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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Awesome again. James Blunt was not nearly as much of an arse as I was expecting and Hamiltons lap was awesome. "Have you got any pubes yet?"
  2. Me and Martinist were supposed to be working together (Wario and Waluigi) and just as I convinced him to start playing, you went and killed him
  3. All the big hitters are out now I guess. I don't know about anyone else but I'm glad theres nothing else big coming out for awhile. I already have a backlog.
  4. Group A: Switzerland Czech Republic Portugal Turkey Group B: Austria Croatia Germany Poland Group C: Holland Italy Romania France Group D: Greece Sweden Spain Russia Group C looks awesome. Shame that the third team wasn't Spain, Portugal or Germany.
  5. I can't actually remember, but I seem to remember I tried it once and it just didn't happen at all, with no reason given in the write up.
  6. Socks. I need them to keep my toes warm Underwear is overrated.
  7. So thats why my power failed randomly one night.
  8. Not gonna vote in all of them but heres a few: The 2007 N-Europe Member Of The Year: Chairdriver Thread Starter Of The Year: Dante Most Respected Member: Flinky The User Who Spends Most Of His/Her Entire Life On Here: Dante Best User Ever: Dante Best Game of the Year: I think we all know which will win this, but I'm gonna vote Bioshock. Worst Game of the Year: Super Fruitfall Wii Best Movie of the Year: 300 of course Best Album of the Year: Jimmy Eat World: Chase This Light (just pipping Radiohead for me) Person who you think should next be in charge of the world / Person who should become leader of the free world! Mwahaha!: Jeremy Clarkson (aren't these two pretty much the same thing?) EDIT: Best Forum Moment of 2007: Name-change gate.
  9. Haha, I was tempted to request Dante as my character :p
  10. You have no ideas? I've got so many I can't decide which one I want to be
  11. He gets my vote.
  12. To be fair I had been trying to kill you for the past 2 nights anyway so I'll let you off
  13. This one is gonna be such a bastard to organise.
  14. Sign me up, that last game was awesome.
  15. Hey, he killed me That sounds awesome. Mighten it run the risk of there being too many good / too many evil characters, though?
  16. New game, new game, new game!
  17. Wow, there are people who still don't know that?
  18. Oh ffs. Penalty in injury time to give Hearts the equaliser. 1-1 Gay.
  19. New DLC for Bioshock soon
  20. I don't understand why people come into a thread about a game they are halfway through if they care about the story. I haven't been to the Assassins Creed or Mass Effect threads since they released because I haven't got them yet and don't want it spoiled. I didn't come in here until after I finished it. Infact, I had RedShell ban me from this thread even before release, because I went on a media blackout. Seriously.
  21. I can't even remember which one Gusty Garden is. Time to go back methinks.
  22. http://www.majornelson.com/archive/2007/11/30/child-account-graduation-and-changing-live-id-association.aspx Praise the lord, hallelujah.
  23. I'm betting on a stage or a new item for December 3rd.
  24. An hour long special on Claire and Elle getting funky. I'll get my coat.
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