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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Why is it that its always the guys job to be the one to make the move? Just do it for yerself, woman! Let us know how it goes
  2. Voted the second worst road in the UK http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/6398151.stm
  3. Ya simply can't beat a morning coffee...when running late for uni in the morning I have in the past chosen coffee over a shower because without it I simply wouldn't be able to listen to 3 hours of lectures!
  4. Yesterday I got my exam results back - a mixture of A's and B's that left my GPA just above the threshold for a first, thereby ensuring my acceptance onto the 5 year integrated masters course. Then I had my final phone interview which I passed with flying colours and I now have a job for the summer starting Monday!
  5. Olympic torch casually just passed outside my flat...way less exciting than you'd think.
  6. Is there a reasonably high level, value for money android phone atm? Or should I just say fuck it and buy an S3?
  7. Where's the cheapest place to buy a new phone handset from? I'm thinking if I go with Giffgaff's sim only deal with unlimited texts + data for £10 a month...then based on a monthly contract of £30, that you're locked into for 24months, it's cheaper if I can buy the handset for less than £480. And I'm not locked into the same contract for such a long time. I'm basing this on getting either a One X or an SIII.
  8. Struggling to find a summer job here in Glasgow :/ Without which paying rent for the next few months when I don't have a student loan to cover it should be interesting... Anybody any tips on how to find something? Good websites or anything? Literally any job will do. Been trying to find a bar job or something but without experience its impossibru.
  9. Last exam in half an hour and then freeeeeeeeedom! In little over 2 hours I'll be at the pub...I've got plans for the next 6 nights. It's gonna hurt but its gonna be awesome.
  10. I think pretty much the top knuckle / to the bottom of the nail of the left ring finger. He'll be totally fine, but its hardly ideal...he's left handed for one thing.
  11. So last night I witnessed my friend cutting off the tip of his finger...it was gruesome. Folding away the trampolines at the end of our training session, something we do 4 times a week, and he let one of the legs slip, it swung up, caught his finger and that was it...the top of his left ring finger "degloved", ie the flesh came off but the bone was in tact. The tip was still wedged in the leg of the trampoline :/ He dealt with it pretty well really. It was a pretty gruesome sight, but he was just high on adrenaline and didn't feel it too much I think. When we got to the hospital they said they weren't going to be able to reattach it :/ So he's having surgery this morning to file the bone down and then close it up. Its crazy how quick it all happened, while doing something we've done hundreds of times before...just like that. Can't believe it.
  12. 3's customer service is a joke. My camera stopped working on my HTC Wildfire, I took it in to the shop and was assured that as it was under contract I could send it away and have it fixed free of charge, plus for the 7-10 days it would be gone they would meanwhile give me a loaner phone. The loaner was a Skypephone, which would have been fine except theey turned the Skype servers off a couple of years ago. So it was essentially no better than a 3310. Thats ok, I can live with it for a week...except 2 weeks later, I still hadn't heard a thing about my phone. Eventually I got a phonecall from them saying that the phone was actually water damaged, and that wasn't covered under warranty, so I could either pay them some extortionate amount to have them fix it or I could pay £20 for the privilege of them sending me my phone back. Annoyed, I agree to the £20 charge with the intention of kicking up a fuss at the shop when I go to collect it. So when it finally does make its way back I go in to complain. I was assured that it was going to be free, that it was definitely under warranty, etcetc. Turns out, the guy in the shop is supposed to check the indicator for water damage before it's sent away, in fact before I even complete the transaction. But he didn't, and because of his incompetancy I had to go around with a shitey phone for almost a month, have my phone NOT get repaired after all that, and paid £20 for the privilege. The manager in the shop was so unhelpful, refusing to believe that one of his staff could have made such a mistake. I mean come on, why would I have sent it away otherwise? I was assured it would be free and easy. But no, my staff are trained to look for that, so they wouldn't have done that. Eventually I walked out of the shop with him in mid-sentence because if I didn't I would have started shouting at him. So, yeah; 3 are fine, just don't expect your phone to get fixed if it's broken in any way.
  13. My flatmate is Swedish and he heads home every summer to work for Swedish minimum wage, which over here would be about £10+ ph. He then comes back in September to crazy amounts of savings plus the massive Swedish student loan and lives in luxury for 8 months. Mind you, that massive Swedish loan is going to have to be paid back at some point.
  14. Totally agree. These guys knew that that rule was there when they made the decision to take performance enhancers. I agree with the BOA's stance - it's a deterrant, to stop people doing it in the first place, not an extension of their punishment. Anybody who has done it does not deserve the privilege of competing at the Olympics.
  15. Relevant:
  16. Quantum Physics is pretty mind blowing. The slit experiment is essentially proof that the electron acts like a wave, as the interference pattern observed for electrons passing through is exactly the same as for light when one hole is open AND when two are open. This implies that the electrons, even when going through one at a time, have some kind of knowledge of what has gone through before them, as the interference effect is present when the result is observed. To explain that, we say that the electrons path is not set until the observation is made - they take every possible path. Then when we look at the screen, we "collapse the wave function", ie the paths of each electron are determined from the infinitely many possiblities to be one particular path and the interference effect therefore comes into play between each one. This is the "Copenhagen Interpretation" because it was Niels Bohr that came up with it. Dunno if thats exactly what you were referring to, but regardless its a nice example of how awesome Quantum Theory is. Anyone looking for a good introductory book on Quantum Physics, I'd recommend "In Search of Schroedingers Cat" by John Gribbon. It gives the full history of Quantum Theory, explaining who, how, when and why we came to these ideas, and has a a chapter dedicated to explaining what I just tried to in one paragraph. It's a little maths-y, but you can probably get past that and just enjoy the concepts.
  17. Sorry to hear that Goron. Sometimes things just don't work out the way we want them to, but theres nothing to be done and you just need to be strong! I agree with the above posts about Facebook, too. I'd also recommend removing her number from your phone (save it in a draft text or something, in case you get a message from an unknown number and want to check if its hers). That way, you can't get drunk and decide its a good idea to text her at 2am, but you still have access to the number if its really needed.
  18. The difference in my case is that the period of time is entirely undefined. Could be 6 months, or it could be a year, or it could be 4 years...theres no way to know. She doesn't know where she's going to be and when, and she didn't want to have my life resting on decisions that she had to make about her own life / career. I'm basically tied to the same place for the next 3 years at least doing my degree and have no flexibility there at all, so it would all be on her. And I can't have her sacrificing things for my sake (for example, she was recently offered a job in San Francisco...) We might find that in 3 years time we end up being in a circumstance that it will be workable but right now it's just not. And believe me, if there was any way to make it workable, it would be.
  19. I'm in a remarkably similar situation. I wish I had some kind of magic words to solve everything and make everything as it should, but I don't. I still think about her every day. It sucks. I guess all I'm saying here is; I know your pain, bro. Unfortunately it just doesn't work like that, does it
  20. It just gets funnier every time I watch it.
  21. In Glasgow there are at least 4 GAME's within walking distance of my flat (Sauchiehall St, Buchanan Galleries, St Enoch Centre and Argyle St for anyone familiar) and at least 2 Gamestations in that area too. It's ridiculous..
  22. Jellybaby is ridiculous. I've not been in months simply because it's not worth the risk of being turned away for some ridiculous, unfounded reason. I've never personally been knocked back (sober face like a BOSS) but my friends constantly do.
  23. Sorry, I didn't know the pernickety police were patrolling N-E today. 600, 900 and 1200 +/- 25. The three years I have left of my degree kinda count out moving at this point.
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