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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. At least Balotelli is kinda lovable in his fuck ups, whereas Suarez was just a thug.
  2. If she doesn't want to date you, do you really still want to be corresponding with her in the way you are? I suspect not (and if the answer is that you do, then you're doing it wrong). Thus, you might as well just ask her out already, because if it's not what she's wanting then you're just wasting your own time and creating excess stress over it for yourself.
  3. Gotcha I've caught up! I'm gonna hold out hope for the Snap sequel someone suggested the other day. It would work really well on WiiU I reckon.
  4. Ooooh...that might be cool. But surely they would keep it quiet until post-Smash?
  5. Wait, what the hell is Pokken? A quick Google reveals only a trademark registration, is that all the info we have?
  6. Christ guys, companies can't win. If they ignore it they are being callous, if they make a statement they are being opportunistic...can't they just like the guy and want to pay tribute, like millions of others have done on social media? Just because media outlets pick up the nice gesture and publicise it doesn't mean that's why the company did it in the first place. Can't people just be nice? Cliff Richard is a famous tennis fan and has links to Wimbledon, you think they wouldn't do something in his honour? Robin Williams is a famous video gamer and has links to WoW, they named a character after him. Seems fair enough to me. I'm sure if a non-famous person related to the game died - say, a developer or something - they'd name a character too.
  7. A Pokemon Snap sequel could works quite well with the Gamepad, surely? Using the screen as the camera and a 3rd party view on the TV, possibly even with the horrible Nintendoland style camera controlled by the accelerometer. Wouldn't be the killer app to sell the console to the masses, but it'd be something. Maybe a more realistic safari adventure type game could be something big.
  8. The WiiU stick placement would actually have suited this I suspect, but heyho. If it's downloadable on 360 that'll have to happen!
  9. Hahaha...this is one of those "laugh or else you'll cry" moments. The lack of analogue shoulder buttons is just hilariously stupid. I guess they could map the "stand and spray" to ZR and the "run and spray" to R, or something like that. The only thing the GamePad has over the GC is the extra shoulder button, isn't it?
  10. Ooooh a HD Paper Mario: TTYD would be cool. Or I could see it being Star Fox Adventures maybe, releasing in to coincide with the new one. I'd rather see an all new FZero to be honest, similar with Metroid Prime. And actually I wouldn't at all be surprised if it was Sunshine, just them looking to pump out another Mario title in quick time...
  11. I guess in my post I didn't explictly state the "He was a massive Nintendo nerd", kinda thought that was implied by his daughters name :p
  12. Ah man sorry @Ike. But as stated, at least now it's been confronted and you can forget about the whole thing! Maybe you'll meet someone on the train :p
  13. Well he was famous, he named his by-association-famous daughter after the series, thus garnering a little attention to it. They also did a few adds for Nintendo a while back didn't they? Advertising Spirit Tracks or one of the other DS Zeldas? He gave a teensy nod to Nintendo in the public domain, it'd be cool for them to do the same, is all.
  14. I knew there would be one somewhere. Cheers @Wii
  15. It'd be nice if the sort of mentor character that you meet right at the start, who kinda runs you through the "tutorial" parts, was named Robin. With a few nudges in the script to a few of his famous roles. Someone start a petition!
  16. They are fitting an entire Flash movie in too? Awesome!
  17. If it wasn't in black and white I'd be tempted to replace my current one...but it just looks weird like that.
  18. At the risk of continuing an argument, I'm gonna share this article because I thought it was funny and fairly on topic :p http://mashable.com/2014/08/04/pokemon-free-to-play/ I'm confident that if Nintendo were to make a mobile game they wouldn't go down this route, but the Freemium model really does need to die a death asap doesn't it.
  19. Good lord, read what people are saying! Nobody is suggesting Nintendo devote huge resources and key personel to this idea. They are suggesting putting a couple of people, or even outsourcing to an experienced mobile developer, small scale games and tie ins, for no purpose other than the enjoyment of those small games, building of brand or making money to reinvest elsewhere. Stop ignoring what people are saying just to dismiss the concept off hand. This is just a sweeping generalisation that you could apply to anything if you really wanted to. Pokemon was a good game despite the limited graphical capabilities of the Game Boy? Or Pokemon was a good game because of the emergent handheld gaming market that Game Boy facilitated?
  20. "Donkey Kong Minecart Madness"; Part DK, part Minecraft, part Mario Kart, part Marble Madness. I'd buy it!
  21. 1) Money to reinvest in other titles? 2) Minecraft Pocket Edition, top selling Android game, says hi. Also I don't know much about LoL but a quick Google suggests there are mobile apps for things like playing with builds. I think alot of people must have missed my previous post; A cheeky Pokemon port or a Mario runner are not going to harm the brand. I'm also not quite sure why we are all fixating on a Mario runner, that was simply one idea that was thrown out there. How about mobile Dr Mario, in the same vein as mobile Tetris? Pokemon Puzzle League? Mario Picross even? I really don't think anybody is suggesting that the next 3D Mario should be iOS exclusive or that Nintendo should put Retro on porting Captain Toad to Android instead of making the new Metroid Prime.
  22. Ahhh a a DKC Minecart game with the same visuals as the original and procedurally generated tracks would be awesome!
  23. They should just hurry up and announce Tingle already so I can get it preordered.
  24. Apart from the many other things wrong with what you're saying, I just wanted to highlight this one to point out that the top selling android game right now (and for a while) is Minecraft Pocket Edition, which is essentially a stripped down Minecraft, selling at £4.99. That's a fairly big game selling at a relatively high price because of brand. Als oin the top selling list is Football Manager at £6.99, The Sims at £4.99 and several GTA games at £3-5 each. You really don't think Pokemon would do the same, if they were to release something on mobile? Imagine they released Fire Red/Leaf Green on mobile or something and sold it at £5. They'd make a shit tonne of money, and controls wouldn't be too much of an issue because theres no twitch gaming in Pokemon. If Minecraft can sort out reasonable controls then I'm sure Pokemon can... You seem to be comparing a Nintendo mobile game to an indie (by which I mean, dude in his bedroom coding on the weekend) mobile game, which is simply an incorrect comparison. I think Minecraft and Pokemon are a much better one, do you disagree? http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/business-english/brand-power
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