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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. I don't see the points being deducted. 10 place penalty I can imagine.
  2. http://www.d1g.com/video/show/?id=1435095 What a nonce.
  3. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/editorials/zeropunctuation/2304-Zero-Punctuation-Halo-3 Yahtzee is a god.
  4. I'm still subscribed to NGamer, because 1) I trust their opinions, 2) it's always a good laugh, and 3) it's still on my parents direct debit :p
  5. I got SPM from them too, arrived on the Friday.
  6. In terms of he'll be the replacement non-family member who knows about her ability and helps her out.
  7. So you're basically like Mr(s) Garrison from South Park?
  8. IKARUGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I've only played this game once at a friends house. But I love vertical shmups, and this is supposedly one of the best. It can't come to XBLA fast enough.
  9. She was upstairs I think, and the guy was looking through the window using his ability. She assumed he was up a tree I guess. But that guy is just the replacement for Zach now that they moved.
  10. Mine works great, better than trailing an ethernet cable up through the ceiling.
  11. Lol, I see
  12. I don't get it. What the hell do these do other than look ungangly?
  13. For what? Something on the Arcade I assume, since it's Wednesday...
  14. Awesome. I know someone called Lucas, so I look forward to beating on him over and over.
  15. Wow, Scotland might have an outside chance of making it to the semi's. Which is more than can be said for England.
  16. DKC2 imo :p
  17. One cable wasn't working, the other just wasn't plugged in properly Luckily the N64 and SNES can use the same AV cable so theres no need to buy a new one.
  18. You guys realise that 1:1 is really unlikely to happen? For example, what happens when Link hits a wall? You just slice through it?
  19. Didn't have the chance to nip over and get them, but I'm collecting them after school tomorrow. *crosses fingers*
  20. I'd expect C Stick smashes to be removed mainly because the Wiimote / Wiimote + Nunchuk controls won't have a second stick.
  21. To be fair, Bungie skimped on the single player to focus on the multiplayer and community aspects. You can't say Halo 3 is rubbish because the campaign has no longevity when theres that level of online features - the normal online, the video maker, the map editor, the co-op. Maybe if it was something like Bioshock or Metroid that had a 6 hour campaign and nothing else to offer. But Halo 3 was not developed to be a primarily single player game. I think alot of the time single player is the focus and multi is tacked on - it felt the other way around to me with Halo.
  22. Massa is the only of the drivers for the big two that isn't a bit of a ****. Raikkonnen isn't too bad, but Alonso is really arrogant, and Hamilton has an air of smugness about him and I hate the way the British media treat him. Massa > Raikkonnen > Hamilton > Alonso.
  23. As much as I don't want Hamilton to win because of the lovefest ITV do over him, dumbing down commentary going on about Quali rules, tyres and fuel levels every 5 minutes, I don't REALLY don't want Alonso to win. Come on McLaren getting 4 engine blowups and Raikkonnen sneaking in. Or even better, everyone loses points except Massa. Massa is awesome.
  24. Yeah I did that too Shorty, the message from Bungie stays up just long enough that you press A to go past it just as it starts fading out and you realise, damn, shouldn't have done that :p
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