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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. I thought of Leonardo Da Vinci.
  2. Because it's showing how popular video games are in just the UK alone (3rd), and for a few small islands that isn't half bad.
  3. (Nabbed the template) SNES: Chrono Trigger (by a long shot) MD: Sonic 2 N64: Majora's Mask (by a hookshot - ahead of Banjo Kazooie by a smidgen) PS: Final Fantasy VIII (best game ever made IMO, but I guess everyone has their favourite FF). PS2: Final Fantasy X/Shadow Hearts Covenant. DC: Sonic Adventure 2 GCN: Smash Melee Wii: Mario Kart Wii GB: Pokemon Blue (this can be the only winner) GBA: Golden Sun 1/2 DS: Tough Call. I really enjoyed the New Super Mario Bros. as well as Mario Kart DS. 360: If I could cheat I'd say Banjo Kazooie Arcade. But for real it'd be Halo 3
  4. He was only 'meant' to die because the stupid story writers made it so. It was such a daft thing to do as he was one of the best characters.
  5. I bloody knew Jin wasn't dead. If it doesn't show someone literally being splattered to pieces or blatantly dying then they're usually still alive.
  6. All you need to do is to skip to 25 seconds. What a wanker.
  7. What kind of shits are these people doing that they even need that air freshener? Most of the time I dont' notice a smell, but I'm clearly not a hardened vindaloo-eater like that boy is. Why the hell do they need to mention poo too? I think this advert was devised by the kid himself.
  8. What school did you go to? I saw some of this program and it's completely stupid. Children aren't developed so they don't know how to deal with situations, and all we learn from these program is that very poignant fact. It's basically like watching those 'sensitive freak show' programs - we all pretend that we're learning something incredibly enlightening from the program, when all we're doing is having a good nosey at a load of kids being cocks on camera.
  9. Yeah, reading up on finding hidden things in Lost spoils the whole purpose of watching. What's the best that can happen from reading this stuff? You find out what's going to / might happen... and have it spoiled for you.
  10. Golliwogs were dolls which were made to look like the stereotype 'Black Minstrel' image of black people, which is racist if you look back on it now. That and the guy looks nothing like a Golliwog, making it seem like she was saying he looked like one just because he was black. Have to say, this woman is out of her damn mind to say something like that. You say one thing that can be considered racist these days and you are bent over and screwed. If you're not aware of this and you are somewhat famous then you need your head seeing to.
  11. Xbox - Halo 2. Oh lord. Easily the worst Halo game in the series. Mario 64 seems an odd choice for the 64, as there is so much better. Mario 64 was revolutionary but still easily bested by games such as Banjo Kazooie. GTA San Andreas too...ack. No way. But at the end of the day it is their opinion. Or a group of opinions of a few people. It means no more than the opinions of anyone else. Edit: Just saw Phantom Hourglass as their best DS game so far. No, just get out. That's not even funny. Easily one of the worst Zelda games I've played.
  12. This happened to me before, and I can't quite remember how I did it. I think I may have signed in on Windows Messenger (the XP pre-installed bare bones version) and changed it that way.
  13. Played older DQ games - while great, they are not close to VIII I think. Since DQ games are basically all traditional RPGs, I think the prize for me has to go to the most polished and refined traditional RPG. Which in my opinion is VIII.
  14. Season 3 'Villains' was basically that - sending some of the heroes down the dark side and the reverse was also true. What I'd prefer is fewer Fable-like blunt 'good or bad' characters with easily identifiable turning points in favour of more morally grey characters who aren't necessarily bad or evil. But going by the fact it's based upon stereotypical comic books I can't see that happening (although there are a few characters that fit this description).
  15. Graphics indicate the level of polish? That can only mean the graphics themselves being polished, as I can deliver so many examples where story, gameplay and characters create a fantastic game, dwarfing fancy graphics games that have little all else. The gameplay of just about any sequel is the same or very similar, but for me Final Fantasy wins with character design and development, plot and settings (FFIX winning on the settings for me; Cleyra and Treno rocked). The gameplay is usually kept very similar but with subtle changes that are tagged as 'revolutionary'. But the fact is that lovers of Final Fantasy love the series because of what it is, and don't actually want it to change too much. So yeah, while FFXII may have been one of the best games graphically on the PS2 I couldn't help but feel as if I was wandering around ghost towns with ghost characters and a story that didn't really feel inspired. Which is why that all I'm praying from this game is that it's fun and interesting. Many of the games I still play are not great graphically so it really won't bother me.
  16. Making money doesn't necessarily show intelligence. Just look at Jade Goody. "Apparently the guards put sperm in Paris Hilton’s porridge when she was in prison. That’s got to be horrible for her. “Eurgh! There’s porridge in this!" " Frankie Boyle in his prime.
  17. I literally took that game to the next level, I'm not even proud.
  18. Oh yes. 10" case for my NC10 netbook.
  19. Yet why are people in this topic putting so much emphasis on the graphics? Because they actually do value the graphics too much. I remember when people hoped that the next story would be amazing, but now it's pretty much the graphics that people are hyperventilating over. The SNES and PS Final Fantasy games are some of the finest games ever made, and their graphics by today's standards look like crap. I'd much rather play them over FFX or FFXII. I hope that FFXIII's graphics get crapper, that way it may show regression to a time when the series was much better.
  20. You seem to like the same kind of RPGs as I do, so I'd definitely suggest the Shadow Hearts series. It features turn-based gameplay like Final Fantasy, but with the twist of having the 'judgement ring' coupled to just about every move you make. It might sound odd at first, but you basically need good reflexes to execute attacks, stopping gameplay from getting stale. The first game in the series is a bit rare these days and might feel a little old compared to recent RPGs, while the second game (Covenant) easily stands up against Final Fantasy titles. Shadow Hearts is basically set in the real world but with a demonic and fantasy storyline - some of the locations are recognisable and some of the characters are loosely based on real people (e.g. Roger Bacon). It's a great series, although the third and last title in the series features completely different characters and perhaps isn't as highly regarded as the first two. It's a bit of a spin-off. It may be hard to find some of the games so I recommend getting a Memor32 (a 32MB memory card you just load some software onto with a USB lead, very easy). This'll let you play any import games. Oh yeah, and definitely this. It'll be easy to find for a cheap price and it's excellent. It's a perfected RPG in the traditional sense and an amazing game. It's harder than average and needs quite a bit of time put in compared to many RPGs.
  21. It is indeed amazing. It kind of makes me sad that the next one is going to be on DS, as I think that half of the stuff they pulled off on the PS2 can't be done on the DS. Just the atmosphere, quality of sound, the smoothed style they had going... It'll still be a great game I'm sure, but I'd have loved if it was on PS3.
  22. I think people picking the graphics apart are idiots with no understanding of what makes a good game.
  23. I honestly think the first episode of Pokemon was really well done, and one of the best cartoon episodes ever. It's not shit like a lot that followed after that.
  24. Yeah but generally the bigger the eyes get the more crap and girly the anime, so eyes have their limit.
  25. No idea what they are, so hey - no worry!
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