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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. I'm sorry, but this is bollocks. I can say this from having played a ridiculous number of hours of Mario Kart Wii. Of course you'll beat some people who have the GC controller, as most people playing MK aren't very good. But when I or my friend gets beat, it's never by a person with the Wii Wheel. The Wii Wheel gives far less precision than using a gamecube pad or nunchuck and that is why anyone who's actually quite good at the game isn't using it. From the god knows how many hours I have played this game I can say that with complete honesty. You can't argue with my observations. @dazzybee, you sound like the kind of person who picks up a controller and doesn't care about the outcome because it's all a bit of a laugh at the end of the day. Let's face it, a lot of us do like to win at games and that's what makes it far more enjoyable for us. If I found that a certain controller was much easier to apply skill with (and no, I'm not talking about turbo options) then I could only think it common sense to use it.
  2. XD It really is such a stupid patent. It would also cost kajillions of jobs, so I can't see it standing up in court.
  3. Love it you might, but anyone who's really good at the game doesn't use the Wii Wheel and I can always fairly easily beat anyone using it. I've played so many games and that's just about always been the outcome. Really the Wii Wheel is just a bit of short novelty fun before you switch to the nunchuck or gamecube pad (if you want to be a better player), yet again demonstrating how the motion controls are often unnecessary.
  4. Put it like this- I use the gamecube controller for two of the best games on the system (MK Wii and Brawl). The Wii remote control method for almost all Wii games bar Wii Sports is entirely unecessary and often included purely to tie in with the motion-sensing theme of the Wii. A fantastic example is swinging the sword in Twilight Princess - it added nothing to the experience. Monkey Ball was great on the gamecube, but utterly ruined by the motion-sensing only approach on Banana Blitz Wii. Some games like Zack and Wiki showed that while the Wii controls do work they were at most a novelty, with everything being more easily achievable by control pad rather than repeat the different hand action displayed on screen each time. I will give the Wii a point for the fact that the controls for Wii Sports work great, but that was a game structured entirely around the controls, rather than using games that have previously always been great with thumbstick controls. But for me, that's not enough to justify motion-sensing being a great concept for the console. I rarely touch my Wii compared to anything else and I do feel that every game on it could really have been pulled off technically on the gamecube. It's a console that is selling buckets compared to previous generations because it has found new buyers- the casual audience. I congratulate Nintendo on their business success.
  5. Wow, I wonder how that patent was ever allowed. It would be pretty much the same as the creator of the first video game patenting the concept of 'creating a visual electronic activity which a player can undertake'.
  6. Weird, I have noticed that many new games these days are selling for around £20 and Wii titles are even going for a tenner.
  7. It's only nationalistic if you like the pound purely because it's British. If you like it because you're used to it and because it's yours alone then I'd hardly call that nationalistic.
  8. Apart from Tidus, Kimahri and Yuna the FFX characters were actually quite good since they had decent personalities and mannerisms. Auron and Wakka are good examples of characters who were made to have personalities that felt like they really matched them by the end of the game. I could just picture Wakka as a borderline Jamaican guy who loafs around playing Blitzball and failing at it. Some other games had a lot to learn in terms of how they made their characters feel more human. But then FFX had a lot to learn in terms of story and depth. FFX was a mixed bag. FFVIII was awesome.
  9. Clothes are one of the few things that still are best to buy in shops since you really do want to try them on first. But for everything else really online is king as it's just so much cheaper, you often get stuff before release date (if games) and you don't have to put in any effort.
  10. Oh my god, why the fuck are you guys arguing this on Christmas Day?
  11. Ho, ho, ho. I'm a bad mofo. Merry Christmas all. ;0
  12. It's a shame that I've lost interest in the game now. This would have been good months ago...
  13. No, they mark it as gift. I assume most people are not as gifted with English as you are if it is their second language, or would rather play it in their native.
  14. A lot of us import from America as it's half the cost of what you're paying to import from us. The joy of speaking and reading English.
  15. 1. Banjo Kazooie (XBLA) - enough said about that one. 2. Mario Kart Wii - easily the best multiplayer game that even casual players can join in on. Fantastic. 3. LittleBigPlanet (PS3) or Lost Odyssey and Eternal Sonata (360). Platformer and RPG fun on a cake.
  16. It would if you factored in an EDGE review score, but we all know you should never do that. Pick a random number and use that instead.
  17. I believe this can be explained quite easily. This is a make-believe anime and techniques don't need to factor in every side effect that you'd expect to occur.
  18. lol, the predictable dropouts always happen...usually within the last 48 hours too.
  19. Which is why I said 'control options' was another plus point for PC games. You can either play with mouse and keyboard or joypads. With the 360 it's pretty much joypad only for most games. Microsoft released a 360 controller for the PC: My PC is linked up to my HDTV via DVI -> HDMI cable. This is possible with any HDTV. Any. So a lot of your "PC is for sitting in a chair by a monitor using a keyboard and mouse" arguments are pretty much null and void. In a debate about which version is superior, specs are a big player in determining this. Considering PC games can look and feel twice as good as their console counterparts to play (Oblivion and and Bioshock are good examples that spring to mind) I think it is worth mentioning. And good PC setups aren't that expensive anymore either. My point is that EA decided to gimp paying customers who bought the PC versions. Not really clever, as it resorted in more piracy.
  20. IMO the fact that the TV series won't go on forever (already 3 seasons) is enough to say we won't have to watch them acting the same for the rest of our lives. NYC may always be challenged but I don't believe it's always Hiro's job to take up that challenge (particularly as he's lost his powers now), especially since they might think they're giving Hiro a little too much emphasis. This is why I don't believe Hiro is destined to become the emo samurai who spends his days saving the world anymore. If they did change Hiro and spent a couple of seasons returning him to normal, it's safe to say those two seasons probably wouldn't be nearly as fun without the good old Hiro moments. IGN have a bit too much time on their hands I think. If you just watch the show instead of pretending it's your life then it's not anywhere near as disappointing.
  21. But I honestly can't get why this guy would want the best personality in the show to be bastardised and turned emo. There is absolutely no way in hell Hiro could go dark and still be the same funny guy we love him for. Also, Hiro never went down that path because the place never blew up, so I don't see why he'd expect Hiro to go that way. Hiro is the kind of guy who acts by just principles and honour, so for them to change him it would seem quite unreasonable. Are you seriously saying they can mess up Hiro and bring in new people to provide the comedy? Sounds pretty funking ridiculous to me...
  22. Exactly; it confuses me why this person would want Hiro to be stripped of his humour and become so serious.
  23. In a sense though, some characters having no distinct line between hero and villain takes a giant dump on the clichéd 'good and evil' characters from comic books. In reality most people are a mixture of both good and bad, and often their actions are determined by the situations they are confronted with. That's not to say the article doesn't come up with some good points, but it does make some bad points too. For instance, asking for Hiro to become that battle-hardened samurai recluse is stupid because we all love Hiro for his jokey, Japanese-tourist moments (as well as his heroism). I don't think anyone else really wants him to become that serious pony-tailed guy from the future.
  24. Stopped reading right there. PC version is always superior, everyone knows that (graphically, load times, number of options of control, free online). And for games like C&C: RA3 you can hardly argue the toss on this.
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