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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. The triforce is equilateral, so can't be made into a square :p I like the thought of the 4th triangle being significant, but I'd see it more as 3 light and 1 dark than 2 of each.
  2. Ah c'mon, Pokeballs are the absolute staple item of the series. Gotta have some love for the Pokeballs.
  3. Are Pokemon assist trophies now? What happened to Pokeballs?
  4. Not the Wii version but I have played the handheld ones. I played DKC on Wii but the waggle roll thing annoyed me too much to really enjoy it, though I'm guessing that won't be an issue if I can play Tropical Freeze with the Pro Controller?
  5. Get the bus like you used to next time you're taking the old route. If you do bump into her, say that you missed your random chats and after you thought you saw her from your car you decided to just give it a shot getting the bus in the hope of bumping into her again so you could ask her out. Then - and this is the important bit - ASK HER OUT!
  6. Should I be buying New Super Mario Bros U or Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze as my 2D platformer of choice?
  7. Just remembered that I got Nintendoland in the bundle I bought and I've never even opened the package.
  8. The whole thing will be a 60minute trailer revealing Tingle as a playable character. Also every 100 enemies you kill the game will pause and Tingle will walk straight up to the camera and tell a mother-in-law joke, and it will be unskippable. BELIEVE
  9. I've found off-tv play to be immensely useful. In fact it was a strong contributing factor to me buying the console, because I recently moved in with my girlfriend and figured that being able to play something while she was sat watching rubbish TV would keep us both sane! So far the game I've enjoyed most is Pikmin 3, even as someone who only played a little of the first one I loved it. 3DWorld was ok and Mario Kart is great if you're gonna play it in multiplayer as always but a bit dull after a while solo. Other than those I've spent most of my time playing VC games (Advance Wars got played to death, and now I'm playing Super Metroid for the first time). Again with VC, offscreen play is great. Its just like having a giant GBA. Most of all though really the reason I bought the Wii U was because I got a good deal on it and I didn't see the price going down any more before the big one: Smash Bros. To me, thats the defining reason to own it. If you're not that bothered about Smash, you'll probably survive without, in all honesty. I am enjoying the Wii U though. I don't yet own a PS4/XB1, but I probably will before too long. Playing with twin sticks on the gamepad is making me yearn for a proper FPS to take advantage of it. Metroid Prime would be perfect.
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-28547377 Is it just me, or is this Bernie essentially bribing his way out of a bribery charge? It would seem that when you have ridiculous amounts of money like he does you can do whatever the hell you want...
  11. I'm almost definitely going to get this game, but playable Tingle would seal the deal. I don't know enough about the Zelda lore here to care about any of the characters other than the obvious Link, Zelda & Shiek.
  12. I bought a Pro Controller recently, and I got Super Metroid on the Virtual Console, and all I can think is...this controller was absolutely MADE for Metroid Prime. GET ON IT NINTENDO!
  13. I'm completely original in all that I say and do.* *The thought from the previous post came from a discussion with a friend who may well have stolen it from elsewhere
  14. @Serebii, for what its worth, I apologise for my part in attracting all this discussion. I genuinely was trying to be helpful. On the other hand I really do find it disappointing when you say things like "Therapy does nothing for me" or that you don't believe in medications or whatever. I personally don't have any experience of those things but I have no doubt that there is significant value in them. I do wish you would step back and recognise that something can be done to make you happier. But I digress. I won't comment again on the topic. If you squeeze your thumb into the middle of your hand with the rest of your fingers, it suppresses your gag reflex. Try it and touch the back of your throat with your other hand Definitely trying this...
  15. Messi Suarez Neymar v Bale Ronaldo Rodriguez Funny feeling we won't see many 0-0 El Classico's in the next wee while.
  16. They could have changed it at the pit stop, but doing so would have cost them a couple of seconds during the stop which they calculated to be more than they would lose by continuing to run with the damaged one. Either the wing damage wasn't really costing Lewis time per lap (possible, because alot of the stuff on those wings make such a minute difference that it wouldn't matter) or the extra time in the pit stop would have put him into traffic / cost him an extra position or two that would have cancelled out the gains in lap time.
  17. Yeah, as much as I love Kimi he just hasn't been up to it this year. Ferrari should try to lure someone like Bottas or promote Bianchi for next year. I reckon Button has one, maybe two seasons left in him and MacLaren won't ditch him before that unless they can get someone with his level of experience in to replace him. Red Bull will obviously stick with what they've got, as will Mercedes. That doesn't really leave much space at the top for others. It really annoys me though that someone like Maldonado, who has been dire all season, gets a contract extension because of the sponsorship he brings from his home country. Meanwhile people like Paul di Resta who always showed a bit of promise never get a good seat. Not that Lotus could be considered a good seat this season.
  18. Hence the "until you realise". I don't understand what it is that makes you unique in your ability to run the website and fill the content entirely by yourself. Surely 3 interns working 8hrs a day can do just as much as you can running 24/7 for 3 months? You compare your situation to a lawyer doing some overtime but don't you realise that lawyers at top law firms will have an army of people working with them? I'm sure they find the time to see their wife a few hours a week even at the peak of the hugest case of their careers. I don't think it's unfair to compare yourself to the top of the top, given that you describe yourself as the biggest Pokemon site in the world; getting some people in to help you will only improve the quality of the content on there because it won't be getting written by someone who is sleep deprived and run ragged! You can still maintain full oversight and control of everything that get's published if you want to, but taking contributions will give you the ability to actually live outside of the website. How many websites that are #1 in the world are run by one person and one person alone? I've already gone beyond what I wanted to actually say in this post because as Jay has already said, you seem unable to accept the advice people are trying to give you. My girlfriends brother is very similar to you and trying to get him to accept that he needs to change the way he does things if he wants to move forward is infuriating!
  19. Until you realise what's wrong with this post right here, you won't manage to change anything about your life and get onto the track that you seem to want to be on.
  20. Jigglypuff is awesome and there's no way they'll drop the big pink ball of love.
  21. Best opening line without question: "How much does a polar bear weigh?"
  22. It makes sense that the cards would be getting better, cause otherwise people wouldn't need to buy the new packs after a while! If they keep getting better with each new set then they are effectively forcing competitive people to buy them. It's all about the $$$
  23. I got this the other day and I have to say so far I'm not enjoying it as much as I thought I would... Theres a few things that are bugging me. Simple things like running; the speed doesn't feel as fluid or natural as it did before. Back flipping doesn't have the same effect as it used to, and wall jumping is less useful than it used to be. I also can't help but feel Mario games have gone backwards in many respects since Mario 64. Each home console iteration seems to be gradually reducing the size of the overworld; we never get anything that could be properly compared to Peaches Castle anymore. Sunshine's was good, but then we had the castle/whatever of Galaxy that was lacklustre and then the tiny Mario head of Galaxy 2. Now they've fully gone back to just the SM3 style overworld, except you can run freely around it in a very unsatisfying way. Levels too are not as expansive as they once were, now sticking to the Galaxy formula of smaller, more linear levels. That made sense in Galaxy but now it just feels lazy. I'm saying all this having only reached world 3 but I doubt many of the things I've said will change in the rest of the game. It's just not fluid enough somehow; it doesn't have the same instantly satisfying controls as the previous Mario's have had. Compare the movement in this to Sunshine and it's simply not as good. I will perservere despite all this because it is decent enough, but really it feels more like a 2D Mario than a 3D Mario, with rubbish 3D controls to go with.
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