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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. The man speaks the truth. Other than Old Firm games, it's pretty rubbish.
  2. Yeah, I don't have a particularly big interest in cars but it's my favourite show on TV. I loved how the took the piss out of Gordon Brown at the start.
  3. At what point did he say it was shit? He just said that because it's taken so long to come out he's lost interest. Whats wrong with that?
  4. Hahaha, saw an advert for it. They are gonna attempt to cross the English channel in them. Can't wait.
  5. http://www.hotukdeals.com/forums/showthread.php?t=103613&highlight=xbox+live If your interested
  6. Its probably using 1 or 2 when shielding.
  7. Oh good god. If England win next week and Lewis Hamilton wins the F1, the British read:English media are gonna be ****ing all over it. I really, really, hate the British press.
  8. Yep and Yep. This is NoE we are talking about.
  9. Yeah, probably GC controller for me. I have 4 of them, all my friends are acustomed to it already, and it seems like the only one without a real drawback. The Wiimote doesnt have enough buttons, the Wiimote/Nunchuk (looks like) its gonna be really unnatural, the Classic Controller is either an awkward analog stick or a D Pad. The GC controllers drawback is that it's wired. But then, I can just choose to lose the rumble which is only on one of the other three properly anyway.
  10. My PC is in the central room of my house. We have an extension/second living room (where most TV watching is done) a metre from the PC desk, and theres a double sized doorway with no door on it. Not to mention the kitchen is also coming from the room, and the front door is through only a glass door, gaming on the PC just isn't appealing for me right now
  11. Yeah. Thinking about it I'd expect it to be a Wii Play kind of situation, £15 for the Zapper itself and £20 with the game packed in.
  12. 3-1 to Scotland, oh yeah. Now to beat Georgia, which is in Georgia so hardly a given, and get a point off those Italians.
  13. I think this is pretty much a given. First half of the season wil lbe the first breakout attempt, which could then go two ways - either they make it out and the other half of the season is like S2, or they fail and have to formulate a new plan. I'd expect the first of those two options, but both are possible.
  14. Fixed for accuracy. Seriously, I went the blonde woman, and I got hit once. And I'm crap at fighters and didn't know the controls.
  15. I have HL/2 for my PC but I hate single player PC games. I just bought them for CS 1.6 and Source. So all 5 will be good for me. Only decided the other day, but I'm definately going for this.
  16. Rubbish. One of my friends doesn't have a 360, and I don't want to get it for the PC, since most of my other friends are getting it 360 too.
  17. For £15, I'm definately going to get this.
  18. Question: Is TF2 cross compatible between PC and 360, like Shadowrun?
  19. I'd say its highly likely this be ported to PS3 after its released, with the other two games of the triology being multiplatform from release.
  20. Thought everything but Smash Bros was under embargo?
  21. So in the IGN video someone is playing as Mario, but he's in a Luigi costume. Does he have that in Melee? I'm a bit worried Luigi won't be playable now...surely thats impossible?
  22. Yeah, it was the 8th of the 8 paintings. I'm sure they'll stop it.
  23. Always been interested in those games, sounds awesome! -Smash Bros. has been delayed in Japan until January 24, 2008. Nintendo shows a new trailer. Sonic is going to be a playable character! The trailer shows him transforming into Super Sonic. The game will include online fights. In addition, it will have online cooperative play of some form. I expect that the Sonic Trailer will be todays update on the Smash website and im quite pleased now that we euro peeps arent the only ones missing out on Smash this year Holy Shit! Thats awesome. Like, really awesome. And online coop I was hoping for too. This game will be so good. Not sure about Bikes, have too see how its implemented. It is Mario KART, afterall. Sounds pretty useless for most of us but again aimed at the "casuals" I think. Wait, is that the DS Demo channel? Any date given? Can't be a particularly big game then But I like the price. Awesome! Fire Emblem DS will be sweet and nice to see the reappearence of Wii Music. Gotta run to school now. But this topic brightened my day!
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