guy look slightly camp? Made me laugh immensely anyway.


    Sherlock Holmes was better than I thought, just fun a bit throwaway though. I could do with a number 2 though I'm not dying to see it.


    The Next Harry Potter needs more Ron regardless of whether they stick to the book or not.


    THE WHIMSICAL ADVENTURES OF RON (with a bit of hermione) is what I want from my Potter films!

  2. It is an awesome fantasy story that is my brain smeared on a page! Chapter 2 and my main character is already naked. Naice.
  3. OH HO HO!


    When you do, you will love it even more. She is awesome. Is it bad that I laughed at her killing people?


    probably. :heh:


    I'mma watch it again with my other friend when I roll back to Uni! Ooh what other films do you want to see? :)

  4. Watched this the other day. The new Doctor is a douche. I love it. I prefer his scruffy look though. :p (I may contradict myself in the next sentance) Although through the episode I was like "Why isn't he wearing a bowtie, why isn't he wearing a bowtie." Bowties are win, so I approve of that! Eyes in the sky? Reminds me of something but I don't know like a low budget Sauron gone mad. Or a videogame. Blah it's annoying me Spikey eyes are not use enough anyway! Prisoner 0 was pretty lame, not very menacing but I think it was a bit throwaway just to get the new Doctor started. He impressed me and Amy did as well. I feel like there is a good connection there. lol at her wandering of the night before her wedding. BIG TIMES. I think she will be a good assistant. Also Big Lulz at her being a stripper gram. The whole episode made me want to eat apples.
  5. Gracias. :grin:


    I take it you've seen Kick-Ass?

  6. HE IS A HOBO? urge to watch rising! I like transformation scenes, they are hilarious to me. :p Unnecessary in a good way!
  7. You appear to be getting younger to me or you've not aged the last 3 Years. I was definitely not only 2 years behind you, Madness! anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  8. My day = Awesome. It may have been at 2:30 this morning but I completed Chapter 2 of my book. 12 pages. Rest of the day I was woken up by my nephew this morning and play the DS with him until lunchtime and he went off to a birthday party. I fell asleep again for a bit then wrote some more of my book/played Pokemon. That's my day.
  9. EDIT: It appears you joined last month. I may be late in saying this but Welcome to the forums! Ooh, I like your style. You've hit two of my favourite animes on the head right there. Lucky Star is all kinds of magical winsical bears. So funny and just great. Slice of life anime? moar liek Slice of Lulz anime. :p Soul Eater is all kinds of fun as well. (EXCALIBUR) Many great characters mixed in their with a good story to boot. Even though for me the ending was a bit rushed. Darker than Black, I'm one episode away from finishing the first series. I like the characters but the whole story felt very disjointed moving on from one thing to the next. It started out well and with so much promise. The whole remuneration idea is great but could have been utilised so much better. It annoys me because Darker than Black is good enough but it should be GREAT! The cat is awesome. I shall watch the second season as Hei appears to look like a hobo. Do Want. DO EET! Watch One Piece just try not to think of how far there is to go. If you do then you will stop. I did and stopped for half a year! Though now I'm on 287 so I'm slowly getting there. You will not regret it!
  10. Accepted Poor. Jonah Hill won the film. He amused on several occasions but that's about it. Also Blake Lively. Big Momma's House 2. Watched this earlier while playing my DS with my nephew. Equally as bad as Accepted but at least it was funnier, somewhat stupidly. So bad but a segway chase scene is always welcome. oddly Hit Girl actress was in this. The Mask Cool. Jim Carey always amuses and I hadn't watch this since I was like 8! Still held up. Cameron Diaz was at her most alluring as well.
  11. That comic makes me want to attach my Pokewalker to my head! So true though! My team is slowly evolving. At the moment. I now want a Jynx, looks hilarious. So been playing Fire red to get one.
  12. When you put it like that...?
  13. Yay! you finally got there Paj. Tunes of the day that offer up some BIG TIMES! Pokemon - Santa I'll hide it in my stocking and he will find it rather shocking! The Pretty Reckless Was in Kick Ass but I was like why have I heard this before? and then it occcured to me I played it a week ago to my friend and of course it is Little J from Gossip Girls band. :p Cool song. Finally: Tamperer feat. Maya - Feel It
  14. Ah ok, yeah that makes sense. Which is why I'm bringing back the Bears Scale (not because I completely forgot about it) since I do give 7 Bears out of 7. Definitely. :p
  15. Don't confuse me. No because if it was out of nine then Up would get 9/9 making it the perfect movie, which it isn't! Just because a movie I've seen hasn't got a 10 doesn't mean another film can't strive to. Anyway checking my list I've actually given full marks to Ninja Cheerleaders, the greatest film of all time. Watership down was a weird film, felt like the moomins but with Rabbits. Didn't creep me out though. Two scariest films of all time Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Where the Wild Things are. :p Oh yeah, I forgot about them. Actually forget your rating scales. TIME TO BRING BACK THE NONSENSICAL BEAR RATINGS. Kick Ass Firstly Nicholas Cage didn't annoy me. I'm unsure whether I've seen him in a film before actually he was the voice of Speckles in G-Force. Moving on, Film was cool. It has some BIG TIMES and Hit Girl was awesome. Felt like A more Badass version of Lazytown, which is always a good thing! It was hilarious as well and just generally a very fun movie. I'm glad I bought the posters pre emptively! So yeah... 6 SPICY Bears out of 7.
  16. No! I didn't realise there was a music based round. Gahhhhh. Eeek. >____< Blah, I knew number 1. :p
  17. No because it isn't perfect. :p My favourite movie doesn't even get a 10.
  18. UP! ONE OF THE GREATEST MOVIES OF ALL TIME. FACT. I watched it again with my Dad. It just gets better and better with every viewing. It makes me happy, I could watch this endlessly. Carl is the best character. 9/10
  19. One Piece is one of the greatest things I've EVER seen. The imagination in this is so brilliant. I love how everything links together!
  20. I didn't realise how extremely veiny my feet are getting. If a vampire wanted to eat my blood they would take it from my feet, they would leak so much bloody bearness. Real vampires though. I don't want Cedric Diggory anywhere near my feet/face/house. DRUUUUUUUUUUGS! His face reminds me of Kleenex. The next film better have Ron marching out of the lake wearing the skin of a bear. Also I didn't realised how extravegant you could get with Taps man you can get some excellent flow/pump action from your taps these days. I want proper £809 pound taps installed straight into my body or something! HOOK IT TO MY VEINS! So I had a dream last Night about Disney Show that Starred Ashley Tisdale age 18 and Rene Zelwigger age 12 called Karens Dream. It was genius pears as well. I was disappointed to find out that it wasn't an actual show because it made sense at the time. :p My friend came over today BIG LULZ where had etc. Talked most of the time and ate some Bagels. ...April first yaaaaaay, Time for Molly and Una to step up. Though I shall miss Rochelle.
  21. Haha! I'll try this first and if that doesn't work I'll use Serebii's crazy method of a shiny stone.
  22. Right! I traded my Nosepass over and a few others that I'd be able to use now. Nosepass following me is hilarious albeit slightly scary. :p I've only just got the first Gym badge and I'm fighting Team Rocket in the next town. Training them to all be the same level takes awhile. Also how do I turn Togetic into Togekiss?
  23. Beautiful. I've hidden all my Icons so nothing gets in the way of its serenity. : peace:
  24. Yesyesyes! : peace: I only found it the other day, I didn't actually know all that information that's cool. One Piece first Opening sung by the Strawhat Pirates. Minus a couple who weren't part of them at the time! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! FILLS MY HEART WITH JOY, FR SRS!
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