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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Um, no they're not. Hence why it says gomu gomu and not rubber rubber, as well as Naruto's shadow clone technique. If you mean additional explanation at the top of the screen then you are contradicting yourself, as that is often present when they sub silly things too. No it isn't. For as long as I have known, kids in playgrounds have run around shouting out techniques that cartoon characters use as they simulate with hand actions what they're doing. It's basic copying. Since the attacks are usually adrenaline-fueled people try to closely mimic the character's chant as they perform the action, in a heat-of-the-moment kind of way. It's the same with anime...people hear the chant and so associate it with the move. Please stop thinking that there is something wrong with people who are not purists. Acting superior makes you look like a toolbag. The fact nearly all the anime you watch could be comprehended by a 9 year old does not help your situation.
  2. Can you honestly imagine them subbing attacks so you'd see "Rubber Rubber Pistol"? It sounds ridiculous, in part because the character is screaming something else. Some things are good to translate; some aren't.
  3. I just found that to be one of the easiest bosses...if you shoot the device with the best magnum and infinite ammo it only takes about 4 pulls before it's off on Pro.
  4. Quite the opposite for 2-3...it was insanely hard to do with a friend online (we gave up on the boss after about 15ish retries), yet I completed it first time with the AI. And we got insanely good at tackling the thing, too. It was always a combination of the grunts appearing while you couldn't really turn away from the boss since you needed to stop him, and the fact that once you used up one red barrel to make him drop the rock, he always seemed to get the chance to throw a second. When playing with AI, the comp automatically locks on with the car turret gun and seemingly can stop the big brute in its tracks (it seems to start shooting it much quicker than humanly possible after cutscenes, as well as dispatching the surrounding enemies quicker). The infinite ammo makes it all easy...I decided I wanted a challenge so I went for veteran from the word go. I think that was the best to start with as it really made the game feel much more rewarding.
  5. Only because you know a bunch of right perverts. "Marks out of 10. I'd give her one" Come on, only freaking perverts would make the connection!
  6. ...Surely a title earned through Labour party donations.
  7. Well, the anime only half-followed (not completely the same) the manga up to a very early point, so it'll all be mostly new to non-manga readers.
  8. In fairness, 99% of people will probably interpret the sentence the way we did, thus causing unnecessary offense and confusion.
  9. You gonna get molested. Not in the nice way.
  10. That one sounds easiest. I'm sorry.
  11. Ha ha, at first I thought you were all talking about Dante (sorry) XD.
  12. Are there people out there still unaware of what pollution is? :p I understand the point of this, but I can't see anything coming about from it. Many people are selfish and therefore it'll be centuries before parties like the green party come into power. People would rather have holidays abroad over saving the planet. And to be honest, who can blame them? The planet will only last so long, dooming whatever generations are alive at the time. The way I see it, a load of people will be wiped out either way. It's fun seeing things negatively, sometimes.
  13. While I admit that the idea behind this is ethically sound, it's the fact that it is at the end of the day going to make no difference yet has a shed load of publicity. Also, major companies did it just to score points. Kinda ridiculous, when they pollute the atmosphere to a ridiculous degree. Legislation is the way for any meaningful planet-saving impact, unfortunately.
  14. I can happily say that I did not take part in this middle class pleasing bullshit. Ya know, the kind of people who think they're going to heaven because they drove home in their 4 by 4 then switched the lights off for an hour. Was awfully tempted to set up some Christmas lights for an hour, actually.
  15. That sucks...I hate when people blow you off (in the bad way), especially when they don't have the guts to say they can't make it instead of pretending they're still up for something until the 11th hour (as sometimes has been the case in my experience).
  16. 2:52 - There's my phone, all lit up like a Christmas Tree! Nah, just kidding, nice setup. Liking the LBP poster since it's such a rockin' game. I'd do one but the rest of my house is a bit of a tip at the moment...
  17. They remade the big gatling gun turret guy who was from RE4, so now he has a huge rectangular block on his back for ammunition. It's the same weapon that Chris can get with unlimited ammo. Tbh the zombies in RE4 were capable of stoking a fire and doing any number of things, and the fact most of them didn't use guns was down to them just using old fashioned tools and weaponry that was probably all around them.
  18. It's been a bit since I played this game but from what I can remember, Sheva was on the side of the screen common in most shooters, or at least that's what they were all going on about on GameFAQs. But since we already played through the game at least once with Chris the change may come at a surprise. You can customise to select outfits in the bonus section, IIRC.
  19. I preferred Sheva...she took up less space on the screen so you could see more, and playing on the left is what you do with most shooters anyway.
  20. Because it was boring filler TV at best; the kind I'd put on in the background but wouldn't even think of buying a DVD of. Many will disagree, but IMO it was just incredibly cheesy.
  21. The inventory is indeed quite annoying, and they could have made things a fair bit easier... For a start, making it so that you could quickly transfer items across using the square button between you and your partner, not just within your own character's space, would have been nice. They should have then made ammo separate to weapons, such as in an ammo case. Last but not least, they should have given you more than 9 slots, as it really wasn't enough if you carried a good few weapons and their ammo. Also, allowing picking things up to go to your inventory when you were full would have been nice.
  22. Eww...the teacher said that he liked the sound of his own voice. Where do they find all these smug twats?
  23. Then S Rank amateur levels, needed to get a couple of the trophies/G anyway (if that's what you're after). Then you'll get quick times too, if you're going through with the best magnum with infinite ammo (recommended). Then you'll have the infinite rocket launcher for pro.
  24. If someone invites you to pro and you complete that you probably won't even need to play it on veteran. When I completed it on veteran when I played the game for the first time it automatically unlocked the trophies for clearing the lower difficulty settings.
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