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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. It's quite possible that McLaren could be competitive again next year. The engine seems to be the main thing holding them back, and I wouldn't say that Williams are a better prospect at the moment because they are a fairly average team with a fairly average car and a fantastic engine package. The potential for Honda to shoot McLaren to the front I'd say makes them more likely to be potential world champions than Williams or even Ferrari, I would have said. I think Red Bull are fairly set on promoting through their program so if they were to lose Vettel there wouldn't necessarily be a seat there. Personally I'd rather see Ferrari take Bianchi than Vettel, though. If Vettel was to go to Ferrari it would be purely for romantic reasons / to get away from the embarrasment of being beaten by Ricciardo.
  2. So I haven't yet 100% decided if I'm gonna get the 3DS version, but if I were to decide to do so, where would be best to order it from?
  3. I miss them so much already
  4. This sounds like it could be a wee gateway into a good social group for you. Find another excuse to go to the pub with the lot of them, then get her to set you up with one of her friends : peace:
  5. Massive thanks to @Phube for sending me a code. Been busy all weekend but will download tonight/tomorrow, very exciting!
  6. If theres another code going I would massively appreciate a wee gift
  7. I think the most crucial aspect is the controls. Or certainly that's my main reason for being unsure about the 3DS version, whilst the WiiU game is a day 1.
  8. Well the complication was in L's girlfriend R, who was best mates with J (who introduced them in the first place). It's more the hilariously webbed mesh of people. We keep threatening to get drunk and draw Venn diagrams and shit to try and explain it better. Without explaining all the various links you don't get the full appreciation of how messy it was.
  9. Ok so we've got; 4 flatmates (me, A, L, N) (lived in halls, then a private flat, for 3 years. after 3, N was replaced by D, just because N had left uni) 1 other girl we lived with in 1st year (P) 1 girlfriend of N (J) 1 boyfriend of P (V) 1 girlfriend of L ® N, D, J, R all went to high school together. Shortly after N moved out for unrelated reasons, it emerged that N and P had been having an affair for some time. Due to L&Rs relationship, and L and V being good friends, we kinda cut off N and P for a while because they were the guilty parties. We then had a flat party for L's birthday to which V and J were both invited (they had never met each other before, except for V messaging J on Facebook to let her know of his discovery) V and J had sex on our couch N and P have ended up getting together properly now too Essentially they swapped. Also hilariously, 3 of them moved cities recently and its ended up that N and J both live in Dundee and V and P both live in Edinburgh. I've suggested they could carpool or share train tickets for visiting each other but it seems unlikely. Follow that? :p TLDR: Two couples swapped.
  10. Ok cool Ness is in. What about Jiggly? And the lack of Ice Climbers is really upsetting also but I've kinda come to terms with them not coming back.
  12. My old flatmate cheated on his girlfriend with a girl we both lived with in first year of uni (halls). My other flatmate was at that point going out with the original girlfriends mate from school, and had already become good friends with the cheaters boyfriend, so when we had a flat party it was the two we didn't live with that were invited. They promptly then got together. It was magical.
  13. I think this is the first game I've been aware of from Ninty that has a proper demo. Excellent news for testing out the controls before making the full purchase - I wasn't sure whether or not to get the 3DS version or to wait for the WiiU, but demo will make that decision for me! What are the first impressions of the controls from those that have played it?
  14. Thought Scotland had a good showing last night. Although Germany were lacking a couple of big players (no Schweinsteiger to boss the midfield for example) they still had a scary good line up. Scotland held their own, going down to one good cross and one sloppy bit of defending. Anya took his goal incredibly well, he had been threatening that run all night, and I think we deserved the goal. Just a shame we couldn't hold onto it. David Marshall was quality, we were reasonably organised defensively and the shape looked good. Against some of the smaller nations we are going to need a bit more penetration but I think that was part of the game plan so we should play differently in games where we are favourite. Mulgrew's sending off was daft and he should have come off before the end rather than taking of Fletcher, but then we should have been up against 10 men before that from when Naismith was through on goal. Feeling pretty positive overall that we can qualify. Poland and Ireland are tough games that we can win, and we should be able to beat Georgia and Gibraltar. 2nd or 3rd in the group is very doable.
  15. Definitely hoping that these guys have been put back on some Metroid goodness. Meanwhile Retro should be working on a new IP of some sort.
  16. I think I'm gonna give up on reading this thread.
  17. Are people basing their comments on the 2nd stick on anything other than what it looks like? It seems a bit stupid to dismiss it without any hands on impressions first...
  18. New 3DS with a second analogue stick, repositioned start/select, and ZR/ZL buttons. Plus faster download speeds and larger viewing angles for the 3D effect. I don't speak any Japanese, but I'm guessing this isn't a fully fledged new console? (ie, new 3DS games will still play on the old console?) But how will it deal with stuff that needs the new buttons? Edit: Oh, just as I post it looks like theres some kind of clunky looking peripheral that will add the new buttons to existing 3DS systems.
  19. Soooo...I've never played Majora's Mask. I've also never actually completed OoT although I've started it a couple of different times. And I've never seen 5 of the 6 Star Wars films I probably would pick it up on 3DS if it were to come. Possibly out of some kind of fanboy obligation. But I think I'd rather a new Advance Wars or 2.5D Metroid... Please don't hate me.
  20. Gizmo


  21. It wasn't too bad at the time (amazingly) but it's still an issue now... Friend of mine that works in a hospital is going to skip me to the top of the physio waiting list.
  22. Footage of my accident from a couple of months ago.
  23. It's weird for him to admit it even if it is true. He must have just been trying to prove a point to Lewis over the team orders thing; a sort of "I can ruin your race too". Whilst I normally prefer Nico to Lewis, I'd expect the FIA to DQ him from the race and take his 18 points away. Since Lewis retired as well, and we can basically not include any of the other drivers in the reckoning, it would effectively nullify the race result in terms of the World Championship. Actually, I wonder what the odds would be on Ricciardo sneaking up behind them and snatching it with the double pointer at the end. If Lewis and Nico keep tripping each other up it would definitely be possible...
  24. Every time I'm reminded that DKC isn't on the eShop I cry a little. I miss the days of Rare and Nintendo being bestest buddies....I'm off to play Banjo Kazooie on my 360 :p I don't think any of those discounts are enough to make me bite on any of those games. Never thought I'd say this, but I'm bored of 2D platformers as it is, so the likes of Kirby retro titles aren't appealing to me right now!
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