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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Well thats a bastard to us with a 20gb (or indeed without) HDD. I'd rather get a physical copy if I can play on the same console than a downloaded. Especially since it's probably cheaper.
  2. I don't believe in any supernatural, spiritual things. Like wishing for something - whats the point? It's not going to help. And luck, thats another thing. It exists in the form of its lucky to score a goal from a strange deflection, but not in your lucky because a chain of good things happened.
  3. Hahaha. I thought it was brilliant. Also "If he was getting divorced from Paul McCartney he would keep his whiney mouth shut" was amazing.
  4. I'd rather that didn't happen, in all honesty. This is supposed to be a giant Nintendo fanservice. Even Sonic being in it is in a way, because it gives the whole Sonic vs Mario thing. Snake is a bit dodgy, for me at least, but I'll let them off. But I don't want someone like Masterchief in it, because it's just not what Smash Bros is about.
  5. Man, the character they've made with the Stig is genius. The bit where he stares at the phone, or throws away the paper in disgust at Lewis Hamilton. Brilliant.
  6. Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori
  7. Does it have multiplayer in the Arcade mode? Like, two reticles on one screen?
  8. He's not, he's the readers choice from the reactions to last weeks column.
  9. Sylar has lost his powers at the moment, though.
  10. This thread is so awful on weekends :p
  11. Actually getting into this now. Realised why I was so bad and sorted it, so now I'm actually winning a bit Anybody got any tips on crossing? Both in open play and from Corners / Free kicks. All my Set Plays get headered away without a chance, so it's almost a waste even putting it in, and when I get to the byline it usually ends up caught by the keeper.
  12. Didn't go anywhere, but I watched my CPU clock and paused my music for a couple of minutes as a personal mark of respect.
  13. Gizmo

    DVD Wii

    I spent long enough saving up for my own. It's worth it though. Bioshock on a nice big widscreen HDTV is so much better than a shitty 14" CRT.
  14. Gizmo

    DVD Wii

    This is why you buy a Samsung. 2 SCARTs, 3 HDMIs, 1 AV, 1 Component, and 1 S-Video. Which means my DVD, Wii, 360, and the AV's for my Vision:M all fit in, along with my DTV aerial, aswell as leaving space for a future High Def player of some sort and a PS3.
  15. Part Troll was absolute genius. I wish I'd known about this tour beforehand, I woulda tried to get tickets for the Glasgow show. I guess I'll end up getting the DVD.
  16. Might wanna avoid Mass Effect threads from now on: http://kotaku.com/gaming/street-date/mass-effect-street-date-broken-ten-days-early-321241.php In such a story driven game I'd expect there will be plenty of morons who have nothing better to do but speed through the story and spoil it.
  17. I heard it was going to cost like a normal song pack. If its free, thats excellent.
  18. The memory of beating Super Mario World about 10 times, then by chance discovering there was a Star World, Special Zone, different coloured Yoshi's, more than one switch tower and that Secret Zone with the powerups. All AFTER the first 10 times. Since, I've completed it about another 10 times.
  19. The immortal:
  20. Oh my gawd. Timmy and the Lords of the Underworld in Rock Band. Whoever had that idea is a mother fucking genius.
  21. I'm on "Entanglement" on HL2. How close is that too the end of the game? I wanna get it finished this week before Galaxy along with Episode 1 and 2, but with studying and other things to do unless I'm really close to the end I don't see it happening.
  22. I always liked that Metroid stage where the whole level turned round.
  23. Yay. Chicken Wings with BBQ Sauce = win.
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