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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Oooohh baby. Day one for sure
  2. I should stop coming to this thread. It's torture reading about this game @Hero-of-Time wanna send me your Switch?
  3. @Hero-of-Time Great list. That MGS3 E3 trailer...I had the exact same experience as you. The download went on and on and on...but it was worth it. Also: FFVIII and FFX
  4. Women are weird. Yeah, tjat's all. Goo d night:!
  5. Time was not the issue, more the lack of motivation to do anything Speaking of Gwent, are you playing the standalone Gwent game?
  6. Looks like this update is just what I needed to get back to the game. Downloaded it, hope the patch will download over night and I can jump right into it tomorrow Will start from scratch in normal mode
  7. The download is almost complete, damn my internet connection Cannot freaking wait to dive back in which means I will only play Gwent yet again
  8. Edit: Oh my God, it's MArio not MErio.
  9. Agree. Worst class in RPG history.
  10. And his class is.......?
  11. If I remember correctly my play through was rudely interrupted by my ex girlfriend's decision to break up with me. I won't start again. I've followed several guides to ensure that I don't miss any missable trophies. Don't want to lay the foundation for that yet again
  12. I have to say it's a little disappointing with regards to its ties to the first two games, but I think it's still great. The puzzles are what you expect from the Zero Escape series, the twists are awesome and the themes are interesting. If you played the first you will most likely enjoy this, too, even though it's the weakest of the series.
  13. Finished Reverie just now. Lovely game. Will take my time getting the Platinum. A few minutes each day in between other stuff will be enough
  14. The Promised Neverland has been on top of the game for months now. One Piece is surprisingly good consistently these days. My Hero Academia has left the boring stuff behind now, it seems. Good times
  15. Downloading this again on my PS4 Pro. Can't believe I forgot about this. Not sure exactly where I am on my save file but can't wait to play this again.
  16. Can I just say: I hate how his outfit sexualizes men. IT'S AN OUTRAGE!
  17. I'm the same, as most of you probably know. To some, grinding levels is boring but I like it. It's weird. I don't even need to do anything else. Just watch the screen and beat the shit out of enemies.
  18. @Ronnie This is how you play RPGs
  19. Yeah, rub it in you cheeky git
  20. That's not how you play RPGs I'll echo Hero-of-Time and say: Coward!
  21. I do but I don't use it outside of my house. If the PS TV had been released earlier I'd gave gotten that instead of a Vita. But anyway, let's not dive deeper into this. It's just a matter of taste/opinion.
  22. Indeed. I don't which is why the Switch's handheld aspect is literally nothing to me. It all comes down to software and as some of here already said: Most of the games you can play elsewhere. It is a great lineup, though.
  23. Yup, it's a great lineup but most of them can be played on other consoles. Still nothing aside from Odyssey and Octopath that makes me want to get a Switch. It sucks because I really want to play these two games
  24. Came here to post the trailer for Glass but @Sméagol beat me to it. Cannot fucking wait for this. Unbreakable is very special to me and Split is just amazing (well, Unbreakable is, too).
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