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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. Yeah, I know. Still, extra songs are extra songs.
  2. Crysis comes out the 16th too? Didn't know it was so soon.
  3. Isaac or someone else from Golden Sun would be a perfect fit for Smash Bros. A bit of sword slashing on the A button, the psynergy stuff would fit brilliantly to the B button. Then theres the summons, which would be perfect final smashes. Also, don't forget that there could well be another series, or several other series, after Sonic.
  4. 17/10/2007 13:30:40 Your order has been dispatched on: {0} Woot. Dispatched a couple of minutes ago. I guess that means I should have it by the end of the month, if the current Royal Mail standards are kept up.
  5. Well, they have finished the game. Now it's all about bug fixes. Which, there seem to be alot of right enough :p But I don't see this slipping beyond its current release. Which is kinda annoying really, since it comes out the same day as Mario Galaxy, which also happens to be 3 days before my first exam!
  6. The first chapter is pure magic and gets you totally into the game. The second continues in this vein somewhat, but never really sets the world on fire. 3 and 4 are also both good fun, and then you slowly realise that you're simply not enjoying the game anymore. The story is so weak that you don't even have that for motivation, leading to a pretty tedious second half.
  7. You may aswell stop now anyway, iirc after chapter 4 it goes downhill pretty fast.
  8. The only disappointing thing is that this is only half the album. When it comes out in disc theres gonig to be something like 10 other tracks.
  9. NeoGAF is convinced this comes out the same day as MP3.
  10. Yeah, because that makes sense.
  11. Imo, scores should be out of one million, so its more accurate.
  12. No Hiro this week The whole Claire / West storyline is so cheesy and predictable, too. But I like the whole photo thing. Anyone else think Charles Deveux might have some connection to DL/Micah, also? Monica seems to have the same power as the girl from the cafe in texas the Hiro tried to save. I wonder what the other cousin / Grandma's powers are? Oh, and we still haven't seen Nathans mothers.
  13. I don't get why (in mode 2) looking around is done by moving to the edge of the screen. Why not use the control stick for it?
  14. Didn't they say Ikaruga was coming before the end of the year?
  15. wtb Ikaruga
  16. Pacman could make a pretty awesome Assist Trophy.
  17. I guess now that Hobbz and Ant are gone we need another pair of people to argue in a sports thread.
  18. Difference is Scotland coverage is mainly reserved for Scottish programs. Local news, etc. We get all the English crap other than the more specifically local stuff, while England get hardly any of the Scottish. That description came out really wrong but I can't think right now of how to word it properly.
  19. I don't see how posting "Tits or GTFO" is giving the whole forum a good laugh, personally.
  20. Exactly. As a nation, we persistantly overachieve in sport, really. When you look at it, we have a population of what, 5million? And Ukraine is something more like 60million I think I heard? We convincingly beat them. Not just a hard working, outstanding result like France, but a convincing win that we could pull out regularly.
  21. I hear what you're saying but to us Scots, the jealous neighbours who are too small a country to ever win anything, it's bloody annoying.
  22. Oh how I love me a bit o' edrama.
  23. Looks awesome to me.
  24. I'm with these guys. Have another penny. Every 2 years, when a World Cup or European Championship comes up, its "Can England match 66?" then cue a 4 minute montage of footage from 66 and interviews from the players. Have your front page hysteria the next day, your parade in trafalgar square a week later, but for the love of god 40 years on nobody gives a shit.
  25. Anyone watching the snooker this week? I'm supporting Hendry and Higgins as always.
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