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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. To be honest if the wife is stupid enough to make a Mii of the guy she would have been caught anyway.
  2. Well since nothing seems to be happening; Vote:Nobody
  3. Does anybody have a screenshot / can get me a screenshot of the wall, where "The Cake is a Lie" is carved in? I've been looking for one but can't find it anywhere, and I can't get a screeny because I have the 360 version and I don't use my PC monitor for it.
  4. As a Scotsman, I am morally obliged to say:
  5. At least it's not as bad as Prison Break, which cut off mid storyline.
  6. I'll probably end up buying this but I'm still not fully convinced on it. Are there any other reviews up other than IGNs? Oh, and thanks for changing the thread title. I went to edit it a couple of weeks ago and realised I couldn't, has been bugging me ever since.
  7. That comic would have been so much funnier if it was only the first box.
  8. Yeah, this storyline was always ending in two weeks anyway.
  9. Yeah, maybe. I just wouldn't trust him yet.
  10. At least we know the name of the character we're going after I guess. It says McMad was "forced". I wouldn't be so quick to trust him.
  11. Maybe the Pichu evolution thing is a hint that we are gonna see Raichu :p Probably not but whatever
  12. So is there anybody still alive that we know to be bad guys?
  13. Yeah that was awesome. The special effects were back up to old standards. The last scene was incredibly predictable but overall really awesome episode. It basically consisted almost entirely of the two best characters (Hiro and HRG).
  14. Well that gave me nothing. I still wanna know whats up with this Spyro thing though...
  15. Thing is, when Scotland gets snow, especially in Central Scotland, it never lies because its always wet already.
  16. Hah, good idea Serebii. If we do get the sleeve, just print off a boxart and put it in an empty points case :p
  17. So, does anyone know when the reviews are gonna start coming through for this? Also, it looks like the game comes in one of those plastic sleeves, like the Wii Sports ones from America and post-launch Euro, which kinda sucks too
  18. Yeah, he's brilliant. I always make a thing to check his new one out every Wednesday. Bioshock is still his best one imo.
  19. For all you achievement whores out their, I have a present for you:
  20. How funny would it be if NI were the only British team to go.
  21. My ears are bleeding after listening to that engine sound for 2 whole minutes.
  22. You got 23 points in the easiest group there is. Good job
  23. Your missing the best part of the story
  24. Fuck. The first and the last minute. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
  25. Only a tenner delivered if you want one - http://www.jinx.com/men/shirts/video_games/the_cake_is_a_lie.html?catid=81 Some good stuff on that site.
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