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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. How much did you pay for an eBay copy? XD
  2. Ouch, I would have been tempted to kick seven shades of **** out of him had he done that, but you took the wise choice. At least at the end of the day a guy like that is most probably going to be ended by someone eventually or by an overdose. As I always say, judge! If someone does something like that, they're most likely a crackhead.
  3. They don't even know what the stuff does, that's why they're so vague with how it helps your body. It's essentially just yoghurt that simple people think is helping them. :p
  4. It doesn't work for the One Piece Crew! A funny one by Frankie Boyle I love is: "Clear your debts in one easy payment; buy a shotgun and blow your head off." You have to give us contact info/details about this guy, as we need to ask him what was going through his head...
  5. "I fight for my friends." Such manliness and homo-eroticism in a sentence has never been seen before.
  6. Happy Birthday! Didn't realise you were that much older than me. :p
  7. Oh...no. I actually ordered VP TiP and got sent the original by a seller. This anger that I tried to bury is rising! Join me my brother!
  8. Not really; it's called the User Image gallery - as far as I can see a user posted an image. Stellar logic, I think. And as far as I can see he did make this topic (first post). He could redefine what he meant when choosing the topic title. Not saying we should all start posting images of random things, but the odd one is easily permissible without a huge reaction.
  9. Clearly the irony was lost; it was ripping the shit out of the joke that is X-factor and everyone was taking part. I particularly liked how it shat on the 'sympathy vote' - you know, how in the show they normally tell you a load of 'sad' stuff about a person despite it having nothing to do with their singing.
  10. You've only got to squeeze on a Pizza Hut crust to see the grease drop out by the bucket load. Seriously, I can't believe I used to like Pizza Hut. Domino's isn't exactly healthy but at least it doesn't taste so synthetic. Stuffed crust? That stuff just is not cheese. It's some kind of polymer.
  11. I don't think it would either, but this definitely won't. I wouldn't expect any BK sequel to live up to the original since the original was so great for its time. That said, though, games like Zelda and Mario have similar sequels to their previous games with slight changes and people tend to love every installment (few exceptions). I can see this one being hit or miss, though. I reckon it'll probably be a good game, but I'd still prefer if it was truer to the original. This looks set to be a fun adventure but loosely related to the previous two games.
  12. Yep, more evidence of people being offensive towards the any post by Arab. I say well done, that's quite an improvement. He made the topic, let him post the odd non-person related picture if he wants.
  13. I bet they would, these people love their defenseless senile old grandmas after all! Really, if you join these you have to be allergic to working to earn money or just silly.
  14. And look how bad BT was compared to BK. They had to have warp pads to accomodate for the size of the levels, and size was by no means good. It just complicated things. Look at Grunty Industries. :/ In many cases BK did have size but in an organized manner. Click Clock Wood had the size in the way it rose from the ground (and you had to spiral up it), yet you could easily see where to go. It also had the extra size in the sense of season changing and then being able to explore different areas. There's nothing wrong with making smaller, better levels but more of them. If you look at some of the large maps in BT they are mostly full of shit with some important areas of interest...basically filler to span it out.
  15. Ohh yeah. Have Portal on PC but I thought why not.
  16. There are too many saying it 'looks' amazing, but in my opinion how it looks counts for only a small part. The general gist of the game seems to be driving around in a vehicle in maps that are overly-large (to compensate for traveling faster than someone who is on foot) with a mini-map required since everywhere is so big you'd get lost without one. I loved the classic compact feeling a level had in BK, where you could look around and see where to go. Not another game with GTA radar and outlined objectives while driving a vehicle. :/
  17. RE5IULT appeared on a car near me after a certain Man U win against Chelsea.
  18. At first I really liked the job system. Then I soon realised it's just an excuse for leveling your character multiple times, as well as making all characters essentially clones of each other. In games like FFIX the characters' jobs influenced their personality, e.g. Zidane was an agile and somewhat cheeky thief and that ran through his character, while Steiner was a pompous high-ranked knight for instance. I really don't like the reasoning of job switching, either...I like the idea that a character has dedicated their life to honing a skill rather than being able to just jack a crystal into themself like a plug and play kit. Job switching games often have a few characters and require you to switch jobs, while job pre-set games have more characters that are usually one of each sort of job class. It's personal preference, but pre-set is the way for me.
  19. It looks terrible from this. I wish Rare would not try incorporate other genres into the game like turning it into something dependent on vehicles (like how they almost tried to ruin Tooie with a heavy dependence on a FPS system). I'm 100% certain now that this game would have done better if it was another proper Banjo game. Going around on a vehicle to accomplish tasks just isn't the same, and some of those levels look very plain.
  20. Definitely. Dominos is leagues ahead in my books. To me, the cheese on Pizza Hut pizzas is pretty poor and tastes really synthetic.
  21. Or get it free and earlier than everyone else by downloading it. Sky+ is stupid...people pay for that? Anything worth watching can be gotten for free and earlier by download. In HD too.
  22. What coke doesn't taste artificial? :p Not like it's squeezed from a fruit. I hate fizzy drinks. They're like a drink, but with strange gas bubbles that do absolutely nothing except make it worse. Fruit juices and smoothies > fizzy drinks. :p
  23. Truer words never spoken.
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