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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. I agree with all the Dante is awesome posts. Your a really nice guy and a good poster too
  2. My copy came! Shame I can't play it BECAUSE MY TV DIDNT ARRIVE YET. Well, I can play it, but I'm forcing myself not to. I ain't playing it till I can so in High Definition goodness. But then again Halo isn't even supposed to be that brilliant graphically. Urgh.
  3. They need to make Pokemon Snap 2 for the Wii.
  4. Btw, I've found that instead of selling fireworks to the armor guy, selling Simple Juice (3 oranges 2 tomatoes) is faster money, since the fruit comes in groups of 12 at a time, and it sells for 84g.
  5. So that means there are songs, stickers and trophies to collect. Awesome.
  6. Awesome HoT, thanks. I think that makes sense now.
  7. 8:"I personally believe that US Americans are unable to do so, because, is that some people out there, in our nation, don't have maps, and I believe that our education, such as South Africa, and the Iraq, everywhere like, such as, and I believe that they should, our education over here, in the US should help the US, or um should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future, for our children."
  8. Gamespot gave it 9.5 too. But that Gametrailers review increased my hype quite a bit. I've always intended on buying this, no question, but I've never been hyped quite like alot of people have been. Probably mainly since I haven't played the first two. But that review made it look really awesome. Anywhere I can go to read up on the story btw? I don't really want to go on Wikipedia incase theres spoilers on it, but I'd like to know what happened in the first two.
  9. You look like that guy from CSI. :p
  10. Go here for the sake of your health, HoT.
  11. Now that the point and click is back, we need to see the return of the vertical shmup! Ikaruga on XBLA will hopefully just be the start :awesome:
  12. Apparently the game is banned in Germany. And a friend told me that theres a section where a guy fires a laser from his crotch. IMA CHARGIN MAH LAZR!
  13. No strategy in real time games? What does that make RTS games then? Or did you just mean platform games?
  14. 22/09/2007 08:13:32 Your order has been dispatched on: 22/09/2007 Free delivery is supposedly 2 business days, so Tuesday it is. That gives me until Monday to finish off Paper Mario.
  15. Got thsi game the other day. Trying to scrounge up the money to grow te tower for the second continent, but I just put 500 in and nothing! Like HoT, I'd appreciate some recipes and stuff, and general tips on wtf is going on!
  16. Nope :wink:
  17. Chapter 7 is so painful. Like, it really is awful. I've gradually gone from loving it (Chap 1) to hating it (Chap 7).
  18. I would say the other two 3rd party characters are between Sonic, Megaman, Bomberman. Probably the first two will get the spots.
  19. Well thats taken a bit of pressure off my wallet.
  20. I'd love to play the demo, but it's still bloody downloading!
  21. Looks like it.
  22. The thing I don't get about you guys scrambling around to get a copy early is, haven't you all already preordered it from somewhere online? Why bother getting two copies?
  23. Yeah, but I'm already planning on getting one of, if not both, RE:UC and MoH:H2. Considering I have 2 Wiimotes, I don't need a third too urgently.
  24. Count me in.
  25. First one sounds like an updated version of shooting from WiiPlay. The other two kinda sound similar to that DragonQuest game. Kinda what I expected really. I'll probably end up buying it >_>
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