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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Nah she lives a bit far for the meet, doubt she'd want to (:p), but I'll definitely be able to show up.
  2. Were it nay pickled lad? Nay pickled? Y' were 'ard done lad, I say 'ard done.
  3. In my day I walked t' Wall o' China 3 times a day with nowt but a pickled walnut and a shilling for fun!
  4. I should be able to make it, after all I live in Manchester pretty much . 45 min train journey or so? Very doable... I'm not much of a drinker but that doesn't meant I won't have a few- depends on the way everything goes on the day. Sheffield station meets yah? Sounds like this could be a riot.
  5. Sheikah


    Give them the wings to let them glide higher when you mash space. FLY! FLYYY! Creature stage was the best IMO. They should have expanded the gameplay of that a lot more. The rest felt a bit like a heavily watered down red alert (space is fun, but still not as fun).
  6. Frankie Boyle, for smashing political correctness in the face, and being damn funny too. Jim Carey, for being (IMO) different to other actors by not being afraid to look like a complete fool. His 'squirming' around (a difficult thing to describe) in Liar Liar was a classic, as well as some of the other films. The Truman Show...ah yes. David Mitchell and Robert Webb, two very funny guys with some great ideas. Peep Show is a gem, and some of the sketches in their other show are fantastic. John C. McGinley and Zach Braff. The former more. As Dr. Cox he delivers rants that are obviously more than just reading lines, rather adding his own acting skill and facial expressions into the mix. And Zach Braff as JD...he's just crazy. Dominic Monaghan, just for the lols.
  7. I just had a look at that, and it does indeed sound a very low price. But after a google, it seems that quite a few fakes of this particular product are going around. On marketplace I've received a fake copy of a GBA game before so I guess I have a bit of skepticism of marketplace sellers for things other than DVD based games (although the majority are honest). One of the sellers for those earphones says "no packaging included". Hmm...
  8. Sheikah


    Been playing this, up to the civilisation stage and probably enjoyed the create stage the most. I thought the cell stage reminded me of the game Flow quite a bit. This game is a blast and has a nice variety of gameplay elements, which stops it getting stale straight off.
  9. Why can't a meteorite just end the travesty that is Big Brother?
  10. It should be easily good enough - by the looks of things it's only a bit worse than the 8800GT. I have the 8800GTS (original) which is worse than that, and it ran Bioshock absolutely fine on the highest settings. 64bit with 4GB RAM sounds like the obvious choice...
  11. The only reason I'm not getting this straight off is because I just did everything there was to do pretty much in the first game within the past week.
  12. The 'appear' requirements for Pinata are often quite easy, and once they appear you can check them out in the game encyclopedia to see how to get them to become residents/romance. But I guess there's always the internet for the appear requirements for the harder ones.
  13. I think an eBay average is £10-16 so you could probably still get hold of it for a good price.
  14. You can always get the Zelda collector's disc that plays on Gamecube and Wii.
  15. If I were you I'd work rather than use some of your overdraft...one Sunday a week provided me with plenty (time and a half).
  16. Easily the N64's best game, have fun. :p
  17. The 8600 isn't meant for hardcore gaming but if you don't play much it will probably do you. I have the 8800GTS which is a big step up from that, and can handle some good graphics games (although not Crysis very well). It's a shame you can't buy from online places, because they generally have much better systems for a smaller price.
  18. Yeh, from the sounds of things it is pretty garbage, going by a few places. Glad I avoided it.
  19. Haha, quite a funny one.
  20. Viva Pinata is really nothing like Animal Crossing. Animal Crossing...at the end of the day has very little to do that feels worthwhile doing. In Viva Pinata there are plentiful targets - leveling up, making new Pinata resident, getting new Sour Pinata to turn sides, etc. In short, VP is so much better than AC, while being very different.
  21. If I ever bought a Star Wars film it would be to set it on fire in front of George Lucas's face.
  22. Ok, I have a major gripe with certain online retailers. I hate how quite a few places list the price of something excluding VAT, sometimes telling you the real price in small font, or possibly not telling you the real price until you get to the checkout. How on Earth would that be useful? Do they think the queen may happen to be browsing the site and remark "My, Philip, this website already deducts the tax for me, saving me the time! Marvelous!" Scheming little money-mongers trying to make stuff sound cheap comes to mind.
  23. Will you be playing a lot of the latest games? If you're not going to use it for much of that then you don't need a high end machine and can save a lot of money.
  24. I meant that you looked like you were about to assassinate someone.
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