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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. STOP PRESS Stuwii put a capital letter in a topic title and used reasonable punctuation. THE END IS NEAR
  2. I'd expect Peter to fling him back with his telekinesis, then they'll have a proper discussion.
  3. *didn't read other posts in this topic* I wasn't aware Nintendo had anything to make amends for.
  4. Yeah, this:shakehead
  5. Well I only got my 360 this year, but my favourite games so far have been Bioshock and Crackdown, hands down. Haven't played AC or ME yet, so dunno how they are, but those two are definately up there in my personal favourites of all time.
  6. Hahaha, that was genius:bowdown: I loved the bit that went "You have to be a twit, to make lamps and stevie look shit, somehow you managed it, you silly ginger git"
  7. Damnit Celtic, why do you do this to me. Just as I accepted in my head "ok fair enough we're gonna have to beat Milan now and hope SDK don't beat Benfica, still a chance but we might sti-" "ITS A GOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL!" "**** **** **** ****!"
  8. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/7115967.stm Oh dear lord. If he becomes our manager I will start to support England.
  9. Just get a Vision:M and some AV out cables. Up to 720p goodness on my TV <3
  10. Thats happened to me a few times, and quite alot with Galaxy. I've found it does that when I press the start button right after powering up, wait until he's finished shouting "SUPER MARIO, GALAXEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!" and then play.
  11. The whole Mohinder/Claire/Adam's blood healing thing is very Blood+.
  12. I'd do what Jordan would do mostly. Also pull the food prank, the exam trick. Find all the people I don't like and give them a nice big punch in the face. Maybe drop a few of them into the sea. Catch up on all the games I haven't had time to play before.
  13. Wow, what a prick. He only just got the Scotland job and now he's jumping ship at the first oppurtunity?
  14. Wow, all the stupid Rangers supporters at my school are going make a fuss because it's the "Celtic" cup
  15. Today has been one of the shittest days I can remember, thanks for asking.
  16. I disagree with the people calling for a futuristic Zelda, with guns and missles and motorbikes. It's just not Zelda. That's closer to Metroid really. It's like making the next Half Life game a sword slasher. It may well be a good game, but it just would not be a Half Life game.
  17. I realise that technically I shouldn't post but: :D
  18. Cheers Tenster.
  19. I think those sections of Sunshine are undoubtedly the inspiration for Galaxy. Like the toy galaxy, it isn't even set in space - it's set in a kids bedroom. Yet it still has all the gravitatinal, planetary effects. Think theres at least one other which does the same, in the atmosphere of a planet but still the attributes of being in space. Doesn't really fit in with the rest of the game, but no complaints. Speaking of complaints, I have discovered one thing I don't like about this game. Those bloody trash destroying minigames. So pointless, takes like 10 attempts to do it and gets me completely fed up.
  20. Awesome group for Scotland there. We can beat Holland at home, and can beat the rest home and away. Obviously there will be slip ups, though. And England v Croatia again. Lol.
  21. Man, search for Portal speed runs on Youtube. Some crazy stuff. Damn.
  22. Three more to go. Two comets which haven't appeared for me yet (one of which is that Dreadnoughts level) plus one more hungry star dude. Also, I've heard that theres something post 120 too? I don't want it spoiled, but is it worth it?
  23. Arcade doesn't have the audience that a console version does. Plus, PacMan was only in because Namco produced the units and wanted him in.
  24. You'd still have to race against them. Lets be honest, they wouldn't fit. Mario vs Sonic is a special collaboration game, like Brawl. But putting him into a game which is very deliberately set in the Mario universe wouldn't work, just like putting Link in wouldn't work. Keep it to Mario and Co.
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