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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. I can tell you that @Hero-of-Time absolutely loves that mechanic. He once told me that he finds it to be revolutionary.
  2. Major bump. This is getting quite a lot of coverage in gaming news these days. Figured I'd give this a proper try this time around. I remember giving it a go years ago, but it didn't click. I've just played for an hour. Did the tutorial mission and then got thrown back to the character I must have created back in the day. It's a little overwhelming with all the menus but the gameplay itself seems to be quite fun. Would love to figure out how to change classes/Warframes.
  3. They are so good...it's unbelievable.
  4. Enter the Gungeon will receive a quite substantial update today. Downloaded the game on my PS4 again and now I'm waiting for the patch Somehow lost track of the game back when it was released. Looking forward to diving back into it. Will probably start from scratch.
  5. @Hero-of-Time Thanks for recommending Reverie. One hour in and I've just completed the third dungeon. It's straight-forward, simple, very charming and just a joy to play.
  6. Nilfgaardian. I play a mix of spy and reveal synergies. Add the occasional revives and I've been playing pretty well so far.
  7. OH MY GOD RUN. Wait, no...that's good. OH MY GOD MARRY HER.
  8. Yeeaaahh...I might get wrecked by you Right now I'm just getting my bearings, discovering cards and their abilities, etc. At my level (6) I'm winning maybe 60% of rounds with the deck I made. Don't know about archetypes, though. What kinds are there?
  9. Downloaded this again to see if you can finally play against friends on PS4. And you can. But none of my friends are playing...well, game got me hooked anyway. Built my own deck and am trying to successfully play it. It's not that easy, though Edit: Just won three casual matches in a row. I actually made some smart moves as opposed to my humble beginnings when I was lucky to win Might buy the starter pack for 5€ (10 Card Kegs, i.e. 5 cards each, a legendary card and some other currency...whatever that's used for).
  10. So far we've gotten the first three Episodes for free. Four more to go
  11. Who doesn't Bought, downloading now. Started Grand Kingdom yesterday. Finished the tutorial mission and stopped because I needed sleep. The game seems to be quite complex. Not sure if I'm in the mood for it right now.
  12. @Hero-of-Time would you say Reverie is worth 9€? Looking for a game to play while relaxing at night. Is it a lengthy game or rather short?
  13. That was...actually pretty good.
  14. I always blame @Kav for that.
  15. Wanted to go to bed 4 hours ago but Zero Time Dilemma just sucked me right into the final few hours...Sweet Jesus, those plot twists and revelations. The Zero Escape series is now one of my favourite series of any form of media. Maybe the best plot I've experienced so far.
  16. Hm. I'm sad. For the last two weeks I've spent a lot of time with people from all over Europe (there was an event which was organized by the European Students' Forum which I am a part of) but tonight was the last time I got to spent time with them...maybe forever...maybe for a few months. I shed some tears, I drank some beers...now I will go to sleep. The last two weeks were amazing and I will cherish them for the rest of my life Diodn't make a single mistake. YEAH BITCH! FUCK!
  17. Looks non-existent, unless I'm doing something wrong? I set my game to "public" which means people can join whenever they want, i.e. when I'm at camp?
  18. Not yet. Will get back to you once I have.
  19. Played the first mission just now. Seems fun. I hope my best mate was subscribed to PS+ back in the day so we can play this together
  20. Nah, I just told 'em to fuck you up because you don't like procedurally generated rogue-likes.
  21. Just looked it up: the game was on PS+ 4 (!) years ago. Holy shit...time flies
  22. Oh, this has been on PS+ some time ago. Sounds pretty good. Never tried it (I think? Can't remember). Might give this a go on my PS4.
  23. Won't be able to watch the match tonight, but I'll be crossing my fingers for England France will win the World Cup anyways, though.
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