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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Isn't that the exact quote from the website you rubbished earlier?
  2. Sauce? Thats bloody perfect timing for my birthday <3
  3. Zack and Wiki is way sooner than I thought. Only three weeks after christmas, I'm not even gonna be done with my christmas games. And AW:DS on the 25th too, way sooner than I expected. That was only just announced.
  4. I might boycott the game or something if we get it 6 months later than everyone else. Who am I kidding, I can't boycott this. T_T
  5. Super Fruitfall Galaxy Yes, my uncle actually paid money for Super Fruitfall, and I played it.
  6. Is it wrong that one of my friends at school, previously nick-named "Teddy" is now being called "Muhammed"?
  7. Second generation and beyond Wii Sports came in a sleeve in Europe, and all of them afaik in America.
  8. I very much doubt BK3 will come out next year. I would say mid 2009 at best tbh Anyway, from that list I want: Resi 5 Wii Fit possibly Soul Calibur VI Brawl Alan Wake Mario Kart Fable 2 Spore GTA The rest I don't care about / haven't heard of.
  9. That's actually quite cool that it has a proper box instead of a cardboard sleeve.
  10. Sorry, but why is Assassins Creed lumped in with NFS?
  11. I'm gonna go with "Jobbies".
  12. NO YOUR FAT 32! /Unhelpful Hellfire style post <3
  13. Phew. Lost 1-0 to Milan but Benfica won against Shakhtar so we go through anyway.
  14. Oooh, I never thought of that. Could go all James Bond and turn you to gold.
  15. I don't understand how Bob has such a hold over people. Elle for example could just zap him. And I'm disappointed they brought Maya back to life. I never liked her much.
  16. I don't know why I do this whole Football supporting thing. 40minutes to kick off and already I'm crapping my pants.
  17. Does this fix the wireless router glitch, were it doesn't automatically log into Live if you have a disc in?
  18. I'm a boring non-drinker. Can't beat a good ol' Sprite or Fanta Lemon.
  19. Yeah Jordan. Treyarch get given COD5 and rush it out for Christmas, giving Infinity Ward 2 years to do Cod6 properly. It's the way the series works really.
  20. Gizmo has to go with think-cut Mcoy goodness.
  21. In Galaxy you have to run forwards a little second longer than you did in Sunshine to do the side jump, but it's basically the same thing and doesnt make any difference.
  22. Hellfires posts are awesome. Just when your in the middle of reading a serious thread with two people having a heated argument, he comes in and quotes someone and goes "NO YOUR MUM!" and confuses everybody.
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