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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Anyone else notice a distinct change in Bronn's accent? Like he's trying to be very slightly less working class. Possibly deliberate given he's supposed to have been in the captail around all the Lord's and Ladies for a while now, but having just watched the previous seasons it was quite jarring. He's still one of my favourite characters though.
  2. Rumour has it (inevitably) that they are trying to get Ross Brawn back. I'd be all for that.
  3. Excellent to see three different teams on the podium, and the underdog of each team to boot...very exciting start to the season. I really like how the engines have quietened, hearing the tyre squeal as Raikkonnen locked up, the gear shifts in the onboard views, it's awesome. Glad I woke up early for it, even if it was on a dodgy stream - definitely need to get Sky Sports once I move to my new flat in May!
  4. No. lolineedalongermessage
  5. Just bought this on a whim after finishing Zelda, only made it to the third map before I got someone killed and ragequit...should probably play this on the casual mode where people dont stay dead!
  6. Just finished this after getting it for Christmas. I enjoyed it alot, though it did seem a little on the short side. Also, I finished the game with only 5 of the 6 items in the gear screen, what did I miss?
  7. Just read more or less the entire thread.
  8. Just managed to get on for long enough to redeem my SMB3DL code and get it downloaded. Also added £20 funds and got to the last step of downloading SMB3 before it threw another error. Can't get back on now, but at least I managed to get 3D Land!
  9. The page that displays the current network status is now down as well
  10. Yeah I couldn't get on the eShop all day yesterday but I've just managed to finally do it and get SMB3DL downloaded! Already killed the battery last night by getting engrossed by the new Zelda too. Loving it so far. I lied, just as I posted that another error got thrown, the download failed, and now I can't get back on the shop. God damnit.
  11. I got mine today and enjoying it thus far. Only got Mario Kart and the new Zelda thus far. Frustratingly been completely unable to get onto the eshop to set about claiming 3D Land and downloading a couple other things, grrrr
  12. Didn't realise this was an option - if someone would prefer to do it this way round that would work too!
  13. Awkwardly my girlfriend just bought me Super Mario 3D Land without realising that it's being given away free as a download with new 3DS's. Dont suppose anybody who hasnt qualified for the giveaway wants to trade a physical copy of it for another 3DS game?
  14. So in a fit of outrageous fortune, I just so happened to search for 3DS XL deals yesterday at the exact time that Amazon were having a Black Friday fire sale - and managed to pick up a White 3DS XL with Mario Kart 7 for £130. Wasn't planning on buying Mario Kart, but it was still £10 cheaper than the best deal for the console I'd found, in the colour I wanted, and Mario Kart counts in the Super Mario 3D Land promotion so I get that free too. Bargain! What's this I hear about not including a charger though?? Is it a standard USB (smartphone-esque) charger or will I need to buy one?
  15. Does anybody know any good deals going on the Wii U now/ in the run u pto Christmas? Trying to decide if I can justify buying it for my girlfriend for Christmas (when really it would be for me...)
  16. Ah one thing I totally got wrong; I thought the new "Super Mario 3D World" was on 3DS too, not WiiU (btw, totally misleading name!). Which is annoying, because now I want a WiiU as well.
  17. Soooo I've suddenly realised (prompted by the release of the new Pokemon) that there are a ton of games on 3DS worth getting now. So far I've come across a new Zelda title, at least 2 Mario titles (one 2D scrolling and one 3D Mario 64 esque, am I correct?), Mario&Luigi, (2?) Prof Layton games, and Paper Mario! Is there any other essentials I've missed? And can someone explain what the different Mario games are? I still lurk occasionally but I'm pretty much out of the gaming loop these days, demonstrated by the fact that I only recently realised that X&Y were released, when in my head they were probably a year or two away...
  18. Creepy ReZ is creepy.

  19. Man that looks so bad. Only a reprimand each for that seems very generous once you see that footage.
  20. While I'm sad to see Webber leave, I think it's the right move for him. He couldn't really move to a new team this late in his career, and his time at Red Bull has expired with the recent shit that Vettel has thrown his way. Kimi partnering Vetterl at Red Bull though, now that is a very exciting prospect.
  21. Yeah Neymar is a tool. But when you can get the ridiculous amount of money that he does, you can do what you want.
  22. What a crazy day. I took my laptop to work today to dual screen so I could watch Wimbledon all day, and so glad that I did. Dustin Brown made himself a whole lot of new fans today, not least myself. Federer going out, Tsonga retiring. Almagro (15) is now the highest seed left in Murrays half of the draw...expectation grows! I just hope he doesn't end up coasting to the final and never quite gets himself up to top gear before the likely final with Djok. Also, the womens side of the draw is looking like its going to be a bit of a procession for Serena, with Sharapova and Azarenka both out today...
  23. Let's bring some cheer to this thread. So the girl that I have posted about before here has just accepted a permanent job in Glasgow and has flat viewings lined up this weekend. We've been seeing each other properly for the last four months (ever since that last post I linked to) with her living in Edinburgh, but she's now going to be moving, 16 months after we broke up due to distance, to my city It's been going super well and will only get better from here
  24. Even I've been to Canal Street and I'm (a) straight and (b) Scottish. The bar right at the end which is completely unironically just called "GAY" with a big neon sign out front is simultaneously awesome and hilarious.
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