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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Argh! I hated those people! There was an infestation of those people in my school and their attitude was so stupid. It made me feel queasy. :/
  2. Always liked this one myself...
  3. N64 days. :p Games these days leave barely an effect on me- pretty much nothing phases me now. The days of Ocarina, Majora's Mask and Banjo Kazooie, though....those were truly the days.
  4. I found that the barren atmosphere of Terry was really too plain...it was basically the same repeated reddy-orange stone background for the whole place, and the level itself consisted of a good few 'come back here 10 hours later for the jiggy' jiggys as well as ramps leading to and from nowhere willy nilly and the level itself linked to other levels. Blah. Horse shit I thought. :p
  5. Hang on, are you betas getting to play pretty much the full game? That would really spoil it for me tbh by the time it came out.
  6. Says you? That's probably a normal day for you. XD I found it quite funny, actually...
  7. BT is quite tedious with all the backtracking, Mumbo swapping, telepad warping nonsense. Quite a few of the levels are a bit garbage (I'm thinking Mayahem Temple, Glitter Gulch Mine and Terrydactyland). It seems more of a hardcore game than a fun game, and Grunty Industries proves that. What a chore getting all the jiggies on that level was; even getting into the place took time. BK is magical fun and will always be great no matter how much it ages.
  8. Truly one of the best games of all time.
  9. What?! XD Worst holding of one's own I have seen. He thinks that one of the games can be factually better. :p
  10. But I remember what happened in OoT and MM. :p I've played OoT about 5 times and MM 3.
  11. It was so good that I honestly can't remember what happened. Honestly.
  12. I thought this was a joke at first, even though it was BBC. Honestly, this is nuts. They must be in trouble with the police. :p
  13. Exactly. Save the cheerleader, save the w...oops!
  14. Careful, you might give him a heart attack if he knows the second episode is already out. :p
  15. A few months ago I got all Jiggy's and notes in one sitting (late night to 12 noon the next day). I went hardcore. I shall go hardcore once again.
  16. Yup, Peter Patrelli goes backwards to change time and that has a an effect on his timeline (didn't Hiro say at one point you couldn't change the past?), yet in the earlier series you see different lines used when things are changed. It's probably better if they stick to one.
  17. I was wondering what that oddly shaped port on the back was for....
  18. And yet the one who prefers the newer, graphically better game is the one who is only 14 years old and is probably used to that standard. Sure there are older people with that view, but I'll bet there's far fewer than younger people who prefer OoT. It's weird, this forum is the only forum where I've met people who completely believe that something that can never be more than opinion can actually be fact. Saying one game is better is completely opinion. It just so happens that the more popular opinion is that OoT is a better game, but this doesn't matter if you don't agree with that, as you have your own opinion. My opinion is that MM trumps them all.
  19. Well, I have to say, it looks pretty much the same as when you play the game on Project 64 (I'm not exactly sure what this does to the game but it makes everything look sort of like in the screenshots; a better resolution). But I'd rather it look like that than how it originally looked on my HDTV.
  20. Yeh, it says exactly that at the top-left of the monitor. It's won a lot of awards and seriously gives a good picture, can't fault it.
  21. You're talking BS. You were 4 years old when OoT came out, so how would you know it ruled a lot? The fact you are judging the greatness of games purely on content and not on freshness (for instance, if a sequel released was a clone of a prequel with one additional feature it would be like we had played the game already, but with one additional feature - yet in your eyes this 'clone' would be better).
  22. And that is exactly the flaw in his argument. To be honest, 'modern day goggles' are far worse than 'nostalgia goggles'. What do I mean by this? Imagine playing Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess all around the same time (like I believe he has). 'Modern day goggles' would mean that you'd be judging all three games with modern expectations, and probably view Ocarina as having less features, worse graphics and a sub-par story to TP. People who played Ocarina in the past when it came out would not judge it on graphics still today, since we're used to them from the past and saw them as great for the time. Also, the fact that TP may have everything that Ocarina has plus more would sway 'modern day goggles' wearers in the direction of thinking it was amazing, while those who had already played OoT in the past would see it merely as just being like OoT with some worthwhile additions (think the GTA VC and SA installments). Basically, some of us who played OoT back in the day appreciate it without judging it by the standards of today, and as someone has said, we judge it on how great it was at the time since it would be unfair to keep directly comparing games.
  23. Worth the £39.99. A patch of the game would be a silly idea, bring on the next version instead. :p
  24. I think I have the same monitor, Samsung right? Great thing it is, and definitely not a rip off. I think I paid about the same. :p
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