No! There are three possibilities for it:
1.) A dual storyline, with teams of two. It will start off DK and Diddy / Dixie + Baby, then at certain points due to various humorous mishaps (Minecarts swapping tracks, monkeys falling from trees, etc!) the teams will mix up as the game proceeds. The final boss will then be an epic battle vs K.Rool, where each Kong will take turns to use their specific ability to defeat him, ending with DK vs K.Rool.
2.) The game starts with DK and Diddy, and at mid points Dixie and Baby become available for selection. You can then choose the two which you would like to use for each level. There will be specific areas only accessible by each Kong, thereby increasing replay value. The end boss will be the same as above.
3) Number 2 happens, only instead of Dixie and Baby, it is the DK64 crew. Tiny and whoever the thick one was are pretty much exact replica's of Dixie and Baby, along with Lanky Kong making his triumphant return! and takes his rightful throne as the king of everything Possibly even playable roles from Grampa Kong, Funky, and Candy at certain points. The game will follow the path of either 1 or 2, only with this new crew. Oh mi gawd this game has to happen.
This went from being a description of only 1, then 1 + 2, now I'm only including them because I can't be bothered removing them and also you might be angry if I replace Dixie and baby, even though their DK64 counterparts are identical. Once again.
Oh mi gawd this game has to happen!