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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. drahkon


    Well I almost pissed my pants. Just as I got "comfortable" with mimics jumping at me (I do sometimes still flinch, though...) the following happened: Needless to say, I turned the game off and decided to look at pictures of cute baby animals. This game will probably be the first horror game I'll ever complete...maybe it'll give me the strength to finally play some others
  2. Mighty fine. Christmas is gonna be a great time for Nintendo.
  3. Jesus, the PS4 is almost 5 years old and still selling like hot cakes. Impressive.
  4. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2018-07-29-games-with-easy-trophies-help-indie-studios-get-the-funding-needed-for-future-projects Good guy @Hero-of-Time always there for indie studios.
  5. drahkon


    The "clunkiness" is still present but the input lag has been reduced. It's still noticeable but nothing majorly irritating. I think I can accept that. I'm digging the atmosphere. I still haven't left the "demo area" so I kind of know what to expect for now but I can see myself enjoying all of Prey.
  6. Can we rename this thread to: @Hero-of-Time's grinding story
  7. One of the strings of my acoustic guitar just broke. Don't have a replacement at hand and I wouldn't know how to put it onto the guitar anyways
  8. Every time you say something like that a little part of me dies/wants to kill you.
  9. Bolded is the only reason why you got it on PS4 Tempted to get it myself but at 20€ it's a bit steep right now for me, especially since I ordered Prey recently and because I'm in a gaming lull.
  10. I've hit another gaming lull. I'm starting a lot of games but lose interest fairly quickly. It's probably because I've been socializing a lot these months and the great weather makes me spend most of my time outside. I'll pick up Prey next week and hopefully I can stick with this. If not, I'll just have to wait for autumn and winter
  11. If you find a guide that only gives you the solution for the puzzles without spoiling the story, yeah. You do have to enjoy visual novels, though.
  12. Suuuuure. It was probably because you reached level 5 and stopped winning
  13. Every one who doesn't buy Salt and Sanctuary for their Switch will be on my "FUCK YOU list".
  14. Sorry @somme I was just having a quick go before heading out. Multiplayer works great, though, doesn't it?
  15. Today's supposed to be the hottest day in most of Germany. Our town is a part of that "most of Germany". Between 35°C and 40°C...Fuck me.
  16. Was on sale for 12.24€ at Amazon.de yesterday. Decided to finally get a copy. Really liked the demo months ago.
  17. Patch is up.
  18. Oooohh baby. Day one for sure
  19. I should stop coming to this thread. It's torture reading about this game @Hero-of-Time wanna send me your Switch?
  20. @Hero-of-Time Great list. That MGS3 E3 trailer...I had the exact same experience as you. The download went on and on and on...but it was worth it. Also: FFVIII and FFX
  21. Women are weird. Yeah, tjat's all. Goo d night:!
  22. Time was not the issue, more the lack of motivation to do anything Speaking of Gwent, are you playing the standalone Gwent game?
  23. Looks like this update is just what I needed to get back to the game. Downloaded it, hope the patch will download over night and I can jump right into it tomorrow Will start from scratch in normal mode
  24. The download is almost complete, damn my internet connection Cannot freaking wait to dive back in which means I will only play Gwent yet again
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