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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Been watching prison break, very nice. It's more convenient using the PS3 controller and TV remote for volume rather than using my DVI->HDMI cable to link my PC up. Only slight hiccup was when I was connected to my PS3 via wireless - I got an error every 10-15 mins that disconnected me and I had to reset my router. Turns out this is a common problem with some routers (I have a rather old BT Homehub). I switched to wired and everything is fine. Lovely interface, I must say.
  2. lol, Crewe is 1 hour from here and I'm sure that the journey would be at least 3.5 hours each way (getting to Piccadilly first). And who is one to judge one's attendance at meetups! We were all in Sheffield waiting for you to turn up at the gardens, then later most of us left.
  3. I voted Majora's Mask simply because it is better than OoT in terms of gameplay, as well as minor graphical enhancements and the underrated Groundhog Day time system. That said, OoT was the first 3D Zelda and arguably the benchmark for those that followed. It's sort of like the GTA3 debate - GTA3 IMO is the best GTA due to it establishing many of the concepts in the 3D GTA series which have largely remained unchanged throughout several sequels. The reason why I didn't vote OoT for the same reason is that MM did a hell of a lot more different than the GTA3 sequels for it to gain the right of best Zelda game. It really is a cracking title.
  4. Wait, the last one was in London too, wasn't it? London is too far for me.
  5. So basically as long as I don't spontaneously look up at the ceiling I'll probably not even notice it!
  6. It isn't irrelevant; it's pointing out that there are many aspects in games that aren't included because they would detract from the gameplay. Not being able to see properly in water is one of them. You sound like you're too bothered with unnecessary detail. I haven't got this game yet but I played the first to death and found very little wrong with it. I don't get hung up on little details.
  7. I concur that BT support is useless. On a few occasions when the broadband service had been reduced to dialup speed or completely unusable, ringing them resulted in nothing. It seemed to sort itself out.
  8. I can explain that one. It's a game. They could make it so you couldn't run 24/7 throughout the game and make you stop to have food and sleep, but that would detract from the fun. As would impaired vision in the water (water aspects of games are bad enough as it is).
  9. Samus wears a visor so you'd expect to see water on the screen after coming out of some. You're supposed to be viewing through the eyes of a person, not a camera.
  10. I hope another racism row breaks out again so CBB is delayed for another few years. But really? I'm just waiting for the time when someone on Big Brother dies and this show is never aired again.
  11. Oh yeah, nothing sad about renting Surf's Up to get some easy Gamerpoints at all.
  12. You will get paid when we get back. I have only done this once before.
  13. That is insane. It's weird because we embrace both American and Japanese games, but it seems that the Japanese wouldn't know a good foreign game if it smacked them in the face.
  14. I swear there was a question like that on Professor Layton! Classic game, that.
  15. Watch Berserk- although not really along those lines it's great. The manga is critically acclaimed in Japan at least and the anime covers a great part of it. The anime got me into the manga.
  16. I hate points and trophies for what they've done, because they've caused people to obsess over doing things they wouldn't normally do. I have quite a few people on my XBL friend list who are such sad bastards, buying games like Surf's up and Happy Feet (I'm sure they were bought for the gameplay value), and having done things that no person would do or gain enjoyment from had no points or trophies be rewarded. That said, some achievements are nicely done but this is usually a very small minority. The absolute worst thing about achievements is that they group together a meaningless total (points or trophies) that encourages players to play through more and more games using a guide or to the extreme for elitist, show-off reasons. I like the idea that you can be rewarded for doing things in game, but does such information need to be displayed to the public in a zealous fashion? If it wasn't displayed to all then I'm damn sure people wouldn't go for the pointless achievements (play X hours, fry 10,000 enemies) and would more or less go for fun and original ones for their own enjoyment and entertainment.
  17. The trick is knowing when to switch paste-mode off. If you can't do that you're pretty much a bot. I apologise as I realise that sounded arrogant, but when you've played it to the extent that I have (a somewhat stupid amount) it can't just be chance that the same thing happens over and over. You might think the Wii Wheel is great, and it probably is a lot of fun for some people. But people just don't excel with the damn thing because compared to a thumbstick setup it just doesn't compete. [/nerdish rant]
  18. Non-applicable advice; my issue was that almost all of his posts are just copied information off the net and it gets rather tiresome. His post with a list of games seemed silly due to the fact that there were so many and loads of randoms.
  19. You take that back. In its day it was fantastic...but I must say the episode today wasn't really anything to write home about. :\
  20. Think everyone needs a chill pill with a side order of shut the fuck up. =D
  21. You would do well to contribute to forum topics rather than just paste copied shit off the internet all the time.
  22. Yeah...in opposite land.
  23. I have to say that is a bit of a strange question as that is solely down to the person. It's not something you can just assign because of their physical modifications.
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