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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Thankfully, I save like a madman so no biggie. Did a side mission where I needed to steal a van. Obviously I tried to be sneaky and it went horribly wrong a few minutes in. The shootout was quite intense with me sniping through some walls and two enemies sneaking up on me trying to take me down with their shotguns. Managed to survive, though This game is too much fun. Haven't touched the main mission, yet. Wanna earn some money and street cred to buy the double jump improvement.
  2. Sitting in the lab, waiting for an analysis to finish...but it's looking very likely that this'll be my last day in the lab for 2020, which means: more time for me to play Cyberpunk 2077 (and the occasional Slay the Spire run) Can't wait to dive back in later today. The last mission I played really made me hungry for more.
  3. Well...then just play through 8 other games that day
  4. Here's what to do: Wake up Christmas day, stay in your pyjamas, have some sweets ready, turn on DKC3 and play all day This is what I'll do on the 26th but I'll play Super Mario World, as is tradition Feel like a kid for a day
  5. Never played the 3rd one in the DKC series. @Glen-i two questions: When will we finish DKC2? And will we play DKC3, too, so I can show off my amazing skills yet again?
  6. 7 hours and 54 minutes later...shit just got real The last two hours have been spectacular. Can't wait to see where the game's going with all this. Sorry to hear about your issues with the game @Julius Would've loved to discuss it with you. Guess it'll have to wait until we both play the next gen version
  7. I must be quite lucky. 6 hours in, no major bugs A few textures loading a bit late, occasionally some issues with picking up items and one 2 minute annoyance where I could only equip one weapon. Other than that: It's running great. And with that being said I'm pretty sure I just jinxed myself and the first crash will be coming soon Gotta say: So far I'm having a blast. Got completely absorbed in a main mission just now. Took me about 45 minutes and I blacked out everything else outside of the game. Haven't really dabbled with equipment, which is weird as I usually love that shit. But Night City, side gigs and the few main missions I completed got me hooked.
  8. That's the least they could do. Thankfully, I'm not affected by the issues with last-gen consoles. Gonna finish the game on my PS5 once, sell it and go back sometime when the inevitable "complete collection" will be available. Anyways, depending on how lab work goes in the next two days, I might actually have much more freetime until next year and really dive into the game. Fingers crossed
  9. Almost 4 hours in. Once I "got access" to Night City I said "fuck the main quest, time to explore" Been doing a few side quests, stopped some assaults, picked up lots of loot, marveled at some street corners and just had an all around blast No bugs, yet. Hope I didn't jinx it. Already can't wait to play this again with the next-gen version. But for now: Back to Night City.
  10. Tried the game on my sister's boyfriend's PS4 Pro and it was...not great. 30fps and not particularly pretty. Gameplay got me hooked, though. I did, however, play the game on my PS5 just now and...so much better. 60fps and much more beautiful Early days (I think I'm still doing the prologue) but so far it's everything I expected it to be, which means I'm enjoying it a lot.
  11. What is there to think about? There's only one choice: My Name is Mayo 2
  12. Well...I just bought a PS4 copy. Can't wait to get back home later tonight and give it a go on My PS5
  13. Looks like I might actually have more free time a few days before Christmas... NOOOOOO. DON'T TEMPT ME Kinda want to pick up a PS4 copy next Wednesday...
  14. Gotta say, the most recent iteration of Modern Warfare did quite a good job with that. Yes, it's CoD but I thought the stealth/night/dark-ops missions were awesome and very well done. Nothing new, but executed really well.
  15. Shit has hit the fan here in Germany. 30k new cases today. Average of 25k/day the last few weeks. Another hard lockdown is inevitable. "Thankfully", my family members and I already were affected by Covid-19, so for us 4 Christmas won't be a problem. I will most likely put myself into isolation aside from that, though. Maybe celebrate New Year's Eve alone. With some video games, food and drinks
  16. 100% agreed. I will fight anyone who says that Titanfall 2 isn't the greatest FPS ever made.
  17. That...looks...AWESOME. Still can't believe that Housemarque is making a rogue-lite-bullet-hell-3rd-person-shooter. It's like a dream come true. Only thing that could make this game better is if they put in some kind of deck-building mechanic Anyways...easily my most anticipated game right now. Day-one. No pants. All day.
  18. Never played a Perfect Dark game, so for me this is an "oh...ok"-announcement. I hope it'll deliver so fans will be pleased
  19. They really are masters of their craft. Watched some footage and it's astounding. To see something like this this early in the new (now current) generation...the future is looking good
  20. Given the impressions I'm happy I don't have time to game these days. Will definitely get this next year when it's optimized for PS5 Hey now..."insane" is a strong word
  21. Gonna ask this here, 'cause I don't think it warrants its own thread: I may want to buy a new TV/monitor. My current monitor is 23 inches so a possible new one should be between 28 and 32 inches. Not interested in 4k 'cause I doubt it'll be in my budget (around 200€). Can anyone recommend me a TV/monitor with those conditions?
  22. Decided to install this on my PS5. I needed this game back in my life Still on my journey to reach Ascension 10 with all characters (at least on the console version) and on my third run last night I managed to do it with The Silent. Catalyst deck. gg ez I'm away from my PS5 for the weekend but thank goodness I got the game on my Switch. On this version I beat Ascension 10 with the first three characters and now I'm on Ascension 4 with The Watcher. Still having trouble with her...can't wrap my head around her mechanics, but I'm getting there.
  23. I don't do PC gaming. I could give the Vita version a go, though. But...too much to play *leaves again so H-o-T doesn't get mad*
  24. Labyrinth was the shit back in the days.
  25. There has been new stock over here in Germany, apparently. Looks like it's sold out everywhere already There's a cue over at gamestop How great would the next-gen launch have been if it wasn't for the pandemic Microsoft and Sony are still selling a shit-ton (i.e. everything they have) but I feel production could've been much higher without the virus rampaging through the world.
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