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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Rightly so. But he's hilarious How could I not, he's such a cute little fella. Just watched Episode 3. I love this show, thanks for the recommendation
  2. Kevin getting and "eating" a cookie had me in stitches
  3. Just watched the first episode and it is indeed a little slow. But it's funny and fun Here I go binge watch the remaining episodes
  4. Oooohhh boy. From the Youtube description: Stunning. Can't wait
  5. You need help? We could get you out of there. #bobjoke
  6. I haven't bothered with reading reviews in ages. I know what I like and most of the time I can gauge quite well whether I will like a game or not by watching gameplay trailers.
  7. SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKFACE. Would be nice and necessary.
  8. It's only 20°C outside and it'll stay that way for the day. Much better than the past few days. In other news: I got accepted to attend a large event from the European Student Forum I'm a part of in Istanbul next October. Paid the participation fee already. Now I need to find cheep flights to and from Istanbul.
  9. You know who I wanna see? That turtle-Pokémon from @Glen-i's avatar: Tirtouga.
  10. I can never get into the game. I want to play and finish it but after 3 hours I lose interest and I have no idea why. Maybe reading adventures from fellow N-E peeps might help. Looking forward to it.
  11. It's already 28°C outside. Temperatures will probably rise to about 37°C in the next few hours. But, if the weather report is to be believed, temperatures will drop to an average of 20-25°C for the next few days. Yes please.
  12. No. NO. Melee Roy is the best. I hate you.
  13. Just watched Coherence for the fifth time. It's brilliant. Even though I know basically everything the movie keeps me on the edge of my seat.
  14. How do you do that? And can you change it back?
  15. I don't give a crap about the newer Pokémon. First Gen is all that matters Coincidentally, I fell asleep a couple of seconds after my post.
  16. Yep, I'm in a good mood. @Glen-i You're weird. Greninja as your avatar...why? It's a frog-ninja Pokémon. Well, I guess that's pretty cool. Ok, you'r not weird. @martinist you#Re weird.
  17. Nope. Not feeling it, mainly because it's not Hardcore as always in a CoD beta. Probably won't get it unless I'll be able to give the Hardcore modes a try and see if I like them more.
  18. Well...downloading the beta. Will probably find some time to play tomorrow. Wanna bet that it's awesome and I'll really like it? Wanna bet that I will buy it in October... I hate myself.
  19. Spyro Reignited Trilogy physical edition requires download for second and third games Good job, Activision. I'm thinking of not buying it. Unless it's not a download code but simply a download initiated by inserting the disc. If that's the case I'll buy it second hand in two years.
  20. Why ruin that perfect number? Eheheheheheheheh...I'm mature.
  21. Dude, who do you think I am? I played every Zero Escape game and recently Platinumed Zero Time Dilemma
  22. Yeah, I remember that one. Jesus, this show was something else. Little me should've probably skipped some of the episodes
  23. PS+ Games for August, 2018 Here's a good ol' list. For the cool guys. Actually quite excited for Knowledge is Power. My best friend, his girlfriend and I have had lots of fun playing That's You! while drinking. Looks like the second game we can play while preparing for a party
  24. Dinosaurs, Season 4 Episode 6. Baby celebrates his second birthday and goes apeshit, i.e. demonic. Scared the FUCK out of me when I was a kid. Don't think I could watch it again without being terrified even as a 28 year old man.
  25. And with their soon to be announced Vita 2 they will be a huge factor in the handheld market, as well.
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