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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. How does this affect things like Twitch streaming of Smash tournaments / the upload of tournament matches to YT after?
  2. Playtonic (startup consisting of ex-Rare employee's creating a Banjo spiritual successor) have thrown their support behind Banjo in Smash.
  3. BELIEVE! Banjo is pretty iconic to the entire N64 generation I would have said. Maybe not so well known in the present day but that's MS's fault for wasting Rare's time. And Rayman is certainly iconic enough to be included on the same kinda level as Megaman, just a generation later; Megaman is iconic to the SNES era and Rayman to the PS1/N64 era.
  4. IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN. The moveset is basically self explanatory, the characters are popular and it would drive sales. Especially if they somehow also got to release BK and VC, and it's already on XBLA...
  5. I voted for Banjo-Kazooie because Banjo-Kazooie. I know it won't happen but come on, Banjo-Kazooie!
  6. I'm happy to have Lucas back, always loved playing him in Brawl. I was also just thinking the other day about how I'd like to replay DK64 soon. Will have to try hard not to download SM64 again (would be like...the 4th console I owned it on?) since I'm meant to be revising for uni exams...
  7. This place man. The one thing this thread has done is make me want to retrieve my SNES and N64 from my sister's house. I think after my final uni exams in May I will do so and play through the old Donkey Kong games in order, DKC1-3 and then DK64 There's nothing like the past...
  8. Works as advertised, plug and play, no dramas. I'd recommend to anyone who wanted a GC Adapter originally. I've kinda given up on classic or any other single player mode, my typical play now will be a few random stock fights against some CPUs for maybe half an hour at a time. Need to find some people to play against locally, used to play with my old flatmates but they are all scattered across the country now
  9. Ah ok cool. It works just the same as the official one? I've also been playing less recently but I still wanted to get it for the sake of having it. I'll continually go back to Smash periodically for a while so it's worth getting I think!
  10. @Rummy, I just ordered one of the unofficial GC adapters. I'll let you know if its any good once it arrives. I just got fed up not being quite as quick or fluid using the pro controller so went for it.
  11. I so excite. I will happily buy whatever console this gets released on. First game is called "Project Ukulele", a Banjo-Kazooie spirtual successor, and I for one cannot wait to see what they come up with.
  12. Lol Wallace what you doin' being a superhero 'n shit? Why Norman be narrating? Lol crazy man he gotta go help Carcetti get re-elected. Crazy guys lol.
  13. So I'm writing my CV for PhD applications, wondering what people's thoughts are on playful quotes at the top? The template I'm using has a space for one, my girlfriend suggested that it should be about myself, but also I wanted it to be a little bit funny as well to make it kinda memorable. Finding the balance between achieving that and keeping it sufficiently serious is tough to gauge though. Currently I've got: "An affable, inquisitive, coffee-addicted particle physicist with a drive to explain the laws of nature, and an incongruous (and thus far unsuccessful) endeavour to defy them by throwing himself around on a trampoline." I've had a good giggle at it at least... Thoughts?
  14. Bloody hell that sounds like an ordeal. I've had numerous issues along the same lines over the years but nothing quite as bad as that. I've also worked in a call centre in the past and can appreciate the issues that are not always down to the person on the other end of the phone - eg not being able to cancel because of the outstanding charge. That legitimately is the fault of the guy that made the software, rather than the operator. They just can't do it. But also there are usually ways to override the system that a manager or such can do. On the other hand, what is the fault of the person you're talking to is failing to leave notes for the next time, so you don't need to repeat yourself over and over again every time you call. That one annoys the hell out of me. The classic "taking ownership" line is also frustrating, because I know for a fact that usually when someone fails to do that it's just them being lazy/incompetent. On the other hand, based on some of the people I worked with when I had that job, nothing ever surprises me. Glad you finally got it sorted though - welcome back to civilisation!
  15. It's a licensing issue, it's not like Netflix deliberately limit the content available. They don't have the rights to make certain things available in certain places, and so obviously they're under pressure to stop people using their service to access stuff in those regions. I'm not exactly thrilled at the prospect of getting banned because I also use the American Netflix library from time to time, but come on people.
  16. Why on Earth are Man Utd lining up Gareth Bale at a cost of £120m when they already have a bazillion other left footed attackers? Surely they should be spending that money on a couple of centre backs?
  17. Oh, my NNID is Gizmo54 : anybody who fancies some games feel free to add me, I'll add a few of the active names from this thread later on
  18. So now I've got this I'll need to add a bunch of you guys and get some games going. Though saying that I'm utterly terrible at the moment as I haven't yet got a handle on the Pro Controller compared to a good old GC pad, but I'll do my best :p
  19. Finally got Smash today. There are a lot of small anoying things - like having to remember to select my customised control setup every time I change mode (Why did they default the R/ZR stuff the way they did? Madness), or the kinda slow start up. Also Classic isn't very "Classic" at all, lacking stuff like Break The Targets, the giant matchups, the metal match. But Master/Crazy orders makes up for that as an excellent mode that will keep me amused for a while. I like how it feels a bit more weighty than Brawl, but I dunno if its me not being used to the controls (definitely still need to get a GC adapter...) or just the game, but it feels a wee bit slow right now. Other thoughts: they have too many fighters unlocked by default, I'd rather the fun of unlocking them all and not having so many to choose from straight off. It's gonna take forever to get accustomed to them all! Oh, and the credits game is excellent.
  20. It's interesting seeing the natural evolution abruptly halted by the Wiimote. But even then, why they abandoned it all with the Classic controller I have no idea.
  21. Is this a sign of Nintendo's key fanbase starting to give up? People like the community on here, who stuck with them through the GC era (which was obviously still awesome), the Wii era (with most moving to two or three consoles, if they hadn't already before) and now in the era of the WiiU people are starting to realise that the old titles just don't have the same draw to them anymore. With things like Brawl not being quite up to the standard of Melee; Skyward Sword not reaching the heights of Wind Waker; the Mario series becoming stale from a lack of ideas and constant sequels. Seems to me like the nostalgia factor is wearing off a bit? Sorry if that's a bit off topic. Just how I've felt since buying my WiiU and 3DS in the last year or so: played them a bit when I first got them, but I haven't bought a new game for either since within ~1month of getting the console. On Tuesday I'll be downloading this but it's very much the exception, and given the responses that have appeared in the last page or two here, I have a feeling I won't be sticking with it for that long. I mean, the very fact I was able to just say "meh, I'll wait until after my exam to download it" shows I'm probably not that bothered about it...
  22. I'll be joining the fray after the 15th. After Amazon screwed me over regarding the adapter I decided I'd wait until after my uni exams and then download it instead.
  23. If you read the thread you'd know that alot of us who didn't get it had it preordered.
  24. £3 voucher, great. Totally makes up for the week delay and ultimate failure to get me what I ordered from them.
  25. Wanna sell it? :p
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