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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. 4 player co-op has been in several games before. R6:V for one. Forge as a map editor is no different to the one that was in Tony Hawks way back in the early GameCube days. The theatre is good, in that you can watch the whole match from any angle, but similar experiences have been available on the likes of Pro Evo etc for years. Sorry, but I don't see Halo being the most innovative game of the year.
  2. Nothing to go on. Vote; Nobody
  3. Sylar is the bad guy from Heroes. He's surely in the mafia, anybody got any info? Also, I'm Clarkson guys. I'm not entirely sure why Chair paired me and Cerebus, I guess he was just being a bit ironic :p We were both pretty obscure characters with nobody to pair with I guess.
  4. It's pointless arguing over creators anyway. Everybody knows they are watching over us on their intergalactic televisions. Those creators love their reality TV!
  5. Someone needs a hug.
  6. Plus, the one on eBay is for charity, so people are more likely to bid up a bit.
  7. As much as I want that Cube Plushie, I just can't justify buying it. Especially since I already bought a Portal T-Shirt. But I want it so bad. Must...not...buy...
  8. Time to break out the old image.
  9. Anyone else think the "Is it a PC game?" added in at the end was a sly jab at them?
  10. Thats not the only thing that will get ripped if ya know what I mean.
  11. Theres not really alot I can do with my life in the next couple of years; I'm stuck at the age where being where I am sucks, but I can't move on for a while. All I can say I guess is to get the best I can on my exams in the spring, and just generally try to be less of an idiot.
  12. Distinctly average. Nothing particularly amazing happened for me, but nothing particularly bad in the grand scheme of things happened either, and nobody close died like alot of people have had happen..
  13. No your face is stupid!
  14. The amount of boobies in this game makes it worth the price alone.
  15. your stupid. /didnt click link. After clicking it: It's a play on the number 9. All multiples of 9 add up to nine, and adding two digits and subtracting from the original take you to a multiple of nine. 12: 12- (1+2) = 9 74: 74 - (11+4) = 63 All the multiples of nine have the same icon.
  16. Last year I was expecting a message, just a general "Merry Christmas to all Wii users!" but that didn't happen. I doubt they would go from that to giving us a free VC game.
  17. I woulda thought he keeps his helmet on for that.
  18. Just completed it I liked the game in general, though. I have three major complaints: My god, that final 30 minutes or so was terrible. Stupid drunks / retards pushing you, you bump into a guard and then they instantly twig that your an assassin. But a man climbing the walls to the city fort, he's just an annoyance and is told to go away. The voice clips for the townspeople got old bloody fast. PLEEZE SIR JUST A FEW COINZ Oh, and the ending was horrible. Its like "lol, we're making a sequel, so we'll make loads of mystery around the end to make people interested"
  19. Typical Rangers bottling it tonight. Kinda mixed emotions about it. On one hand, haha rangers are shit. On the other, it woulda been good for Scottish football to have both go through.
  20. I'm in 10charlimit
  21. England has prelims after Christmas? Wow, suddenly I don't mind so much the Scottish system of having them in November.
  22. Just made a topic about that in the Wii Channels Discussion. It's so ****ing stupid.
  23. I got it, simply because I got it in my bundle with the console. When it runs out, it's unlikely I'll renew it. I'll just swag 48 hours from my friends if I want to use it, since I rarely do anyway.
  24. I still get a laugh everytime people take Hellfire seriously. <3 Let's hope Rising Star rethink their decision on giving us the censored version after the Manhunt appeal was successful.
  25. Wouldn't it be funny if the guy who tested it for the BBFC turned out to be a mass murderer.
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